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Matt Key (Luigi): "People wanna watch 'there will be brawl' because it's the entire Nintendo universe fighting. I mean, is way beyond the Mario Brothers, I mean, by end of the series we will have like 50 different characters that have made small little cameos parts in there, and that's..." |
A Character sheet for the cast of the Deconstructive Affectionate Parody that is There Will Be Brawl. Now, we know that almost the entire cast is Darker and Edgier and many of them give away several Mythology Gags, so let's give those for granted already.
Now let's get rolling.
Our "Heroes"[]
Luigi Mario[]
"It will not be a Melee. It will be a Brawl." |
Mario's younger brother, a good man going through bad times, doing what he got to do. Secretly a drug dealer working with his not-friend Wario and some other not-so-noble activities, but he will still do what is right when it's needed.
- Badass Longcoat: Never seen without it. Until the finale at least
- Batter Up
- Deal with the Devil: Makes a bargain with Ganondorf for information.
- Dramatic Shattering: In Episode 3. Yes, he does care for the Kingdom.
- The Gwen Stacy: Daisy.
- Heroic BSOD: Upon finding who the butchers are, and even more so when finding out Peach is dead. Who can blame him, when it basically means all he's been fighting for was worth nothing.
- Nice Hat
- Impressive Pyrotechnics: Oh, boy! His final attack was a darn big explosion.
- My Greatest Failure: Failing to save Daisy.
- Private Eye Monologue: Through the entire series.
- Seeker Archetype
- Shut UP, Hannibal: *punch* "I've had enough of your head games!"
- Taking You with Me: He attempted this at the end with Kirby. Apparently, he managed to take away Lucas and Ness, but both he and Kirby survived
- The Stoic: Not that much, but there's certainly some degree of it.
- Verbal-a Tic
Mario Mario[]
"Alone? There are two Super Mario Brothers." |
It's-a me, Mario! But not the same anymore. Our well known hero here has fallen into infamy and apparent depression. No longer a plumber, failed as a doctor, he nowadays resorts to drinking to drown his problems, but when Peach is kidnapped again, after falling at the bottom for a while, he got back up like never before, determined to rescue her.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV. He'll fight for the Mushroom Kingdom, but is very prone to violence and anger.
- A Day in the Limelight: Episode eight is pretty much all about him.
- Ax Crazy: Sometimes his fits of rage go too far.
- Badass: One of the best examples of the series. Especially during the finale.
- Berserk Button: Never call Mario a plumber. Wario finds this out the hard way.
- Big Damn Heroes: His arrival at the police department to rescue his brother and the others, one of his many Crowning Moments of Awesome.
- Big No: Upon finding Yoshi's remains.
- Bring My Red Jacket: Always wears his signature red shirt, and constantly gets into bloody fights.
- Drop the Hammer: Donkey Kong was on the wrong end of it.
- Drowning My Sorrows: He spends most of the series as an alcoholic, but in Episode 8, upon seeing Peach's doll when he was about to take a drink, he realizes what he's doing and puts the bottle down, earning another Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Fallen Hero: How he starts.
- General Ripper
Mario: "It is always-a Bowser!" |
- Limit Break: He perform his Final Smash against the Eldritch Abomination that is Game & Watch at the end.
- Playing with Fire: Comes with Fire Flower in one scene and later unleashes a massive fireball attack with his Final Smash. And if that wasn't enough:
Luigi: "Bro, you're playing with fire!" |
- Rebel Leader: When attacking the police station.
Mario: "And you know me! If I can't do it myself... I will raise a fucking army!" |
- And even moreso in the final episode.
- Rousing Speech: To Olimar's Cult. He brings them back to their senses, and then calls them all out to fight to reclaim the streets of their kingdom.
- Supporting Leader
Princess Peach[]
"One child. No matter how far we fall, we are never past redemption as long as we can hear the laughter of one child." |
Still the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, Peach is having a hard time dealing with the newly corrupt city, while her relationship with Mario (and Luigi) is attempted to keep secret, yet it's causing her troubles. She's kidnapped by Ganon to clear the throne for his puppet, Zelda, and is executed by the butchers.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Dead All Along: See Distressed Damsel below.
