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Thuncats mumra 174x252 b 1759

 Voiced by: Robin Atkin Downes


Mumm-Ra was the ancient foe of Thundercats, long ago defeated. Resurfacing, Mumm-Ra masterminded Thundera's downfall to obtain the Eye of Thundera, the jewel within the Sword of Omens' hilt.

Tropes associated with Mumm-Ra:[]


 Mumm-Ra: "Generations pass, and still your species is weakened by emotion!"

  • Evil Old Folks: Not only is he Really 700 Years Old, he looks it.
  • Fangs Are Evil
  • Fantastic Racism: Somewhat subtle, but when in pursuit of the Sword of Plundarr, he informs Slithe that it's a job "too important to leave in the hands of animals." It's a bit more obvious in the flashback. He "praises" Leo in a way that shows contempt for the Cats as a whole and treats the Lizards as expendable cannon fodder.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He seems to enjoy putting on more refined airs that simply emphasize his brutal nature. It's especially noticeable in "Birth Of the Blades"

 Pumyra: Run! Don't let him get the Sword of Omens too!

Mumm-Ra: (zaps her) Quiet, my dear. We're talking.




 Voiced by: Clancy Brown


Grune is one of Claudus' trusted generals, sent with Panthro to find the Book of Omens. However, motivated by his ambition for power, Grune allied himself with the Lizards and Mumm-Ra.

Tropes associated with Grune:[]


 Panthro, after Grune expresses a desire to rule Thundera: You planning on becoming a lion?

Grune: No, I'm planning on becoming king.


 Panthro: Look at them, they're already hailing us as heroes.

Grune: If we come back with the Book of Omens, we'll be hailed as gods.

  • Grievous Harm with a Body: In "Between Brothers", Panthro reveals the reason he's only got one fang: in the past they were confronted by a legendary giant spider, and Grune ripped his tooth out so he could stab it in the eye. Damn.
  • Heroic Build: As Panthro notes, he's a cat "who pulls his weight."
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Panthro, in Flashbacks. Likes him enough that even after his Face Heel Turn he readily makes the offer that We Can Rule Together.
  • Hyperspace Mace: In flashback/ Grune's mace appears out of nowhere in time for him to fight Panthro
  • I Did What I Had to Do: As explained by Panthro, his personal philosophy is "To defeat an enemy, any sacrifice is worth it." Bites him in the ass when Panthro turns the philosophy to justify sacrificing his own arms in order to throw Grune into a collapsing Astral Plane.
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side: Inverted. Grune gives this as his baseline motivation, but the reality is rather more complex.
  • Insignia Rip Off Ritual: Grune reveals his Cavalry Betrayal and begins his Evil Costume Switch this way.
  • Jerkass: Betrayed his friend, betrayed his king, betrayed his people, will only fight battles where he's guaranteed to win...the list goes on.
  • Let No Crisis Go to Waste: Grune's M.O. as a soldier. There's a war on? Enlist so he can put his skills to use. He sees his King overrun by Lizards? Rig a catapult to kill them al-well, not the King- so he can become a Captain thanks to his timely demonstration of valor. Huge battle? Keep count of his kills so he can make General.
  • Morph Weapon: A huge kanabo, which slowly telescopes, and charges up before serving as a BFG Lightning Gun.
  • Mythology Gag/Whole Costume Reference: Before putting on his battle armor, he's wearing a tweaked version of his outfit from the original series.
  • Never Found the Body: In "Between Brothers", he gets sucked into the collapsing Astral Plane along with Panthro's arms; time will tell whether he's Killed Off for Real or not.
  • Odd Name Out: Along with Claudus, breaks the standard A Dog Named "Dog" convention for Thundercat names.
  • The Paragon Always Rebels: Deconstructed with Grune, who understands the surest way to succeed at rebellion is to become a paragon.
  • Red Right Hand: His single fang, a clear deformity that gives him a decidedly sinister appearance despite his Adaptational Attractiveness.
  • Smug Snake: Much like his original incarnation.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Unlike his 80's counterpart, he isn't a ghost in this series.
  • The Starscream: Began plotting to kill Mumm-Ra...just before Grune himself suffered an unfortunate mishap involving a demensional gateway.
  • Turncoat: Defected to Mumm-Ra as soon as he was promised power.
  • The Usurper: Initially planned to use his status as Paragon and later discoverer of the Book of Omens to become this, apparently including Panthro in his plans.
    • In "Between Brothers," It's revealed that he's willing to usurp Mumm-Ra's position of authority, as well.


