The film contains examples of:[]
- Fridge Brilliance: The actor who plays Combo is of mixed ethnic ancestry and, judging from the name, so is the character. This puts the conversation about black absentee fathers in a hell of a whole new light.
- Funny Moments: Lots.
- Heartwarming Moments: Woody buying Shaun the Ben Sherman shirt.
Shaun: I just wanted to say thanks. This has been the best day of my life. |
- Jerkass Woobie: Combo
The miniseries provides examples of:[]
- Complete Monster: Lol's father who tried to molest Lol as a child, planned to do it to her sister, Kelly, raped her friend Trev and tried to rape Lol.
- Funny Moments: The fight between the skinheads and the biker again.
- Complete with Flip hamming it up with the immortal line "You are all standing in the danger zone!"
- Tear Jerker: Lols confrontation with her father, and Combo's redemptive act afterwards.