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Tina Fey is one of The Fair Folk.[]

It's right there in her name, people.

Tina Fey will run for president in 2012.[]

She will pretend to be Sarah Palin and dress/act like her and whatnot. And win the election, thrusting the United States into a golden age.

Tina Fey and Sarah Palin are twins separated at birth.[]

How else can you explain the extreme similarities in appearance? It's more logical than the other two.

Tina Fey will end up playing Carly Shay's Missing Mom on ICarly[]

Miranda Cosgrove wants it to happen, Tina is her idol, they have one season left and their personalties would fit as Mother-Daughter just as well as when Sam's mother was played by Jane Lynch. The only issue is where has her mother been, so it could be shown as a flashback.