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 Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker


The brutish leader of the Lizards, Slithe is slightly lacking in sophistication, but he's very intuitive and cunning. He's also a very cruel and vindictive leader.

Tropes associated with Slithe:[]


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 Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker


A Jackalman and one of Mumm-Ra's two new generals. He is the new version of Jackalman from the original series.

Tropes associated with Kaynar:[]

  • Adaptation Name Change: From Jackalman to Kaynar
  • Adaptational Badass: He even looks dangerous!
  • Ax Crazy: While in prison, Kaynar has to be strapped to a gurney and heavily restrained just to be moved to solitary confinement, which he earned after killing eleven inmates. He's pretty sanguine about his punishment:

  Kaynar: At least I'll have the voices in my head to talk to.


  "You're like a toy that never breaks! *Lets out a deranged cackle* I love it!"

  • Psycho for Hire: Emphasis on the "psycho" part. Even Addicus seems to think so, if Lion-O's gambit against him in "Birth of the Blades" is any indication:

  Addicus: "You're crazier than Kaynar!"



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 Voiced by: Robin Atkin Downes


A Monkey and one of Mumm-Ra's two new generals. He is the new version of Monkian from the original series.

Tropes associated with Addicus:[]

  • Adaptation Name Change: From Monkian to Addicus
  • Adaptational Badass: Bigger, smarter, and badder than his 80's counterpart.
  • Blood Knight
  • Carry a Big Stick: Not as massive as Grune's and lacking the lightning, but Addicus does swing around a mean-looking double-headed mace.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: He seems to have an appetite for other sentients. Let's start with his would-be avian executioners and go from there...
  • Maniac Monkeys: See the below tropes.
  • Psycho for Hire: Not quite as crazy as Kaynar, but he's still not exactly sane.
  • Serial Killer: He was about to be executed for such crimes before Slithe intervened.
  • Verbal Tic: As of "The Trials of Lion-O" he can be heard making monkey grunts similar to his 80's counterpart. It serves as a bit of a Continuity Nod for fans of the original series.

Ancient Spirits of Evil[] Cats_Ep17_Still_5_6880.jpg


  Voiced by: Jim Cummings


Evil beings who were once worshipped, and give Mumm-Ra his mystic dark power.

Tropes Associated with the Ancient Spirits of Evil:[]

Khamai, Kask, and Sauro[]


 Voiced by: James Arnold Taylor, Patrick Cavanaugh, and Kevin Michael Richardson

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Three elite lizard commandos who tracked Lion-O and his group into the brambles. They answer directly to General Slithe.

Tropes associated with Khamai, Kask, and Sauro:[]

The Driller[]

Driller 5567

 Voiced by: Troy Baker


The Driller is a giant automaton tasked by Mumm-Ra to work in the Thundrilium mines. He is able to transform into a double ended drill and can bore through almost any surface.

Tropes associated with The Driller:[]

  • Adaptational Badass: He is much more menacing and threatening than the relatively simplistic version from the original.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: After Lion-O defeats him in "Old Friends", the mine around the Thundercats begins to collapse from the damage he'd caused.
  • Mechanical Monster
  • This Is a Drill: Yes he is.
  • Transforming Mecha: He even looks like a Decepticon. His transformation isn't exactly complex though.
  • Use Your Head: at the climax of the fight, he uses the drill on his head to try and kill Lion-O. Never mind that he had two perfectly-large drills on his ARMS to engage in the clash with...

