Ties That Bind is a Teen Titans Fanfic written by Mary Graysons Little Robin, that unexpectedly became popular on Fanfiction.net.
Ties That Bind is a medieval Period Fic. The main premise of the story is that Garfield (Beast Boy) lost his wife Terra after she was murdered by King Malchior. Gar leads a revolt and takes over the leadership of Steel Kingdom. He successfully overthrows Malchior, taking Malchior's widow Raven back to Jump Estate with him as a servant.
Since this is a Romance and Revenge fic, the inevitable happens.
It's a unique fanfic due to the fact that the author and did a lot of research and decided to have the fic fall under Shown Their Work instead of Did Not Do the Research.
It can be read here.
- Blade Lock: Happens a few times, complete with The Princess Bride homage.
- Celibate Hero: Garfield starts out as one of these, and is this way toward Raven until they're married, unfortunately the Fan Dumb didn't get the reasons why.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Gar is this, when he's joking.
- Comforting the Widow: Malchior's modus operendi, and everyone knew it
- Complete Monster: Malchior combined with the fact that he's a Magnificent Bastard too.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Raven's first sword fight with Garfield, her second swordfight with him and when he rescues her without any help by himself. There are a lot more coming, they're just unwritten as of this entry.
- Death by Origin Story: Terra receives this, but appears in plenty of flashbacks.
- Deadly Doctor: Kori is, by reputation, she even Led the invasion of Malchior's home village while Gar gave Maldouche a Hannibal Lecture.
- Determined Widow: Raven, but many of the characteristics are inverted or subverted because the she sees Gar as the villain instead of The Hero.
- Eternal Sexual Freedom: Subverted for historical accuracy and character traits, the Fan Dumb went berserk.
- Happily Married: Richard and Kori, Terra and Garfield.
- Good Is Not Nice: Garfield tortures and murders the man who killed Terra on Malchior's orders.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Gar is this, when he's joking.
- Homage: The author has several of these, including The Princess Bride, Romeo X Juliet, Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Teen Titans, and Black Cat.
- Lampshade Hanging: The author lampshade hangs her own fic with the following:
Garfield: Life's not really fair is it? I feel like I'm in a twisted romance and revenge story. |
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The main theme of the Fanfic
- Romancing the Widow: Is not Gar's intention but he ends up doing this to Raven eventually.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Garfield, Kori and Terra.
- Shown Their Work: The author does this with authors notes at the end of every chapter after the prologue.
- The Uriah Gambit: Inverted. Malchior attempts this and fails and kills Terra instead.
- The Stoic: Richard
- Xanatos Gambit: Gar pulls off one of these.