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Because a "megaton announcement" just isn't "megaton" enough without this.
Buffy: What are you doing here? Five words or less." |
It's basically ending a sentence with a comma and "Bitch!", as a way of someone verbally making an exclamation point in dialog.
It did get overused, so now it's a Discredited Trope. You're as likely as not to see it thrown in a sentence just to be funny, even though there is no other reason to emphasize a point this way.
This can overlap with Quote Swear Unquote, Obligatory Swearing.
Compare (but would not overlap with) Verbal Tic, Precision F-Strike.
Anime & Manga[]
- ADV Films' English dub of Princess Tutu has an example in the outtakes:
Rue: ... In fact, I'm far from having loved him enough. |
- Their translation of chapter 472 has "I'd like to see you try! BITCH!
- In episode 12 of Baka to Test To Shokanju, a fansub group translated a line saying "don't underestimate Class A" as "We're Class A, bitches!"
- In the anime Cubex Cursedx Curious, the first enemy overuses the word "bitch" to the point where its' almost even played for laughs.
- Used quite heavily in the dub of Magikano.
Comic Books[]
- From DC, Donna Troy is fighting an alternate-version of herself. When asked who she is, she punches that version in the head and says:
"Donna Troy": I'm Donna Troy, bitch. Donna. Troy. |
- Scott Pilgrim and the Infinite Sadness had the vegan police announce Todd Ingram had eaten "Gelato, bitch!" The movie puts its own spin on it.
Todd: "Gelato isn't vegan?" |
Fan Works[]
- My Way Entertainment's Gag Dub of X-Men: "I'm The Juggernaut, bitch!" (Became an Ascended Meme with X Men the Last Stand.)
- Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series:
- "The cake is a lie, Bitch!"
- "Who's smexy now, bitch?!"
- "Talk to the hand, bitch!"
- "Desu desu, bitches!"
- Teen Titans Abridged: "Gravity trumps pink, bitch!"
- In the Flash movie Brawl Taunts 2, a Hollywood Nerd comments how it would be cool if Cloud from Final Fantasy VII had appeared in SSBB. He's swiftly beaten down, and Ike refuses his pleas for assistance:
Ike: "You'll get no sympathy from me. I'm the only pretty-boy in this game... BITCH!" |
- Gotcha, bitch! Kajetokun, creator of Over 9000, plays Monster Hunter Freedom 2nd G.
- Dragonball Z Abridged: "Enjoy the climb back up, Bitch!"
- Vegeta: "Later, bitches!"
- Vegeta: After crashing down on Earth in a spacepod "I'm back, bitches!"
- Gurren Lagann the Satire: "Let's see a sword top that, bitch!"
- Sailor Moon Abridged: "I'm Sailor Venus, bitches!"
- Naruto the Abridged Series: "Sharingans only, bitch!"
- Death Note: The Abridged Series by Team Dattebayo uses this in a famous line for most watchers of the series: "It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-die... bitch!"
- Many, many times in A Very Potter Musical, with perpetrators ranging from Molly Weasley to Voldemort himself.
"Voldemort out, bitches." |
- Ranma Abridged: "Suck my rose, bitch. I had it first."
- My Life as a Teenaged Von Neumann Device: "Ready for round two, bitch?!"
- Time Braid: "You're within the range of my divination, bitch."
- X Men the Last Stand: "Don't you know who I am?! I'm The Juggernaut, bitch!" (Ascended Meme, inspired by My Way Entertainment's Gag Dub.)
- Snoop Dogg/Huggy Bear, Starsky and Hutch: "I found yo' nine-iron, BITCH!"
- "Kiss this, bitch!" from Mikaela in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
- The Microcon (a group of tiny, spherical Decepticons that combine to form Reedman) article on TF Wiki has this caption: "Bakugan this, bee-yotches!"
- A Nightmare on Elm Street series:
- "Welcome to Prime Time, bitch!" from A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.
- A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master: "I've been guarding my gate for a long time, bitch!"
- A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child: "Die, bitch!" from , as well as "Bon appetit, bitch!"
