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- Larry being chased by Tuddrussell (with a pair of jeans), Otto, Winston Churchill wearing a dress, Roosevelt wearing an Eskimo parka, and Stalin in a tourist outfit in "The Prime Minister Has No Clothes" in a Benny Hill-esque chase scene, complete with the tune of Yakkety Sax. It Makes Sense in Context, honest!
- Even better is the beginning where Time Squad is having movie night. Larry has shown the montage of pranking Abe Lincoln, Tuddrussell getting his butt kicked by Julius Caesar (the clip was straight out of the episode "To Hail With Caesar"), and a scene of Tuddrussel wrapped in a towel singing in front of a mirror (which Larry apparently taped without Tuddrussell knowing).
- One of the best moments is when the Squad goes back to find Edgar Allen Poe, who has turned into Tastes Like Diabetes Incarnate. After he reads them "The Bear" (the kid-friendly version of The Raven), and it is the most cheesy, feminine, Sugar Bowl thing ever written, and after he finishes, the stunned, shocked, and even horrified looks on the Squads faces are absolutely the pinnacle of hilarity for this show. What makes it better is Tuddrussell's delayed jaw drop.
- Another from the Poe episode: Poe goes to a hospital to cheer up patients Patch Addams style. He changes into a clown costume behind a curtain, but the curtain is around the bed of a man in traction and a full body cast. The only part of the guy able to react to what just happened are his eyes.
- And yet another: the trio take Poe to a forest that was destroyed by a fire. Instead of becoming depressed again like they'd hoped, he starts traipsing about, putting party hats on all the burnt animals. "Here you go, crispy moose! It's party time!"
- To top that off, Otto's reaction-
Otto: Aww, look how cute that moose looks in the little party hat! |
- When the Founding Fathers are trying to write the Declaration of Independence and John Adams tries to "help" by shouting random words. "You're no help, Adams!"
- In the episode where they meet Buffalo Bill, they find him as a lunatic conspiracy theorist. He argues with Otto over that Abraham Lincoln had a giant hypnotic eye underneath his hat and that Thomas Jefferson had special relationships with aliens.
Buffalo Bill: It's all right here in the twenty dollar bill, man! You see right here next to |
- Tuddrussel's and Larry's accounts of their mission in "A Thrilla at Attila's" reveal some interesting and hilarious insights into their psyches. Even funnier are Otto's confirmations that some of the exaggerated details in both stories actually happened, such as Tuddrussel immediately punching Attila in the face when they meet and Larry trying to teach the Huns aerobics (in a scene that might have been inspired by a similar sequence involving Him in The Powerpuff Girls).
- A lot of younger viewers at the time hold this episode as the clearest memory they have of the show (and if not this episode, then the Edgar Allan Poe episode). It really says something when this is the episode that children at the time remember the most. It's just a non-stop laugh fest.
- Weird House Weirdness, where the music, sound effects, and plot are straight out of a Scooby Doo episode (and because of that, the episode was delayed in airing due to copyright issues).
- This;
Otto Osworth: Hey, look! We're going to meet the Earl of Sandwich. He invented one of the most popular foods of all time. |
- Also, when the Earl was showing them his list of failed sandwiches:
Earl of Sandwich: (burned sandwich) This one was too hot, (one in a block of ice) This one too cold, (another covered in slime) this one too icky... (the final one is a nauseous looking one) I don't even know what happened here! |
- In 'The Island of Dr. Freud', the town hall meeting-
citizen 1: Hey! where's the mayor? |