Active since the early 1990s, Tim Wilson is as much a comedian as he is a novelty singer. His material is often topical in nature, addressing the political climate with his own libertarian views. When he's not doing that, he's poking fun at himself or the South, or bringing out the guitar to do some novelty songs.
Tim Wilson is also a fixture on The Bob and Tom Show.
Tim Wilson provides examples of the following tropes:
- Clumsy Copyright Censorship: To get the Chuck E. Cheese's song on an album, he had to name it "Chucky Cheese H*ll" and put a warning on the album that the song was not approved by Chuck E. Cheese's.
- Country Rap: Parodied on "Hillbilly Homeboy".
- Deep South
- I Want My Jetpack: "Where's My Jetpack" of course.
- Long Title: "Dale Darrell Waltrip Richard Petty Rusty Awesome Bill Irvin Gordon Earnhardt Smith… Johnson, Jr."
- The Munchausen: The "Uncle BS" skits, in which the uncle in question recounts a blatantly made-up story about where he was on a certain day in time.
- Parody Commercial: The last track on Hillbilly Homeboy is one for "Love Songs for Losers".
- Phony Veteran: "He's My Brother-in-Law": "He tries to blame it all on Vietnam / But he wasn't there, he was fifteen in '74".
- Sound Effect Bleep: "Darryl Stokes, that dumb sonofa [BLAM], almost shot Santa Claus."
- Stuffy Old Songs About the Buttocks: "Booty Man", Played for Laughs.
- Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: Occurs in "Love Songs for Losers": "Chuck, Chuck, Chuck, Chuck / I think she finally wants to fffffffffforget about yesterday."
- Suck E. Cheese's: "Chucky Cheese Hell" is sung from the point of view of a bouncer at a Chuck E. Cheese's.