- Acceptable Targets: Child molesting priests in The Pope Song.
- Also, the sceptic Minchin often has a go at irrational belief; such as in "Storm", "If I Didn't Have You", "White Wine In The Sun", "I Love Jesus", "Take My Wife", "Thank You God" and "Ten Foot Cock And A Few Hundred Virgins".
- Crosses the Line Twice: Some People Have It Worse Than I "I could be a thalidomide child with something in my eye, something in my eye!"
- Ear Worm: Most of his songs but especially Thank You God.
- Fridge Brilliance: When you first listen to The Pope Song, it's tempting to assume it's just an example of Refuge in Vulgarity and nothing but an Author Tract against the Pope filled with Cluster F Bombs. When you listen to it again and think about it, though, you realize that the fact that it's offensive is the whole point - the song isn't criticizing the Pope so much as it is people who look the other way when he does something morally grey (or black) but don't hesitate to jump on anyone for questioning him, other religious leaders, or religion in general. The message isn't 'fuck the Pope' but 'if you're more offended by a song in which I say a few nasty words about the Pope than you are about the Pope knowingly sheltering pedophiles that is a really screwed up system of morality you have there'.
- For Prejudice, there's some Fridge Brilliance when you realise that Tim can say the infamous word.
- Wossy Can I Bang Your Wife was a show of solidarity, crossing the line that had previously got the show he performed it on cancelled.
- For Prejudice, there's some Fridge Brilliance when you realise that Tim can say the infamous word.
- Genius Bonus: the whole routine about singing in F-sharp, aside from showcasing Hollywood Tone Deaf in the most wonderful way, is extra funny if you're a vocalist and know that F-major is, for some reason, impossible to sing in. Without instruments to herd them, 90% of singers starting out in that key will have drifted into another by the end of the song.
- In If I Didn't Have You, Tim conjectures an alternate universe in which he is married to a small blonde Portuguese skier with neck-down alopecia.
- Painful Rhyme: From Five Poofs and Two Pianos:
Five poofs, and two pianos |
- From Inflatable You:
My mates all reckon you are suitable |
- In the Three Minute Song:
But the problem with my particular oeuvre |
- Sophomore Slump: So Rock has some good numbers, but veers much further than Dark Side into Refuge in Vulgarity. Fortunately, this is dialled back on Ready For This? in favour of Deadpan Snarking, Take Thats and Anti Love Songs.
- Tear Jerker: White Wine in the Sun for many.
- During some live tapings of Not Perfect, you can actually see audience members crying. In particular, this part tends to bring people with body issues to tears.
And the weirdest thing about it is |
- Not Perfect also has the tendency to upset those people with mental health issues; after singing about how his brain made of love and bad lyrics, but can also hide his fucked up thoughts, he closes:
It’s where I spend the vast majority of my time. |
- You Grew On Me. The lyrics are hilarious, but the melody and emotion he brings to it are astounding. During performances, you can hear people laughing along with the first verse, and then listening to it in awed silence when he repeats it at the end of the song.
- Rock And Roll Nerd for some.
- True Art Is Angsty: Discussed in Rock And Roll Nerd and satirised in Dark Side.