- Distressed Damsel: Never out of it, it seems. And unfortunately for her, this was her last.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!:
Peach: "Pull yourself the fuck together, Luigi." |
- Nice Crown
- Paper-Thin Disguise: When she's visiting Mario and trying not to attract attention, her disguise consists of dark glasses and a hoodie... over her usual flowing pink gown, with her crown still on her head. The trope is subverted in that Wario does see right through her disguise.
- Princesses Prefer Pink
- Pimped-Out Dress: Which is pink.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: And how. She's pretty much the only form of authority keeping the city from completely falling apart.
Luigi's Allies[]
Samus Aran[]
"Lucky for you, girls on my line of work have all sorts of contacts." |
A popular stripper that uses her job to get plenty of information. Luigi recurs to her when seeking leads in his search for the princess, and from there onward she's been tagging along in his fight to save the kingdom. In the end, Samus dons her power suit one last time and participates in the final confrontation with Ganon and the butchers. She survives, but loses an eye.
- Bifurcated Weapon: Her Pistol-Laser-Whip
- Eyepatch of Power: She has earned one in the final scenes.
- Faux Action Girl: Considering how Badass she's supposed to be, she didn't show much of it, sadly.
- Somewhat subverted at the end. It isn't much, but she got a Big Damn Heroes moment.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold
- Les Yay: With Barbara the Bat no less.
- Ms. Fanservice: Oh, yeah!
- Powered Armor: She finally puts her famed Chozo power suit in the end to fight Ganon.
- Spy Catsuit: Technically it would be a Latex Space Suit, but let's be honest, that's not the case here.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment
"So, was I any good?" |
A young Pokemon Trainer of an innocent and generous personality. He's possibly the only untarnished good guy of the entire cast. After he dares to stand up against Ganon, Ganon has Wario deliver a bomb that kills him. His death and subsequent funeral are arguably the biggest Tear Jerkers in the entire series, and spur Luigi and his allies on in their final assault on Ganon.
- Cheerful Child
- Children Are Innocent: Probably the most innocent character in the series.
- Dark Reprise: Done twice.
- First serving for background music for Peach's kidnapping.
- The second, in his unintentional Video Will, a melancholy yet memorable version of the main Pokémon theme (Gotta Catch 'Em All) during his funeral.
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: He's really out of place in a series as grim as There Will Be Brawl.
- Kill the Cutie: Oh, man...!
- Mons: Of course, if he has to do something for a fight, he'll do it with his Pokemon.
- Morality Pet: Somewhat to Luigi; his death is what makes Luigi finally snap and attack Wario.
- Red Herring: He was conspicuously hiding Jigglypuff from Luigi and his friends in the earlier episodes, and many viewers were suspicious enough of that to have either him or Jigglypuff pegged as the butcher. He gives his (completely innocent) explanation as he's dying, with his Last Words.
Red: Luigi... I caught Jigglypuff! I didn't want you to know until I finished training her. She'll sing for you.... |
- Tagalong Kid
- Wide-Eyed Idealist / The Pollyanna: At first, his sunny disposition is strong enough to make him overlook his blatantly bad surroundings, such as insisting that the Pokemon fights are just them "playing a little rough sometimes" and, in episode six, acting completely oblivious to the seriousness of the situation when he's captured by Sheik and about to be taken off to be brutally interrogated. However, he does have his occasional moments where he gains awareness of the situation while impressively not losing his purity or innocence, such as in episode nine, when he is the first to intervene in the standoff between Ganondorf and Captain Falcon. Goes into pure Crowning Moment of Awesome territory as he is visibly terrified by Ganondorf, yet steps forward anyway, telling him with a shaky voice to "Get out of our Kingdom!"
Star of Tingle's Gay Bar and Captain Falcon's personal bitch. As for himself, Pit is mostly innocent, yet not really heroic. He gets involved in the problems of Mario and Luigi, but remains mostly neutral about the situation. He has a change of heart at the end and convinces Captain Falcon to join the final fight against Ganon. He survives, but not before Ness and Lucas rip off his wings.
- Ho Yay: The Twink/Uke in a Flamboyant Gay relationship with Captain Falcon
- The Load: He starts out mostly useless, slowing down Luigi and company. This changes at the end.
