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This Is the Worst Idea You've Ever Had! (Worst Idea or TWIYEH, for short) is a completed web comic by Kerry Lynn Thompson, a.k.a. Kytri. The comic ran from May 2010 to October 2019.

It follows Nicole Masterman, an elf and recent college graduate, who lives in a fictional town in Virginia with her close friend, Ian, and a small dog named Nummy Muffin Coocolbutter.

TWIYEH borrows its characters and some of its concepts from Kytri's first webcomic, The Rift, an Orphaned Series about a gang of bounty hunters. The Rift was ended in February 2010 due to lack of interest, but TWIYEH was started a few months later in May 2010.

While the characters from The Rift are the main players in the comic, several characters from Kytri's Team Fortress 2 fancomic, Cuanta Vida, have been appearing as major and minor characters, earning TWIYEH a sizable fanbase.

More information, as well as character bios, can be found here.

Also has a character sheet.

Tropes used in This Is the Worst Idea You've Ever Had include:

Amun: I am not a people.


Sin Pararse

Sin Pararse is a prequel comic about the relationship of Gabry and Liam. It is set in the TWIYEH Universe and has a darker overall tone than either Cuanta Vida or TWIYEH.

Sin Pararse features examples of:[]