The Duelist[]

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 Voiced by: Miguel Ferrer


The best swordsman in the land, the Duelist challenges those whose weapons he admires to duels, so he can claim their swords as trophies.

Tropes associated with The Duelist[]


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 Voiced by: Jon Polito


A merchant slaver and trafficker who captures Ro-Bear Bill's family. He captures and sells all sorts of things, from Berbils to large cats. Making him the ultimate scumbag.

Tropes associated with the Conquedor[]


Rataro 6961

 Voiced by: Carlo Rota


Tyrannical ruler of the Rats in Mount Plun-Darr and the descendant of Ratilla. He enslaved the cats, forcing them to work in the mines and search for the Sword of Plun-Darr.

Tropes associated with Ratar-O:[]

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: The leader of the rats proves to be a rather capable fighter when Lion-O faces him, with the two of them being rather evenly matched.
  • Badass Mustache: Has styled his whiskers into a rather refined-looking mustache, akin to what you'd find in an imperial Chinese court.
  • Bad Boss: His treatment of his direct subordinate certainly won't be winning him any prizes for "Boss of the Year." It comes back to bite him big-time when said subordinate decides to side with Lion-O by throwing him his sword and gauntlet.
  • Dual-Wielding: Ratar-O uses the twin Rat Eye Daggers, which are able to shoot charged energy bolts when crossed.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Acts refined and sophisticated, but is as brutal as any other villain. Which leads right into him being a...
  • Fat Bastard
  • Jerkass Has a Point: He's a villain and a tyrant, make no mistake. But considering what we knew of Thundera's Fantastic Racism towards the lizards, his claim that the cats didn't want to share similar power with other races (hence why they sent Jaga to reclaim the Sword of Plun-Darr from Ratilla) may have more weight to it than we know...
  • Kick the Dog: When two cat slaves overpower his underling and try to make a run for it, he chases them into a dead end, taunts them for their failure, and unleashes a single blast of energy from his crossed daggers. Then he walks away with a wicked chuckle. We don't actually see the aftermath, but it's pretty clear what just happened.
  • Knife Nut: Those twin daggers of his are rather large and ornate to be simple knives, but they come close enough.
  • Large and In Charge: Assuming that paunch isn't just padding from the armor, Ratar-O has a belly on him. He's noticeably taller than his men. And he's the big cheese. Yeah, this applies.
  • Mythology Gag: His design is very close to how he looked in the original series, but closer inspection shows that he actually looks more like the original Ratilla, at least in terms of costume design.
  • Oh Crap: Gets one of these when Lion-O gets his sword and gauntlet back, courtesy of The Dog Bites Back.
    • And another one when Lion-O's gauntlet generates an energy field to harness the blast from his Rat Eye Daggers, allowing Lion-O to reflect that power right back at him.
  • Shadow Archetype: Like Lion-O, he's the leader of his people, has claim to an ancestral weapon (the Sword of Plun-Darr to Lion-O's Sword of Omens), and wields an enchanted blade (his Rat's Eye Daggers). However, where Lion-O is a noble leader who respects his team as friends, Ratar-O is a harsh tyrant who berates his servants (Mordax, in particular) for so much as speaking out of turn.
  • Tennis Boss: Worth mentioning, as the way Lion-O ultimately defeats him is by using his gauntlet to block and absorb the energy from Ratar-O's twin energy daggers...and throw it right back in his face.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Claims that his motivation for all his cruel deeds--enslaving the cats and having them mine a dangerous cave for the Sword of Plun-Darr--was that he can lead his people to glory, no longer living off the scraps of the cats or any of the other races. Except, as Lion-O himself puts it, his people "are just slaves on the other side of the whip."
  • Wicked Cultured: As mentioned under Faux Affably Evil, he generally acts like quite the cultured nobleman.


Mordax 3359

Rataro's underling, who must constantly suffer his abuse.

Tropes associated with Mordax:[]

  1. which appears to be a Japanese kanabo.