- The Mole: For Captain Falcon, who sent him to stay informed of the situation.
- Non-Action Guy: He doesn't seem to have any combat skills.
- Tagalong Kid
Captain Falcon[]
"Come back sometime. Maybe... show me your moves." |
The one in charge of Tingle's Gay Bar when the boss is out. Like his little boyfriend, Pit, he prefers to stay away from the conflicts arising around the city, but won't doubt to raise his legendary fist in order to rescue Pit when necessary. He skips town instead of helping Luigi take on Ganon, but Pit convinces him to turn back. He survives the final battle, and Luigi's courage reminds him of how to be a hero again.
- Big Damn Heroes: His indisputable Crowning Moment of Awesome. And he gets another one near the end.
- Heroic Neutral
- Ho Yay: Seme in a Flamboyant Gay relationship with Pit.
- In the Name of the Moon: His lines and delivery leading up to the epic Falcon Punch would do Sanger Zonvolt proud.
- Manly Gay/Macho Camp: He is still a total badass, but at the same time is also a flamboyant leatherdaddy toting an ascot.
The Police Force[]
"None of us are the heroes we're supposed to be." |
Chief of the Mushroom Kingdom police department, and quite aware of how cynical he has become. He's willing to do what he has to in order to employ the law and bring down the mafia groups, regardless of what it takes. He comes to his senses and realizes he's being played by Zelda and Ganon, only for Zelda to stab him with the Master Sword. He recovers in the nick of time with a Maxim Tomato and makes his last heroic stand against Ganon, but fails--the sorcerer kills him.
- The Archer: An element of his arsenal are his Silver Arrows.
- Children Are Innocent: Realizing that this trope used to apply to him when he was Young Link/Toon Link, he tries to pull a Heel Face Turn... only to get stabbed by Zelda for it.
- Composite Character: Of Regular Link, Young Link and Toon Link. Probably of every other Link in existance as well.
- Da Chief
- Frickin' Laser Beams: The sword beam attack used in the original games.
- Hero Antagonist: This more or less defines his role. He's genuinely a good cop, but never realizes that he was a pawn of Ganon
- I Can Still Fight: He shows up at the end, but not for long.
- I Need a Freaking Drink
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Again by Zelda.
- Knight in Sour Armor
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: From fire!
- Stop Helping Me!:
- He also visibly groans whenever Navi talks. The final episode subtly implied that he even used Navi to bring himself back to full health, which likely killed her.
- Ah, not exactly. He had a syringe with him, similar to the one he used to inject Luigi with Maxim Tomato extract. Most likely, he just used his last dose for himself.
- He also visibly groans whenever Navi talks. The final episode subtly implied that he even used Navi to bring himself back to full health, which likely killed her.
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: Couldn't have been better placed.
"We'll rule this kingdom together!" |
Former princess of Hyrule, a nation that has fallen and been absorbed into Mushroom Kingdom. She works for the police, either as an Office Lady as Zelda, or as a secret agent as Sheik. However, it seems that her ambitions go too far... It's revealed that, having lost her faith in Link, she's turned to Ganon to restore her to power. At the last minute she realizes the error of her ways--and is killed by Ganon when she tries, futilely, to save Link from his attack.
- Blondes Are Evil: Or at least, conflicted.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Damn...
- Human Shield: She attempted to be this for Link. Key word being "attempted".
- Lady Drunk
- Ninja: As Sheik.
- Office Lady: As Zelda.
- Senseless Sacrifice: Her attempt to save Link from Ganon only served to get her killed as well.
- Sweet Polly Oliver: Take a guess.
- Teleportation
Marth & Ike[]
A couple (yes, in the romantic sense too) of officers working under Link's command at the police department. They pass out as mostly formal, but aren't really too nice. A flashback implies Marth's partner was Roy, before his death. Ike is mortally wounded in an alley brawl, prompting Marth to rethink his priorities. He joins Mario's army, and after Link's death becomes the new police chief, presumably doing a better job at it than Link did.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Ike is given black hair, likely to differentiate him from Marth, though it's shoulder length and straight rather than spiky.
