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THIS IS IT Collective are a group of individuals who direct, write and produce films. Coming from a background of design and animation THIS IS IT continue to build upon their collective voice that they have developed over the last four years. The collective have already carved out a niche for themselves within the short film format, with two successful films; both of which have played and won awards at festivals around the world. With over 1 million viewers watching these films on Channel 4 and more than 2.5 million views online, the collective has generated a strong international following and achieved great success purely from self-funded projects, showing their passion for filmmaking. And then they made Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, the series that truly launched them into stardom.


Needs Wiki Magic

Tropes that apply to This Is It:[]

  • An Aesop:
    • Bad Things That Could Happen:
    • Don't Hug me I'm Scared: Be creative...But, not too creative!
  • Surprise Creepy: Every Don't Hug Me I'm Scared video. It starts out innocently enough, with a talking notepad encouraging Sesame Street style puppets to get creative to a catchy song. By the end... well, let's just say that they take it a bit too far.

 "Now let's all agree, to never get creative again."


 Notepad: I used my hair to express myself!

Red Thing: That sounds really boring.
