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  • Charles flying through two different Amatsukami Navy ambushes, especially the latter encounter. For reference's sake, the Santa Cruz, while fast, is pretty much just a recon plane, and its only armament is a machinegun that faces the rear. Said machinegun is manned by a princess who has never fired a gun in her life. In both encounters he is outnumbered pretty much ten-to-one, and that's just the flying battleships. What does he does in both ambushes? In the first he leads the heat-seeking missiles fired against his plane, and leads them on a merry chase... back to one of the battleships that fired the missiles. In the second? He does some crazy stunt flying to get through AA fire amidst an encirclement of ships, to the point where he flies through the rapidly-closing gap between two ships, and then proceeds to outfly and outrun the fleet's fighter corps, the latter of which while he was wounded and was slowly losing consciousness due to blood loss.