- Big Damn Heroes and Heel Face Turn: Marth comes back to fight for Mario after Ike's apparent death.
- Da Chief: Replaces Link as this at the end.
- Dual-Wielding: During the final fight, Marth shows up with his and Ike's sword.
- Enemy Mine: Marth with Fox.
- Ho Yay
- Police Brutality
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Surprisingly, as opposed to their personalities in game, Marth's Red to Ike's Blue. Though they're mostly quiet, Marth comes across as much more hateful and merciless, openly mocking how much the Mario Brothers have fallen and even spitting at disgust at Luigi, who only wanted to help. Of course by the last episode, Marth becomes much more noble and responsible. Though just as arrogant, Ike seems to be less cruel and more dutiful. He also seems to be more sympathetic (despite his infamous quote), as he actually saves Luigi from getting shot by Falco, and actually reluctantly chooses to let Luigi go, prompting Luigi to come back and attempt to save him from Snake.
- No Sympathy:
Saki and Isaac[]
Following the incapacitation and presumed death of Ike and during Marth's Character Development, these two were promoted to regulars.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Vaporised by the Falcon Punch
- Jerkass: Even to their allies
- OC Stand In: Like most of the characters, Isaac acts nothing like he does canonically, going from a noble silent warrior to a cruel and sadistic police officer. Especially since he is a minor character, and does not gain the justification behind their newer natures like more major characters (like Link and Boswer), with whom we get to learn what caused them to change so.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: both of them
- Those Two Guys
Meta Knight[]
"I'll be here... watching." |
A... whatever he is, working for the Police Department for only one reason: Watch over Kirby. When Kirby escapes during a jailbreak, it seems MetaKnight will finally have his revenge on the cannibal... but Kirby kills him instead.
- Badass
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Red Herring: a lot of people guessed him as the butcher, thanks in part to believing him to be a Game Breaker in Brawl, and also due to Luigi's guess of the butcher being "fast and good with a blade."
- Talking to Yourself: He and Kirby are both played by one of the series' creators, Matthew Mercer.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: He's been waiting a long time for an opportunity to fight Kirby to the death.
Wario's Stable[]
"Information sells high these days." |
Sells drugs and engages in other unethical activities. Wario was working under Mewtwo's command until the mafia don was killed. Hate Sink Wario is potentially one of the most unlikable characters in the series for how much of a jerk he is, and how willing he seems to be to backstab anyone as long as it benefits him. Working on Ganon and Zelda's orders, he sends the mail bomb that kills Red. Red's girlfriend, Leaf, tracks him down and kills him as revenge.
Played by Kyle Hebert. Yes, really.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He'll switch sides as soon as it benefits his own interests.
- Dirty Coward: In episode 10, he either snivelishly backpedals when talking to or flat-out runs away on three separate occasions--from Luigi, Mario, and Leaf. Leaf doesn't let him get away so easily.
Wario: I've never been a proud man.... |
- Jerkass: Almost (but not totally) impossible to sympathize with him.
- Large Ham: And admit it, you love it!
- The Mole
- Money, Dear Boy: In the words of his actor:
Kyle Hebert: "Is he... evil to the core? Mh... depends on how much money there is to gain." |
- Nightmare Fetishist: He seems to... enjoy... describing the Gorn that happens around him.
- Pet the Dog: His only good trait seems to be the fact that he looks after mentally handicapped brother, Waluigi.
- Undignified Death: He's mauled to death by a Jigglypuff.
"Tennis?" |
Wario's mentally disabled brother. Wario doesn't treat Wa very well, keeping him locked in a pen most of the time, but the fact that he looks after Wa at all is his sole redeeming quality. Wario heartlessly uses Waluigi to deliver the bomb that kills Red.
- Adult Child
- Children Are Innocent: Well, mentally he's a child, anyway. Subverted when Wario uses him to kill Red, but even then Wa doesn't realize that what he's doing is wrong.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Waluigi is played by the same actor who plays Vork in The Guild.
- Morality Pet: Subverted. He really does nothing for Wario's morality.
- Mythology Gag: Most of Wa's lines are Shout Outs to the Mario spin-off titles he's appeared in.
