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Both levels provide examples of:[]

  • Ear Worm: Polka, on repeat, used rather well, but so catchy.

Level 1 provides examples of:[]

  • Paranoia Fuel: The "Worried about nothing" stage. There are no traps, but you've come so far you're probably expecting there to be one.

Level 2 provides examples of:[]

  • That One Stage: "Corpse Shot". If you forgot about the panic button, that is.
    • Another contender is "Freefalling", which has the elephant freefalling while you try to guide it past the spikes to the goal. Let's just say that if you make it through this stage without feeling the urge to rip all hair out of your head, you are either an amazingly good player or a liar.
    • "AMAZEing" on FML mode.