- Freddy vs. Jason: "Welcome to my world, bitch!" (Twice!)
Nancy: Hurts doesn't it? You're in my world now, bitch. |
- The title character in Happy Gilmore throws down with Bob Barker during a celebrity pro-am golf tourney.
Happy: (thinking he's just won the fight) The price is wrong, bitch! |
- Die Another Day: "I can read your every move." "Read this!... bitch!"
- In Anchorman, during the anchor fight, the Spanish news channel's anchor says "Como estan bitches?"
- From Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back's Good Will Hunting 2: Hunting Season: "Applesauce, bitch."
- The 51st State has Samuel L. Jackson beating up a skinhead with a golf club, and shouting "Stay down, bitch!"
- American Pie spin-off, The Naked Mile. "Mail call, bitches!"
- Talladega Nights: "Hakuna matata, bitches!"
- What Happens in Vegas: "I AM the law, BITCHES!"
- Beauty Shop: "It's Gina, BITCH!"
- Darkness Falls: "I see you, BITCH!"
- Drag Me to Hell: "Choke on it, BITCH!"
- The Running Man: "What's the matter now, BITCH!? Why aren't you laughing..!?"
- In the film version of Rent, the actor playing Collins improvised the line "Merry Christmas, bitches!" upon entering the apartment with Angel on Christmas morning.
- In Easy A, when Brandon runs away, he leaves his parents a note that says, "I'm gay, bitches!"
- The Social Network has the business card written "I'm CEO, bitch". (Mark Zuckerberg actually had said card!)
- In Donnie Darko, Donnie calls his mom "bitch" in the subtlest and calmest way ever:
Donnie: Then why don't you start taking the goddamn pills, (pause) bitch? |
- Aliens: "Get away from her, you BITCH!"
- Me, Myself & Irene: "WILL YOU MARRY ME, BITCH?!"
Live Action TV[]
- Breaking Bad takes this to an extreme with Jessie Pinkman. "Bitch" might as well be his catchphrase.
"This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed... BITCH!" |
Simon: It's an inaccurate fact, I did some research. There are now almost 10 million bicycles in Beijing... bitch. |
- "I'm Rick James, Bitch!" from Chappelle's Show, and a lot of Chappelle's jokes in general. He uses this to great effect, and may have lead to a recent upswing in the use of this trope.
- Shouted out (literally) by Wayne Brady in another skit where he took Chappelle on a ride... after he kneecaps Dave with a gunshot. "I'm Wayne Brady, BITCH!!"
- The OC
- "Welcome to The OC, bitch!"
- Frequently parodied with "Welcome to the O.Z., bitch!" when referencing Tin Man.
- Also parodied in Gilmore Girls. "Welcome to the S.H, bitch."
- In Angel's "Smile Time" episode, from one muppet to another: "I'm gonna tear you a new puppet hole, bitch!"
- The Colbert Report: "It's French, bitch!"
- The Middleman: "Muscle memory, bitch!"
- Jersey Shore: In the first episode of Season 1 and subsequently, the current opening: Snooki says "I'm going to Jersey Shore, bitch!
- Greek: "I don't even like Cosmos, bitch!"
- Sweet Dee saying "I WILL EAT YOUR BABIES BITCH!" in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
- Also, Mac's "What's up bitches?"
- The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon in The Bat Jar Conjecture: "In other words, it's on...bitch." Badassitude abounds.
- In Space Mutiny, Big Bad Kalgan has some such line, to which Mike Nelson adds "Bitch."
- From Michael to Dwight on The Office: "Hug it out, bitch."
- On Saturday Night Live, any conversation Tracy Morgan holds with Lorne Michaels is likely to end with the former demanding, "Get me a soda, bitch!"
- Dave, a contestant on season one of reality cooking show Top Chef, reached the height of reality TV popularity after telling another contestant Tiffani "I'm not your bitch, bitch!" in response to endless haranguing by the latter.
- X-Play: Morgan Webb's tagline on a commercial about her visiting conventions in Japan: "Konichiwa, bitches."