Ice Climbers[]
Those Two Bad Guys working under Wario, and one of the most prominent examples of how far the Darker and Edgier setting has gone. They never speak, but you really wouldn't like to share a word with them. They're subdued by Marth in the final battle and presumably brought to justice.
- Ax Crazy
- Chaotic Stupid: Is it a really a good idea to smack your brother on the head with your hammer in the middle of a battle and knock him out? No, but Nana did it anyway. Because she's evil and wanted to take Marth on mano-a-mano (AKA, Marth was duel weilding his and Ike's swords, so she wanted a second weapon).
- Cold-Blooded Torture: They are in charge of delivering it, and enjoy it way too much...
- Drop the Hammer
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy
- Licking The Hammer: Nana.
Used to be Mario's pet until he had to sell him and two other Yoshis to Wario for financial problem, after failing his medical practice. Yoshi seems to have grown aggressive and feral under Wario's watch. Still, when confronted by Mario, as he puts it, Yoshi remembers who the real Alpha Dog is. Killed by the Ice Climbers--at Zelda's command--to send a warning to Mario. (It doesn't work.)
- And Your Little Dog, Too: *sniff*
- Cool Horse: Well, cool dinosaur.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Mario literally knocks him back to his senses.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Team Pet
Kirby, "The Coral Cannibal"[]
"Only I can lead you to your butcher." |
Forget everything you ever knew about the cute and lovable Nintendo character here, because this Kirby is a walking Homage to Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter. He was the monster who raised terror in the Mushroom Kingdom six years before the beginning of the series, until Mario and Luigi managed to stop and imprison him. During a jailbreak, Kirby kills MetaKnight and escapes. It turns out that he was the one who inspired Ness and Lucas to become the butchers. He kills Ganon and seems poised to begin a new reign of terror, but Luigi sets the building ablaze, apparently killing the cannibal once and for all... until Kirby resurfaces at the end, letting Luigi know he's alive and well elsewhere.
- American Kirby Is Hardcore: Doesn't even begin to describe this...
- Big Bad: Turns out he was behind the event that led to the creation of the Butchers.
- Darkest Hour:
Any Viewer: "Holy shit! HE'S OUT!!" |
- Even Evil Has Standards: Subverted, (because this Kirby has no redeeming qualities), but as a Shout-Out to The Silence of the Lambs, Kirby behaves defensively over Peach when another inmate offends her while she was visiting him.
- Devour the Dragon: Implied that after the final battle he eats Ness and quite possibly Lucas
- Greater Scope Villain: Technically, he isn't the Butcher, but he's the reason why the Mushroom Kingdom is the dark kingdom that it is at the start of the series.
- Hannibal Lecture: Given the influences, this was inevitable.
- I'm a Humanitarian
- Karma Houdini: Yet another trait he takes from Hannibal Lecter. When we last see him, he has made his way to Nintendo HQ and apparently just killed Masahiro Sakurai prior to calling Luigi.
- Manipulative Bastard: To a nightmarish degree.
- Mind Screw: The entire series was just him doing this to Luigi, using everyone else as tools
- To the fans: he tricks Luigi into dropping hints that Meta Knight or someone similar might be the butcher. He outright implies it when he says that Meta Knight has come to understand the mind of a killer quite well. He then shows up with Meta Knights's mask, sword and voice in the finale, as he reveals the true butcher(s) was just his pawn.
- Not Quite Dead: Well, honestly, anyone who has seen The Silence of the Lambs shouldn't be surprised with this.
- The Man Behind the Man: Guess who's the Big Bad.
- Slasher Smile: He's good at these.
The Four Dons[]
King Dedede[]
"The last thing this city needs is more bloodshed." |
One of the four mafia dons, and the most likable around the kingdom, having gained popularity among both the poor and the rich. He runs a whorehouse and is somewhat unfriendly when dealing with people, but despite his position, he wishes for the arising crisis to end. Killed by the butchers.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He may be a Mafia boss, but honestly wishes to put control on the city.
