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Ready, set... strip
—American cover for the first DVD
Three unlike characters: Junpei (a thick-headed martial artist), Ritsuko (a Tomboy and gun Otaku) and Airi (an award winning actress) are transported from their homes in Japan to a High Fantasy parallel world. Enlisting the aid of Celcia, the most powerful elven sorceress in the land, they try-- and fail --to cast a spell that will return them home. The result? The spell is made manifest as fragments on the bodies of five elven women throughout the land and Celcia gets turned to a dog-like creature. To return home and return celcia to her old-self, the four have to collect the fragments of the spell and join them into a working spell.
The catch? They don't know precisely which female elves have fragments of the spell on them. The solution?
Find every elf woman in the land and rip-off their clothes.
That's basically it. Their search for the spell fragments takes them across a strange fantasy land, where they earn renown for their amazing accomplishments as well as a healthy dose of infamy for their indecent behavior toward the land's elven women.
Have in mind that it's actually Better Than It Sounds, with a great script, excellent characters design and not as many senseless Fan Service as the plot seems to imply.
They also have a tank which eventually gets possessed by the spirit of a Cat called Mihke. It behaves exactly like any cat would, except it has all the firepower from a Tank. Mega Neko in it weirdest incarnation.
There is a Manga and Anime series. Even if it sounds familiar, it has nothing to do with He Who Fights Monsters.
You can find a playlist of the series here.
This series has examples of:[]
- Anachronism Stew: Justified in that Celcia's spell summons objects from our world to hers (so having a tank makes perfect sense and is awesome), but also played straight in the pop culture references and the many religious profanities used. And Elf Mc Burger. You cannot escape Mc Donalds.
- This eventually becomes a plot point.
- Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever: Creative use of an enlargement potion in an absence of Magic Pants makes for instant nudity. It also makes for an angry giantess who punches out a dragon that is threatening her town.
- Badass Crew: For better or for worse, Junpei, Airi, and Ritsuko and later Celcia are a team.
- Badass Longcoat: Judge
- Badass Normal: Junpei, Airi, and Ritsuko all qualify, since many of their opponents are supernatural or magical in nature.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Present in the anime, averted in the manga.
- The Big Guy: Junpei, played completely straight.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Seriously, people. "Hey, my friends and I are looking for the fragments of a very powerful and important spell that has imprinted on five random elf women. You don't happen to have any odd marks that popped up recently, do you?" IS THAT REALLY SO HARD?!
- To be fair, when they do ask for permission the elves usually refuse. I mean, would you want to strip for a random stranger with a crazy story? It also doesn't help that Junpei usually comes off as a pervert when he asks elves if they will take off their clothes in front of him.
- Black Comedy Rape: Only just averted, invoked as well.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Sometimes it happens during episodes. A good example is the first 5 minutes in episode 8:
Junpei: Wait a minute. Something's not right. It's only been thirty seconds since the episode title and we've already found an elf. |
- Later during the explanation:
Junpei: Weren't you afraid of ghosts in the last episode? |
- Junpei's catch phrase:
Junpei: "This is why I hate fantasy stories!" |
- Episode 9:
Junpei: Man this series sure uses a lot of screwball comedies. |
- Catch Phrase: At least in the dub, Junpei says, "This is why I hate fantasy stories!"
- In the original manga, and it's "Freaking fantasy world!".
- "Forgive me for stripping you!"
- Censor Steam: Even during the initial fantastic tearing of clothes, the camera rarely catches inappropriate elf bits.
- The Chick: Airi. Not that she's ineffectual. She just doesn't do a lot of the fighting.
- Clingy Costume: Episode 10, season one. An elf kight comes to the group and asks for help removing it.
- Cool Tank: The Type 74 tank, practically a character in its own right. Later on, it actually does become a character, when the cat spirit Mike (mee-kay) possesses it.
- Critical Failure: Celcia, a lot. She screws up the spell to send the trio home not once, but twice. Not only that, but she's the one who cast the spell that summoned Junpei, Ritsuko, and Airi to her world in the first place! Despite exemplifying this trope for the sake of the plot, she's reasonably competent when the stakes aren't returning the heroes home.
- To be fair, it was mostly Junpei's fault. The idiot got the wrong impression that Celcia needed to be naked to complete the spell, and Celcia made it damn clear that she needed silence so she could get as much concentration as possible on the spell.
- Then one has to wonder why her stupid old guards/men/whatever they are were hanging about. She pretty much only needed Ritsuko, Junpei, and Airi there, right? Though Junpei probably would have messed it up regardless.
- To be fair, it was mostly Junpei's fault. The idiot got the wrong impression that Celcia needed to be naked to complete the spell, and Celcia made it damn clear that she needed silence so she could get as much concentration as possible on the spell.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Be very afraid when Junpei finally stops fooling around and fights seriously.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The fighting in this series pitch the residents of a typical high fantasy setting against a second generation main battle tank.
- Cult: At one stage, Airi founds a religious organisation who pray stark naked. Unsurprisingly this is mostly marketed at elves.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: A dragon makes the mistake of perving over a stripped elf.
- Played very straight in the christmas episode. Junpei kicks Satan up a chimmeny when he offers the group a deal.
- Dirty Old Man: Celcia's advisors are perhaps a little too eager to help the Elf Hunters in their quest to return home. And Millia's grandfather having a potion that makes elves take off their clothes?
- Does Not Know Her Own Strength: Millia, from episode 10. Comes complete with World of Cardboard Speech.
- Dracolich: There is one Dracolich in episode 3
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks
- Fan Service: Comparatively little, considering the plot.
