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  • While Thomas the Tank Engine isn't necessarily animation, it probably fits best under here. One particular example that stands out is A Close Shave. Pretty much all of it, but there's one part that always gets this troper, after Duck stopped the freight cars from hurting passengers by crashing into a barber shop, and the barber yells at him without knowing the scenario:

 Barber: I'm sorry. I didn't know you were being a brave engine.

Duck: That's alright, sir. I didn't know that either.

    • Along with Duck being told that he can come home, he rolls into the shed, greeted by whistles of all the other engines.
  • Edward's Exploit falls under this as well, with Edward, often mocked for being the oldest engine, uses everything in him to pull a train after a serious breakdown. He shows up late at the station, but the passengers are so proud of him that they give him a round of applause.
  • A short, but memorable moment, was when Thomas returned from being mended during the Daisy arc.
  • The Deputation's end definitely qualifies. The Fat Controller has been contemplating whether to send Donald or Douglas home.

 Fat Controller: Donald, Douglas, I heard your work in the snow was good. You shall have a new coat of paint.

Donald: Thank ye, sir!

Fat Controller: But your names will be painted on you, so there will be no more mistakes.

Douglas: Does this mean that the both of us...?

Fat Controller: It means -

Narrator: But the rest of his speech was drowned by a delighted chorus of cheers and whistles. The twins were here to stay.

  • The ending of Henry's Forest, doubles as a Tear Jerker
  • In Four Litle Engines, Skarloey, who was long overdue for repairs at that point, pulled a passenger train for Sir Handel after he fails. But that's not all, one of his springs give way and he struggles on to the station, and makes it. He earns a respectful silence from James, and we get this nice exchange at the end of the episode.

 Skarloey:Old engines can't pull trains like the young ones can...

Skarloey's driver:They can if they're mended, Old Faithful. You deserve it.

  • The end of All at Sea

 Narrator:Duck still wonders about the lands beyond the horizon, but he enjoys being with friends most of all, and I think he knows that sometimes, the best travels are those we can only dream about

    • All of this accompanied by heartwarming music and a beautiful shot of the engines looking out of the sunset.