- The Hedonist
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Slouch of Villainy
"Your kingdom will know its new ruler. And if it doesn't, it will burn." |
Another of the mafia mobs, still resenting the Old Shame that was the fall of Hyrule, mostly due to the fact the kingdom fell due to a bad economy rather than his minions and magic. He plans to take over Mushroom Kingdom, manipulating everyone he can in order to get his way. He kidnaps Peach and tries to set Zelda in her place as his puppet monarch, using Mr. Game & Watch as his army and Ness and Lucas to eliminate his rivals, but he loses control of the two butchers to Kirby, who kills him.
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Evil Sorcerer
- Evil Plan: He has a big one.
- Out-Gambitted: By Kirby.
- Enemy Mine: With whoever helps him get what he wants, including Luigi, Zelda, and the Game & Watches
- Even Evil Has Standards: Sort of. Though he's certainly evil, Ganondorf seems to actively look down on Ness and Lucas due to the fact they're Complete Monsters, doing things For the Evulz. That, and he really got fired up talking about Hyrule as a kingdom of chivalry and heroism where men lived and died by the sword. Like most people in the series Ganondorf preferred the Glory Days.
- Fridge Brilliance: he states there are some places he cannot go, then he later states no one can tell him where he can or can't go. The one place he didn't go himself when he needed to is the place he knew the butchers would be, after he'd lost their trust.
- Hannibal Lecture: Though he doesn't do it as often (or as well) as Kirby.
- Hijacked by Ganon: HA!
- In the finale, Ganondorf gets hijacked by Kirby. Considering he's done it himself enough times to be the trope namer, this is practically a Karmic Death.
- Kubrick Stare: Does this to Pit.
- Large Ham
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mind Screw: His favorite tool for making people do what he wants. Kirby was just better.
- My God, What Have I Done? & Villainous Breakdown: When watching Ness and Lucas in action, this is pretty much his reaction. Then they begin to destroy him as well...
- Take Over The Mushroom Kingdom: He makes no secret of this fact.
- Teleportation
"Those were the good days, weren't they?" |
One of the four mafia dons and Mario's Arch Enemy, but as he says to Luigi, days like these are no longer fit for old fashion brawlers like Mario and him, so he has grown apathetic, losing interest in villainy. Now he only cares about enforcing order among the Koopas. Despite being the main suspect for having kidnapped Peach, it turned out he didn't. Bowser was poisoned by Ganon and Mr. Game & Watch in their bid to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom, but chooses to take out as many of the G&Ws as possible with a suicide bomb.
- Affably Evil
- Anti-Villain: Surprisingly enough.
- Badass: Oh, undoubtedly.
- Better to Die Than Be Killed
- Breath Weapon
- Buddhism
- Evil Sounds Deep: Well, not so much evil.
- Facing the Bullets One-Liner
Bowser: "Survive this day, and tell your brother that no one ever made a trophy of the king!" |
- Not Me This Time: Despite having gone spiritual, Mario is totally and utterly convinced that Bowser is behind Peach's kidnapping (and also assumed he was the Cannibal before it was revealed to be Kirby). As it turns out, he had nothing to do with either event.
- One-Scene Wonder
- Red Herring: He did not kidnap Peach.
- Taking You with Me
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle: HE delivers this line! One trophy for the scripwritter, please.
- Did you have to say trophy?
One of the four mob bosses who run the Mushroom City's streets--until his untimely death. The police found his internal organs stuffed into a Pokeball. Ouch. Mewtwo was apparently a ruthless mafia don who nonetheless cared for his fellow Pokemon. In the final episode, we learn that in response to Kirby's rampage, Mewtwo tried to create a psychic army by experimenting on orphaned children. Two of his creations, Ness and Lucas, fell under Ganon's thrall.
- Go Mad From the Revelation: Implied. Kirby is said to have "whispered" to him, and and afterwards he tried to raise the children as part of a "psychic army". It's possible that Kirby used him to set the Butcher event in play in the event that he would be arrested. If so, he's also an...
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Mewtwo was murdered by the very two children he tried to use as psychic weapons.
- Loners Are Freaks: According to Wario, Mewtwo spent almost all of his time in solitude.
- Mythology Gag: Just like he did in the games you could catch him in; he is in solitude at the bottom of Cerulean Cave.
