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"That's why I'm a Keeper. I keep things that people need. That's why they call us keepers."
TheyCallUsKeepers/Let us Live/Let Us Keep Living is the blog of Jeff ("Just Jeff"), a teenager who decides to chronicle events pertaining to The Slender Man Mythos. Naturally, it goes horribly wrong. Unlike other blogs, Jeff's decline doesn't come after a slow descent into madness, but instead after he decides to give himself over to the Slender Man to be with Nessa.
And that's when the blog gets interesting.
After a mental battle with LOST, and freeing Fallen/Cheska, Jeff began working toward cataloging all the blogs, aiding other runners and bringing them all to the same side.
This blog provides examples of: []
- Battle Couple: Most recently, Jeff and Cheska.
- Boobs of Steel: Cheska can kick your ass.
- Dating Catwoman: Jeff's initial relationship with Fallen.
- Deal with the Devil: Once more, to be with Nessa.
- Demonic Possession: LOST could be seen as this.
- Enemy Within: LOST is definitely this, leading to Fighting From the Inside.
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Face Heel Turn
- Fighting From the Inside: Against LOST
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroic Sacrifice: He was killed by the Slender Man in order to prevent Cheska from getting hit by his Combat Tentacles.
- High Heel Face Turn
- Loud of War: Jeff used this against Lost, to get LOST out of his head.
- Love Makes You Crazy: To the point that he asked the Slender Man to let him be with Nessa.
- Love Makes You Evil: See above.
- Love Redeems: It redeemed Cheska.
- Mood Whiplash: The main character is almost a Pollyanna in his attempts to stay cheerful.
- Most Common Superpower: Cheska. Cheska, Cheska, Cheska.
- Nerds Are Sexy: Jeff can be interpreted as this.
- No Guy Wants an Amazon: Subverted.
- Non-Action Guy: Right up until he was made into a Proxy.
- One of Us: Both as nerd and as troper.
- Passing the Torch: According to Jean of Vivere disce, Jeff wanted to do this to Scott, Alora, and Ava for his Keeper Alliance.
- The Power of Love: Used to save Cheska.
- The Power of Rock: Uses it to fight back against LOST.
- Shout-Out: One to Neon Genesis Evangelion here.
- Split Personality: LOST could also be seen as this.
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Terms of Endangerment: Fallen uses them on Jeff, right up until her Heel Face Turn. Then they just become terms or endearment.