- X-Play's coverage of G-Phoria one year featured Ratty sneaking into the awards by jumping off a nearby building. This action was accompanied by "Geronimo, bitches!"
- How I Met Your Mother:
- "I'm cuddley, bitch!"
- Also, Ted re: shots "I drank all five, bitch!"
- As well as Lily's "You just made the list, bitch!"
- How about Barney speaking French? "Parce que j'ai le jeu, mes chiennes. Translation? Cos I got game, bitches!"
- That doesn't quite mean what he wanted. "Chiennes" literally means "female dogs." If he wanted "bitches" in the slang sense, he should have used "salopes" or "garces" depending on personal preference.
- Wanda Syke's "I'ma Be Me" had her saying "Yeaaah... Obama, bitch!"
- Modern Family: "See, we're all going to get past this and be friends again, and this was all set up by me, Mitchell, who is not a mummy's boy but is instead a insightful and considerate person, so make a note bitches!" in episode 4.
- From a sketch/interview on The Soup where Zachary Quinto kicks Joel McHale: "Who's Sylar now, bitch?"
chk chk! Put the mimosas down, bitch! |
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer has the quoted scene at the top of the page.
- "Konichiwa, Bitches" by Robyn.
- It's Britney, bitch.
- Prominent lyric in Kasabian's "Shoot the Runner": "I'm a king and she's my queen, bitch!"
- Julie Brown's "Girl Fight Tonight!": "'Cause I'm a lover and a fighter, bitch!"
- "I'm on a boat, bitch!"
- In Linkin Park's "No Laundry": "I ain't gonna do no laundry, BITCH!"
- In Tori Amos' "The Waitress": "I believe in peace, bitch!"
- Emilie Autumn to a rude concertgoer: "You're in MY house now, bitch!"
- Red Hot Chili Peppers: "Look Arond": Hustle Me, Bitch.
- Drake in Forever: "Everyone who doubted me is asking for forgiveness | If you ain't been a part of it, at least you got to witness, bitches!
Pro Wrestling[]
- One of The Hurricane's Catchphrases is, "I've got my Hurri-powers, BEEE-YOOOTCH!"
- You are in our house, BITCH!!
- Size does matter, BITCH!!!
- The WNYC program Radio Lab episode Choice(501) contained an instance of this, subverting the line tagged onto the end of many radio broadcast introductions. "Stay with us...bitches."
Stand-Up Comedy[]
- Inverted by David Cross, on Bigger and Blackerer: He details a game to play with friends at a restaurant. When talking to the waitress, make the first thing you say be "Yeah, bitch," But in as low-key a manner as possible. Then, be as polite as possible when making your order. The object is to make it so that the waitress won't be sure you called her 'bitch', but would feel uncomfortable asking such a polite person if he did.
- Daniel Tosh provides a milder example that involves working the phrase "Suck It" into everyday conversation:
"By the way, if you ever have a job where you have to give speeches in front of people, pepper in the phrase 'suck it.' Very empowering. Just be like 'As you can see from our powerpoint presentation suck it...' And your clients would be like, 'Did he say suck it? I like this guy... he's a go-getter.'" |
Video Games[]
- Resistance: "I'm James Grayson, bitches!"
- No More Heroes has quite the handful.
- "So what you're tellin' me is that I gotta continue fighting. There's no way out of this. You set me up, bitch!"
- "That's fucked up. That's the stupidest rule I've ever heard! This guy's mine and you just want me to let him go?! Bitch!"
- "You are the 3rd ranked assassin, bitch?"
- The tagline for Bungie's April Fools joke game Pimps at Sea was "Arrrrrh, bitch!"
- Quoth Heather from Silent Hill 3: "Shut your stinking mouth, BITCH!".
- Grand Theft Auto: "Welcome to the Land of Freedom, Bitches! AHHHHHHHHH!"
- "I ain't nobody's "ass technician", bitch!" - OG Loc
- Makai Kingdom: "Who's the overlord now, bitch?"