- Man of Wealth and Taste: He's shown wearing a white suit/black tie/sunglasses combo (a Shout-Out to a piece of Fan Art the creators took a shine to).
- Posthumous Character
- Psychic Powers: Not that they did him any good.
- Wicked Cultured: The series implies this.
Vagrants and Loose Ends[]
Donkey Kong & Diddy Kong[]
They first appeared kidnapping Luigi for Ganondorf, and later as bouncers in Dedede's bar covering the whorehouse. Mario nearly kills Donkey Kong in a rage when he sees the ape with his former girlfriend, Pauline. Diddy tries to kill Mario in the final brawl, but ultimately puts DK's death behind him.
- Jerkass: They don't seem to be much beyond this here.
- The Rival: Donkey Kong still holds a harsh relationship with Mario even today.
- Unknown Rival: Diddy to Mario later in the series. He backs down from killing Mario in revenge during the finale.
Fox, Falco & Wolf[]
"Wave of future! Everyone having one!" (Regarding Landmasters) |
Three bandits wandering around the dark alleys. They easily scream trouble from a mile away. Wolf is killed by Marth in an alley fight, while Falco is sacrificed by Olimar's cult. This prompts Fox to rethink his life and join Mario's crusade. He's killed defending Marth, Ike's boyfriend, from Mr. Game & Watch.
Ike: The decrees of the Council are not to be debated with scum like you. |
- Dual-Wielding: It's hard to see, but Fox does it with the Falco and Wolf's Guns in the finale, using Wolf's more as a melee weapon.
- Enemy Mine: Fox with Marth.
- Eye Scream: Falco had it bad.
- Guns Akimbo: see Dual-Wielding.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Wolf.
- Libation for the Dead Fox for the others in the finale
- Ray Gun: All three use their blasters from the games.
- Taking the Bullet: Fox did this for Marth.
- Terrible Trio
- The Other Darrin: Falco is actually played by a different actor in Episode 8 with his original voice dubbed over.
- The Gwen Stacy: It's after Wolf AND Falco die that Fox seems to have come to his senses and turns Chaotic Good.
Snake & Sonic[]
"Showtime!" |
Both Canon Immigrants appear depicted as homeless and crippled, surviving however they can around dark alleys, and seem to be look after one another in order to survive any hardship that comes their way. They unfortunately were cut from the final episode due to time constraints, but were originally going to appear.
- Back Stab: Snake attempted this on Ike, in a possible reference to the fact that one of the earliest screenshots of the game showed Snake grabbing Ike by behind.
- Canon Immigrant
- Companion Cube: Snake seems too affective with his box.
- Handicapped Badass: Being in a wheelchair doesn't seem to stop Sonic from giving his part when the time to fight comes.
- Take That: Neither are portrayed in a very positive light.
- Those Two Guys
Captain Olimar[]
"We must have... sacrifice!" |
Known as "End of Days", and damn insane. His actions and lines are the creepiest, his motives incomprehensible. If he's present, expect something nasty to happen. He's recruited by Mr. Game & Watch--his so-called demons--to join Ganon's plot to overthrow the Mushroom Kingdom. In the end, G&W kills him in a frenzy during the final brawl.
- Ax Crazy
- Bald of Evil
- Beard of Evil
- Cult: He's raising one.
- Companion Cube: The Sandbag and ROB.
- Cryptic Conversation: When Luigi meets him, Olimar babbles on at him with seemingly meaningless nonsense and doomsday cliches. Although in retrospect, it turns out that he was providing foreshadowing about the Game & Watches.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Olimar go shish-kebabed by the Game and Watch octopus he helped unleash
- Mass Hypnosis
- Madness Mantra: Blood... Begets BLOOD!
- His mantra is also enough to drive desperate people nuts. Until Mario punches him square in the face.
Mr. Game & Watch[]
Usually black (but also seen of other colors) 2-dimensional beings seen around the Mushroom Kingdom, usually in minor roles. It's unclear if they're separate beings or if they share a Hive Mind. They were the first inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom and secretly harbored a hatred for its current citizens. They make a deal with Ganon to help them reclaim the kingdom, acting as his army, but are killed by Mario in the final brawl.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Have We Met?: You'll find him everywhere.
