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  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The song "Roisin Dubh: Black Rose (A Rock Legend)" is probably the best Thin Lizzy track in terms of sheer awesome, showcasing the full extent of the bands combined musical powers.
  • Ear Worm: Thin Lizzy tried very hard to combine hard rock with commercial success without sacrificing integrety, and for the most part they succeeded.
  • Epic Riff: About 70% of their songs are built on one or several of these.
  • Face of the Band: The surviving members of the band recieved much criticism when they reformed after Lynott's death.
  • Older Than They Think: "Suicide" contains a solo section which, with its dueling twin guitars and running bass is pure NWOBHM...five years before Iron Maiden would become famous for doing the same thing. Iron Maiden were influenced by Lizzy.
  • Painful Rhyme: "Romeo and the Lonely Girl":
    Oh poor Romeo
    Sitting out on his own-ee-o
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Most Thin Lizzy fans have a favourite lineup and a least favourite lineup.