- Duke Nukem: Duke, despite his extreme womanizing, is a Chivalrous Pervert who never insults the objects of his desire. When you hear him confront the female monster Alien Queen and bellow, "I'm gonna kick your ass, bitch!, you know it is on.
- Left 4 Dead's new Crash Course DLC has hopeless optimist Louis, of all people, scream "Oh, it's a bitch apocalypse now, bitch!"
- Borderlands plays this straight with Roland, the Soldier. Upon scoring a kill with a Critical Hit, he may shout, "Critical, bitch!", or "Critical, biatch!.
- Mass Effect: Used here and there with examples such as
Miranda - "You'll die for that, bitch!" |
- Delivered by Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 3 to Kai Leng as s/he stabs him with his/her omni-blade.
Commander Shepard: That was for Thane/Miranda/Kirrahe/Thane and Miranda you son of a bitch. |
- Tony Hawks Under Ground 2 has the following example.
Paulie: "Oh yeah, look out! Pooper coming through! Please keep your hands inside the porter potty while you TAKE A DRINK, BITCH!" |
- Used to ridiculous extremes in Def Jam Fight For NY Some examples are:
Trejo -"You shoulda listened when you had the chance, bitch!" |
- In MadWorld, after being attacked by ninjas...
Howard: I've composed a haiku, in honor of this moment. |
- Marcus Fenix delivers a well-deserved one to Queen Myrrah after the Battle of Azura.
Marcus: (after stabbing Myrrah with Dom's knife) You feel that? That's from Dom...and everyone else you killed you bitch! |
- Batman: Arkham City falls into this a few too many times. You will hardly ever hear any other curse word used, leading to several grunts using "bitch" so many times you'd wish they'd just say something else. For major characters, Two Face takes the cake, especially when he's going against Catwoman. Makes you wonder if he knows any other insults.
- In The Simpsons Game when the Simpson family meets an evil Will Wright.
Homer You can't do this! |
- In World of Warcraft, during a confrontation in Silverpine Forest between Garrosh Hellscream and Sylvanas Windrunner.
Garrosh: What difference is there between you and the Lich King now? |
Web Animation[]
- Tankmen 2: "You should've used the Pythagorean theorem, bitch."
- The end of Neurotically Yours "Caffeine Conspiracy" has Franklin the Star Shmucks peddler warn his superiors over walkie talkie that "The squirrel is on to us." A moment later, he starts another transmission to add "bitch."
- Rather unsurprisingly evoked throughout the course of the fanmade My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic animation "Friendship is Magic Bitch."
- Red vs. Blue: Everyone uses Bitch as a punctuation mark.
- In the pilot of Hazbin Hotel, which was released on YouTube, Charlie Morningstar (her last name then being Magne) exclaims in an attempt to insult Katie Killjoy, “Yeah, well…how does it feel that I’ve got your pen, huh? BITCH?” She proceeds to laugh nervously and place the pen back on the desk.
- Dinosaur Comics had a strip about the overuse of the word "bitches", and suggested alternatives like "fellows", "gravy", and "Monterey Jack". Possibly a Lampshade Hanging, since T-Rex is known for exclamations like "Phlogiston, bitches!" and "Live and learn, bitches!"
- Ask and ye shall surely receive, bitches!
- Xkcd: Science. It works, bitches.
- Also, "Q.E.D., Bitches!" Made more awesome by the haiku.
- Also, "Politicize that, bitches." (in the mouse-over text)
- The Order of the Stick: "SNEAK ATTACK — BITCH!"
- Skin Horse: "I'm the government, beyatch."
- From the first A Lesson Is Learned but The Damage Is Irreversible: "No sorry I've got something else to do... on the MOON, BITCH!"
- "WE'RE PLAYING HORDE, BITCH!" from Loserz.
- Chainsawsuit: "abbondanza, bitch"
- This strip of Partially Clips discusses this in both this trope and Quote Swear Unquote.
- Bob and George: "It's called a partisan, bitch."
- Elf Only Inn: "Live Long and Prosper, Bitch."
- Questionable Content: "That's for earlier, bitch."
- Recent Sinfest: Social Justice, Bitches!