Ness and Lucas[]
"Hehehe..." |
Two little kids seen around the alley at one point, serving as Luigi's inspiration for going on fighting. Their role is a little expanded for some of the scenes of the finale, but they are pretty much background characters. Just kidding. Later they revealed to actually be the butchers, endowed with Psychic Powers from Mewtwo's experiments and taken in by Ganondorf--and, later, Kirby. They are able to kill by using their powers to rip the organs right out of their victims body (also using a snake and baseball bat for more damage) and you don't even want to know what they do to the bodies afterward. It is implied that Kirby eats them (or at least Ness) after the final battle.
- Awesome McCoolname: Not in-universe, but Ness's actor is named Tibet Axelrod, how awesome is he gonna be.
- Batter Up: Ness carries his trademark baseball bat around.
- Children Are Innocent: Originally portrayed like this, but later...
- Creepy Child: Yikes!
- Dragon-in-Chief: Even though, as the Butchers, they are the ones responsible for the deaths in the story, they are directed by Kirby.
- Devour the Dragon: It's implied that Kirby does this to them.
- Enfant Terrible
- Psychic Powers: Specifically of the Mind Over Matter kind.
- People Puppets: Just see what they do with Peach's corpse.
- The Dog Was the Mastermind
- Tyke Bomb
- The Villain Makes the Plot: The Mushroom Kingdom was falling apart, but still at least somewhat stable in the aftermath of the cannibal. Then these two came along and very nearly destroyed everything.
- The Voiceless: They have no speaking lines, only giggles. It's rather sweet... at least, the first time. The second time it's pure menace.
"Fuck it, we'll do it live!" |
The popular Koopa anchorman of Channel 8 News, Lakitu hasn't given up his ties to the mafia. He uses his position to influence public opinion against the Mario Brothers.
- Kent Brockman News
- Mister Exposition
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Lakitu bears a not-coincidental resemblance to Bill O'Reilly.
- Smug Snake
- Ted Baxter
Cameos and minor characters[]
- Pichu, Pikachu, Lucario, Squirtle, Ivysaur, charizard and Jigglypuff from Pokémon.
- They were all playable in the Super Smash Brothers saga.
- Wobbuffet also appears. He is a throwable pokemon (and appears as background) in Melee.
- During the fire you can see a Poliwhirl and Manaphy.
- Leaf, the female Pokemon Trainer, appears as Red's girlfriend.
- Roy and Lyndis from Fire Emblem Elibe.
- Cyborg Ninja from Metal Gear is a hobo.
- Pauline, from the original Donkey Kong game.
- Barbara the Bat from Jam With the Band can be seen dancing with Samus.
- Telma from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
- Saria, Malon, and Navi from Ocarina of Time.
- Tingle is the owner of the gay bar.
- K. K. Slider from Animal Crossing is mentioned on the news and can be seen during Red's memorial.
- Li'l Mac and King Hippo from Punch Out.
- Captain Syrup from Wario Land.
- Paula from Earthbound.
- Kai from Osu Tatakae Ouendan.
- Different Toads (including Toadette and Toadsworth), several Koopa Troopas, a Hammer Brother, a Magikoopa (maybe Kamek?), and a Shy Guy from the Super Mario Brothers games.
- Princess Daisy does not physically appear, having been killed by Kirby before the series' events. Her voice can be heard twice.
- Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy.
- Birdo cameos in a photo in Tingle's club.
- R.O.B and the Sandbag from Super Smash Brothers, acting as Olimar's "co-conspirators".
- Waddle Dee and Gordo from Kirby's Dream Land
- A biker from Excite Bike helps during the riots
- Jill from Drill Dozer helps during the riots.
- Though hard to spot, Beat and Gum from Jet Set/Grind Radio are among the refugees. According to the actress who played Gum they were "taking a cue from Sonic". Though difficult to make out within the show itself, behind the scenes photos do prove it's them.
- Tom Nook from Animal Crossing, the dogs from Nintendogs, Jeff from Earthbound, Dr. Wright from Sim City, and the Koopa Kids from Mario are shown/mentioned in the Mushroom Kingdom News extras hosted by Lakitu.