Titanzer is a giant robot action-comedy webcomic by Kevin Wilson. The story starts with Johnny Yamamoto, former savior of the world, finding out he has a negative balance on his bank account. This happens right as he watches a parking officer slap a handful of tickets on his giant robot. It goes up and down and all around from there.
This comic was started in May 2011, is drawn in black and white, and currently updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Alien Invasion: Although no longer around (thanks to Johnny), aliens did invade Earth at some point in the past. They even punched the head off the statue of liberty, thinking it was a robot.
- Boss Subtitles: Each villain has been introduced with these and some kind of subtitle, like "Kind of Crap College Project".
- Coincidental Broadcast: Both Cameron and Attie have luck with this.
- Evil Laugh: Cameron attempts one before being interrupted.
- Hotblooded Sideburns: Combined with Johnny's Eighties Hair, he has the ultimate power hairdo.
- Humongous Mecha: Titanzer and every villain so far.
- Impractically Fancy Outfit: The company's uniform they force Johnny to wear includes pants with lightning bolts on them and a ridiculous helmet.
- Made of Explodium: No one trusts the villain's dead until it explodes.
- Mean Boss: Johnny's boss is kind of a jerkface.
- Redemption Quest: Titanzer's basically about a former hero trying to get his crap together after hitting rock bottom.
- Sliding Scale of Silliness Versus Seriousness: Johnny and Attie have a touching moment right before Johnny begs for Titanzer's repair money.
- Super Robot Genre: This comic is soaking in it.
- There Was a Door: Inert and Amazer both entered through a wall.
- X Meets Y: Scott Pilgrim meets Giant Robo.