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Ties That Bind is a Teen Titans Fanfic written by Mary Graysons Little Robin, that unexpectedly became popular on

Ties That Bind is a medieval Period Fic. The main premise of the story is that Garfield (Beast Boy) lost his wife Terra after she was murdered by King Malchior. Gar leads a revolt and takes over the leadership of Steel Kingdom. He successfully overthrows Malchior, taking Malchior's widow Raven back to Jump Estate with him as a servant.

Since this is a Romance and Revenge fic, the inevitable happens.

It's a unique fanfic due to the fact that the author and did a lot of research and decided to have the fic fall under Shown Their Work instead of Did Not Do the Research.

It can be read here.

Tropes used in Ties That Bind include:

Garfield: Life's not really fair is it? I feel like I'm in a twisted romance and revenge story.
Richard: If you were, you'd probably end up falling for the wife of the guy you killed.
Garfield: Who would write something like that?
Richard: A hopeless romantic with a knack for liking this sort of thing.