- So little in fact that we Yanks got away with slapping it with a PG rating because of the violence. Even though the plot involves people stripping Elves down to their birthday suits!
- Guile Hero: In addition to being a Master of Disguise, Airi is skilled at reading people and controlling them. She can often do more with a few words than the others can do with magic, bullets or fists.
- Guns Akimbo: Ritsuko. She is a military otaku.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Vic Mignogna (better known to some as Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist) plays one of the wolf hunters in Season 2 Episode 7.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: It turns out that said wolf hunters were female elves. Who got stripped.
- I Gave My Word: Junpei takes his fighter's honour very seriously.
- I Have the High Ground: Judge again. He seems to enjoy pretending to be Tuxedo Mask.
- Leitmotif: The tank is represented by an electric guitar riff.
- Lightning Bruiser: Junpei.
- Magic Misfire: Celcia disguises herself as a doglike creature to try to help them find the spell fragments without being recognized. However, when they find the first fragment and she transfers it to herself, it causes Shapeshifter Mode Lock until they have all the fragments. Her increasingly ridiculous appearance as the spell fragments transfer to her become a Running Gag.
- Master of Disguise: Airi, justified in that she is an award-winning actress.
- Mega Neko: Once the tank is inhabited by a cat spirit.
- Mirror Match: Used by judge to weaken the heroes to arrest them.
- Naked Freak-Out
- Naked People Are Funny: enough said.
- The Nudifier: the potion which will make any elf naked.
- The One Guy: Junpei.
- Our Elves Are Better: A notable aversion. They all look good, but otherwise their society seems to have integrated well into that of human's.
- Our Mermaids Are Different
- Paper Fan of Doom: the women in the main cast, usually directed at Junpei (or any male too obsessed with the Elf Hunters quest), although Junpei himself uses it to prevent an uncomfortable old man homoerotic moment.
- Pimped-Out Dress: The Dances and Balls episode.
- Playboy Bunny: Junpei accidentally bursts into a room where girls are dressing into them.
- Potty Dance / Potty Emergency: Junpei, Season 2 Episode 2, complete with a graph and flashing alarm showing his current state. His dilemma leads to some uncomfortable images. Ends with the discovery of a teddy bear that can excrete toilet paper, in perfect rolls, complete with cardboard tube.
- The Power of Acting
- Pretty in Mink: A few outfits.
- Sexy Santa Dress: All the girls who act as Santa for temp jobs.
- Save Both Worlds: Brought up explicitly near the end of the first season is the idea that both Earth and the magical world to which the cast has been sent are fundamentally connected and in danger of some sort of magical cataclysm if the cast are not sent back to Earth. Then averted, or maybe just forgotten by the writers, because it's never mentioned again.
- It's possible that the worlds' combining only happens to a limited degree when one casts the summoning spell, and the additional combination witnessed during the first season was a combination of our heroes Walking the Earth and Annette's use of the summoning spell.
- Schizo-Tech: There isn't really much of a difference from the real world other than that everything runs on magic instead of technology. Yet for some reason police and guards still use swords when there should logically be some kind of magical firearms technology.
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: more details below, under Voluntary Shapeshifting.
- Shout-Out: "Those damn dirty humans!"
- The whole point of the series is to poke fun at pop cultures and conventional fantasy tropes.
- In Episode 1 Airi disguised as an Elf, gives a Cutey Honey Speech and even coins the phrase Lovely Warrior.
- A certain landmass supported on the back of four elephants and a turtle appears often.
- Slap Slap Kiss: Junpei and Celcia, believe it or not. Junpei sure doesn't. As in, he's completely oblivious even when Celcia confesses to him. Which leads to Epic Fail number two.
- The Smart Girl: Airi, lacking muscles, magic, and guns, relies solely on her brain and her acting skills to support the group.
- Team Pet: Celcia, for most of the series.
- Spanner in the Works: The elf hunters become this when an evil sorceress holds the entire world hostage as her magic, which can burn anyone at whim, does not work on those from the outside world.
- Spiritual Successor: Those Who Hunt The Butterfly, aka Ageha O Ou Monotachi, which is basically Junpei as an ex-prison guard trying to hunt down Airi while she hides in plain sight (In Space...), by simply stripping everyone naked he can and checking for a tattoo. Unlike Elves, though, Junpei tends to end up arrested/beat up/etc for his trouble.
- Stable Time Loop: It turns out that the Big Bad whom Celcia casts a protagonists-summoning spell to defeat is amnesiac Celcia from the future.
- Summon Everyman Hero: The back-plot of the story: to defeat the Big Bad, Celcia casts a spell which summons the protagonists. Less than a minute later, the Big Bad is only mostly dead, thanks to Ritsuko blasting it with the armored tank that the spell also brought along.
- Unscaled Merfolk
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Celcia can transform into whatever she wants with her ring. However, played with in that she always ends up transforming into animals (hence she is considered Team Pet) and cannot transform back once she absorbs any one of the spell fragments. She can only change back once she gains all fragments or lose them all. The fact that the spell fragments, which manifest visibly in her body as she gains them, make her look ridiculous does not help. For those who don't understand the image, the dark lines on the big bird are the spell fragments that manifest on Celcia's body. And that big bird is only one of the forms that she ends up not so willingly taking throughout the whole comic.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: In one chapter of the manga, Junpei states that "you can't go by in a fantasy world without knowing a spell or two", and thus sets out to train in the arcane arts in his very own way. Hilarity Ensues.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Airi's purple hair.