Titmouse is an American animation studio.
Established by former MTV animator Chris Prynoski in 2000 and named after the Tufted Titmouse.[1] The company utilizes Flash Animation to amazing effect.
They also have a YouTube channel.
Among the studios' works[]
- Avatar: The Last Airbender (Opening; Show by DR Movie, JM Animation and Moi Animation)
- Black Dynamite
- Black Panther
- The animated sequence in Community's "A Fistfull of Paintballs"
- Diablo III: Wrath
- Freaknik the Musical
- G.I. Joe: Resolute
- Guitar Hero (Cutscenes)
- MAD (Additional Animation)
- Megas XLR (Opening; show itself done in South Korea)
- Metalocalypse
- Motorcity
- Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Animation
- Superjail
- The Venture Brothers
- Underworld: Endless War (With Dong Woo)
Tropes Associated with Titmouse[]
- Animation Bump
- Conspicuous CG: Motorcity
- Meaningful Name: See Above
- Visual Effects of Awesome: They even put Top Draw to shame.