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The Thumb Wrestling Federation is a Show Within The Commercials that frames Cartoon Network's Saturday morning programming block, with a match at the halfway point of the block. It is a parody of Professional Wrestling featuring two rival teams, the Sinistras and the Mighty Dexteras, with play-by-play by Dick Thompson and color commentary by retired thumb wrestler Colonel Cossack. Other behind-the-scenes shorts run between the other shows, though Dick and the Colonel are the only characters to appear in the mid-show Ad Bumpers. Produced by Animation Collective.
Tropes used in Thumb Wrestling Federation include:
- Action Girl: 8 female wrestlers so far through three seasons.
- Alliterative Name: Colonel Cossack, Hometown Huck, Pei Pei the Purple Panda, Senator Skull, Vini Vidi Victory — ah, screw it, just go to the official website for a complete list.
- The Bad Guy Wins: After the first two seasons' tournaments were won by Dexteras, a Sinistra, Bucks Gazillion, won in season 3.
- Butt Monkey: Let's see: there's Ouch, Billy Batboy, the Ref, Dick Thompson, and to a lesser extent, Hometown Huck.
- Canada, Eh?: Face-Off Phil
- Cloudcuckoolander: Colonel Cossack; Dwayne Bramage
- Channel Hop: Nicktoons to Cartoon Network
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Pei Pei the Purple Panda
- Evil Foreigner: what Colonel Cossack probably was during his thumb wrestling career
- Eviler Than Thou: Bucks Gazillion forcibly takes over the Sinistras in season 3. Okay, more like buys the Sinistras.
- Face Heel Turn: With a name like "Evil Ira"\x9D (he initially wanted to be called "Good Ira", but it was already taken by some Identical Stranger), it was inevitable.
- Five-Bad Band: The Evil Sinistras.
- In season 1-5
- Big Bad - Senator Skull
- The Dragon - N Fuego
- Dark Chick - Itsy Bitsy
- The Brute - The Big Time
- Evil Genius and Fifth Ranger - Evil Ira
- In season 3:
- Big Bad - Senator Skull
- The Dragon - N Fuego
- Evil Genius - Evil Ira
- The Brute - The Big Time
- Dark Chick - Itsy Bitsy
- Sixth Ranger Traitor - Bucks Gazillion
- In Season 4:
- Big Bad - Bucks Gazillion
- The Dragon - Steve and Mugsy Thumbscrew
- Evil Genius - The Visitor
- The Brute - Queen Nefercreepy
- Dark Chick - N Fuego
- In Season 5:
- Big Bad - Senator Skull
- The Dragon - N Fuego
- Evil Genius - Evil Ira & The Visitor
- The Brute - The Big Time
- Dark Chick - Itsy Bitsy
- In season 1-5
- Five-Man Band: The Mighty Dexteras
- In season 1:
- The Hero and The Big Guy - Vini Vidi Victory
- The Lancer - Hometown Huck
- The Chick - Wasabi
- The Smart Guy, then Fourth Ranger Traitor - Evil Ira
- In season 2 onwards:
- Big Good - Vini Vidi Victory
- The Hero - Hometown Huck
- The Lancer - Face-Off Phil
- The Big Guy - Mr. Extremo
- The Smart Guy - Danny Kaboom
- The Chick - Wasabi
- Sixth Ranger- Cleat Cunningham
- In season 1:
- Hot-Blooded: Face-Off Phil has multiple Berserk Buttons, one of which is being called a hot-head. And he's one of the good guys. Also Colonel Cossack.
- The Hyena: Laughing Loony
- Jerkass: Most of the Sinistras, except for Billy Batboy.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Vini Vidi Victory
- My God, What Have I Done?: Pinky, when he accidentally caused Wasabi to lose to The Big Time.
- Only Sane Man: Dick Thompson
- Screwed by the Network: Originally shown in the US on Nicktoons Network and Kids' WB. Now, on neither. (Granted, the latter no longer exists...)
- Screw The Rules, I Have Money!: Bucks Gazillion. Oh, so much. When he was the leader of the Sinistras, it's been all but impossible for a Dextera to win in season 4.
- Serious Business: Senator Skull's main goal is (or was, anyway) to lead the Sinistras into winning the TWF championship and Take Over the World.
- Skyward Scream: Senator Skull after finding out that Bucks Gazillion has bought out the Sinistras.
- Stealth Pun: Sinister and Dexter are heraldic terms meaning, respectively, left and right.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Senator Skull, the leader of the Sinistras.
- Warrior Poet: Wasabi, though she's more along the lines of Kirabi.
- Wearing a Flag on Your Head: James Montgomery Flag's mask is based on the American flag, and Face-Off Phil's is based on the Canadian flag.
- Wham! Line: Bucks Gazillion: Well, actually it's MINE!