- The Way of the Metagamer: It works, bitches.
- Guilded Age: "You're my bitches, bitches!"
- The Last Days of Foxhound has this memorable line, from Vulcan Raven to Big Boss:
Vulcan Raven: Then return from whence you came, and do not trouble this world again. Bitch. |
Web Original[]
- To quote Paris Hilton in her Crowning Moment of Awesome, "I'll see you at the debates, bitches."
- "I use the Neverscrubber to flush the toilet five times... bitch."
- That Guy With The Glasses: "Don't you ever try to bring logic into this movie again! This is Fern Gully, bitch!"
- Queen it up Bitch!
- "I'm Eight-Bit Mickey, bitch."
- "We play Magic: The Gathering, bitch!"
- "I'm Rick James, beee--" (is hit while trying to say that)
- I'm the Nostalgia Critic BITCH
- (Off of the changing lines at the top of Spoony's page) "The first step in innovation is discontent — and that's how we roll, bitch!"
- "I'm Mr. Miyagi, bitch!"
- "Okay, I love Christmas! Long live Christmas!" "(ghost voice) Damnnn riiiight, bi-otch!"
- "And Sauron?" "Nobody owns me, bi-otch."
- He also added "bitches" to one of Shaq's attempts at a rap song in Kazaam.
- Draenei Priest Rap... bitch.
- Ask a Gay Man, where the lead guy says in a stereotyped voice "hey there, bitches" at the start of at least a few videos.
- The Adventures of Duane and BrandO: "Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane/It's Air Man, bitch, and I'm bringin' the pain."
- Most of the guest characters of The Angry Video Game Nerd ("Or do ya wanna play my game, bitch?"). And sometimes the Nerd himself ("Yeah, Super Mecha Death Christ 2,000 B.C. Version 4.0 Beta, bitch.").
- Cracked.com has claimed at least once to "own the Internet, bitch."
- Read a Book "It's called Speed Stick, bitch! It's not expensive, bitch!"
- I'm facing the wrong way, but GOTCHA, BITCH!
- Ex. "Jose (not Linda) pointed at the zombie horde outside his living room window, looked his crying, 12-year-old son in the eyes, and said, 'It's time to sack up, beotch.'"
- 4 Player Podcast, in one part of inFamous in which Brad said, "Can't catch me. I'm the fucking gingerbread man, bitch."
- Retsupurae:
slowbeef: I-- maybe it was, like, how to get a refund... Like, "Don't be afraid to take back your pumpkins." |
- Protectors of the Plot Continuum: Agent Laburnum, when kicking Murdoc Niccals in the face (It Makes Sense in Context), got a Shout-Out to Korn's "Twisted Transistor" with: "I know this song's by the wrong band, but it's a good line, so ... Anaesthetise THIS, bitch!"
- "Someone who loathes you, bitch! Now stand up and rhyme!"
- I'm a Marvel And I'm a DC: "Hail Darkseid, bitches!"
- Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time: "Dinner is served, bitches."
Western Animation[]
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force:
- "You're liquified, bitch." Made even funnier because Frylock isn't one to quickly resort to swearing.
- Frylock hurling fireballs in the videogame: "Look into my eyes, bitch."
- "Now what is the magic word, bitch?"
- Clone High: "Try and catch me, bitch!"
- The opening credits of a recent Affectionate Parody comedy show called Outer Space Astronauts has the line 'Outer space, bitch!"
- The Simpsons: "Read the patent number, bitch!"
- From a Thundercats outtake: "Get over here, bitch!"
- From Sealab 2021, "Lost in Time":
Quinn: Stormy, what time is it? |
- American Dad: Roger loves this trope.
"You call that a Salchow?! It looks like you have mad Salchow disease! That's right, your skating has a spongiform encephalopathy, bitch!" |
Real Life[]
- After carefully outlining the many, many reasons that global warming is real, a scientist famously ended her presentation with:
"Look it up, bitches." |
- The official Twitter announcement for the return of Toonami (through Adult Swim) is #ToonamisBackBitches.
- And it makes up the majority of the opening theme