
Note: Don't waste good titles on obscure, poorly-related tropes. If you want to use a title, make a proposal in the Trope Workshop.

This a Just For Fun page

This might be fun. The usual order of things is that someone finds a trope and we all have a bit of fun coming up with an irreverent name for it.

In here, let's take a stab at the other way 'round: snappy titles in search of a trope. No fair trying to influence things with text other than the title. No fair having trope-length titles. Don't forget the snappy.

This also gives us a place to store titles from the Trope Workshop and elsewhere that don't quite fly. We can "throw them in the Title Bin." If it ever comes out then it's an Ascended Bin Title and can be moved there.

Do credit this site if you end up using one of these to name your rock band.

(Please make sure titles that get applied to new tropes are added to Ascended Bin Titles.)

Titles in Alphabetical Order, Proposed by the Troper Hive Mind:

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See Ascended Bin Titles for trope titles that made it out alive!