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This Is the Worst Idea You've Ever Had! (Worst Idea or TWIYEH, for short) is a completed web comic by Kerry Lynn Thompson, a.k.a. Kytri. The comic ran from May 2010 to October 2019.
It follows Nicole Masterman, an elf and recent college graduate, who lives in a fictional town in Virginia with her close friend, Ian, and a small dog named Nummy Muffin Coocolbutter.
TWIYEH borrows its characters and some of its concepts from Kytri's first webcomic, The Rift, an Orphaned Series about a gang of bounty hunters. The Rift was ended in February 2010 due to lack of interest, but TWIYEH was started a few months later in May 2010.
While the characters from The Rift are the main players in the comic, several characters from Kytri's Team Fortress 2 fancomic, Cuanta Vida, have been appearing as major and minor characters, earning TWIYEH a sizable fanbase.
More information, as well as character bios, can be found here.
Also has a character sheet.
- Abandoned Info Page: Averted for now. New characters get added after they are introduced in the comic.
- Alternate Universe: Of both The Rift and Cuanta Vida.
- Ambiguously Brown: Averted for most of the characters, but played straight with Dawn.
- Arbitrary Skepticism: Cynthia says vampires don't exist.
- Awesome Aussie: Liam, definitely.
- Badass Adorable: Tiny Carmilla, who looks like she could be broken over one knee, corsets and all? Yeah, she punches through doors and flings them into the sky.
- Badass Gay: Does it really need saying?
- Bi the Way: Quite a few of the characters. According to the author, "I think of most of the characters as having kind of fluid sexualities, like real people."
- Bland-Name Product: Burrito Gong
- Blood Lust: Sure, Rika is a vampire, but she's the first to display a textbook example.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Abigail, Cynthia and Nicole.
- Burning with Anger: Nicole
- Catgirl: Cynthia is a Beastman, a biological human with some animal features. Additionally, Nai'ka are a species of people with cat-like features.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Caine really has his moments.
- Defictionalization: Some of the shirts seen on the characters are on sale.
- Drives Like Crazy: Sergio parks like crazy, anyway.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Caine thinks Sergio is "kinda dreamy."
- Establishing Character Moment: Gabry's very first appearance in the main comic has him asking a total stranger if she's okay after he sees her date pushing her around.
- Faceless Eye: On or above various doors and caskets around Sergio's home.
- Face Palm: Ian, rather epically, here.
- Fantastic Racism: The Nai'ka are treated like sub-human species.
Amun: I am not a people. |
- Fiery Redhead: Nicole. Literally.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Whatever you're picturing, stop it.
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Gabry smokes and he is awesome. Sergio smokes and he is... less awesome.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Nicole.
- Green Eyes: Nicole and Ian.
- Halloween Cosplay: "TWIYEH! characters dressed as TF2 characters, yep."
- Handsome Devil: Sergio
- Head Pet: Nummy Muffin must be pretty well-trained to sit on Cynthia's head like that.
- Heroic Albino: Carmilla, though it's not clear if her coloring is natural or if it's due to her Badass Vampire-ness.
- Innocent Cohabitation: Ian and Nicole.
- Kill It with Fire: One possible method for killing vampires. Like Sergio, for example.
- Lesbian Vampire: Carmilla
- Little Bit Beastly: The Beastmen — biological humans with animal features. This includes Cynthia, Kimmie (the daughter of Cynthia's boss, a field mouse) and Jeremy (a rabbit). Apparently, there's surgery available that can make Beastmen look more like normal humans.
- Monster Roommate: Cynthia would seem to fill this role, except Nicole and Ian aren't exactly normal humans.
- Mundane Fantastic: Somewhere between this and Urban Fantasy.
- Odd Friendship: It's amazing how Ian can stand Caine.
- Older Than They Look: Carmilla, Sergio, and presumably, Dawn.
- Only Sane Man: Ian has his moments.
- Our Elves Are Better: Subverted; they don't seem to be much different from humans, for one.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Ironically, they follow most traditional European vampire myths, which make them quite different from most modern vampires.
- Out-of-Character is Serious Business: "Oh my God! She's letting him drive her car!"
- Petting Zoo People: The Beastman race
- Playing with Fire: Nicole.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: The vampires. At least some of them.
- Reused Character Design
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Nummy Muffin Coocolbutter, which is fitting, considering its namesake.
- Rotating Protagonist: Chapter 1 focuses on Nicole, and Chapter 2 focuses on Cynthia. Kytri has recently revealed [dead link] the rotation for the next three chapters.
- Running Gag: Caine wants to go to Burrito Gong.
- Shipper on Deck: Cynthia wants Jeremy to be with Jordi.
- Shout-Out
- Ian and Nicole's dog, Nummy Muffin Coocolbutter.
- Also, Carmilla.
- Smoking Is Cool: Gabry
- Spin-Off: Sin Pararse, a prequel comic about Gabry and Liam.
- Stronger with Age: A vampire's power, regardless of what the power is.
- Team Pet: Nummy Muffin Coocolbutter, Lampshaded.
- Unsound Effect: A couple times.
- Urban Fantasy
- Vampire Invitation: Discussed when Nicole and Cynthia argue about whether or whether not a vampire could come into their car uninvited.
- Vampires Are Rich: Sergio's profile mentions that he "appears to be independently wealthy".
- Vampires Own Nightclubs: Carmilla.
- Visible Silence: After Caine describes Sergio as "dreamy."
- Waistcoat of Style: Gabry.
- When She Smiles
- Many readers found Nicole especially adorable on panel 2 of this page.
- Also, here. Several times.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Carmilla
- You Taste Delicious: A variation: "You smell rather... delicious." "Ew."
Sin Pararse
Sin Pararse is a prequel comic about the relationship of Gabry and Liam. It is set in the TWIYEH Universe and has a darker overall tone than either Cuanta Vida or TWIYEH.
Sin Pararse features examples of:[]
- Anything That Moves: Gabry, who "will do pretty much anyone who is of legal age and has the mental capacity to consent."
- Badass Longcoat: Liam
- Career Killers: As part of Darker and Edgier, below.
- Click Hello: Page 7.
- Cute Little Fangs: Liam, in panel four of this page.
- Darker and Edgier
- Dramatic Gun Cock
- Fan Nickname: Gabry's fuckbuddy, Avery, is known almost exclusively as Wonderfag on the forum.
- Favouritism Flip Flop: Gabry didn't want a job until it turned out someone else was already doing it.
- Freudian Couch
- Jerkass: Avery. "You know, I don't come here to hear you talk."
- Mythology Gag: In Cuanta Vida, Milosh would have been the BLU Spy prior to Jordi.
- Prequel
- Pretty Little Headshots
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Gabry is carefree and teasing (Red), while Liam is serious and stoic (Blue). They even wear their respective colors, albeit it's to reference a certain webcomic. They're also a bit of an Odd Couple.
- Repetitive Name: Narrowly averted with Liam Williamson. Word of God says his first name is not short for William, his parents weren't that cruel.
- Invisible to Gaydar: Word of God says that most people that meet Liam don't even realize he's gay.
- Tap on the Head
- There Are No Therapists: Averted
- Although it's played with — Gabry does go to therapy sessions, but he doesn't really know what to talk about, there are some things he just doesn't want to talk about, he lies about important issues that may help him to talk about and he's being forced to go to them anyway. So whether the therapy would actually have a positive effect remains to be seen.
- Translation Convention: Text intended to be in a foreign language <is encased in these angle brackets.>