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A list of characters for To Love Ru and To Love Ru Darkness.
Yuuki Rito[]
Yuuki Rito (Voiced by Akeno Watanabe)[]
Male protagonist of To Love-Ru and resident Chick Magnet, Rito's in love with Haruna when the series begins but after failing to confess to her he tries to have a nice soak in the bath until Lala teleports onto him... in the nude... yeah. Turns out she's an alien princess from a far-off planet and she's just looking for an excuse not to go home, setting off Rito's daily routine of trouble.
- Accidental Pervert - Quite possibly a contender for Trope Codifier. Seriously, take a shot every time he manages to get into an "accidental situation" with any of the female characters in the series, and kiss your liver goodbye.
- Lampshaded in chapter 108:
Rito: I don't peep on people on purpose! |
- Accidental Kiss - With Ren. Naturally, Rito is pissed, and he takes it much worse in the manga than the anime. And by "much worse", we mean he kicks Ren's ass for it, starting with a flying kick and progressing to a Big Ball of Violence.
- Allergic to Love - Even touching a girl's "parts", just thinking about Haruna in a swimsuit or seeing a naked girl will freak the hell out of him and send him running away. He gets better as time goes on, but is still liable to freak out if it goes too far.
- Attractive Bent Gender - Very much so.
- Beware the Nice Ones - While the manga less emphasized on this, Rito WILL hurt you when the time is right.
- The best comparison is when Ghi Bree kidnaps and starts molesting Haruna. The manga version shows Rito trying a hit and run strategy, while in the anime... HOLY SHIT!
- Cannot Spit It Out
- Chaste Hero - He's generally more concerned about his life being shaken up by the various adventures the girls bring than noticing any of their crushes on him.
- Chick Magnet
- Covert Pervert - He has his moments. Mostly, but not limited to, Imagine Spots about Haruna.
- And, as a rather worrying dream, certain chapters imply his younger sister Mikan.
- Cross-Dressing Voices - Voiced by Akeno Watanabe, better known as Viletta Nu, though this trope can be temporarily averted whenever he transforms into Riko.
- Eyes of Gold - Particularly noticable in Motto To Love-Ru.
- Forgotten First Meeting: With Yui. He's oblivious though and she only just remembered.
- Gender Bender - Has happened at least five or six times, all thanks to one of Lala's gadgets. The first was accidental, but since then Lala and sometimes Momo will cheerfully force him into female form every now and then. Helping out at Dr. Mikado's clinic? Gotta dress as a nurse, and that means you've gotta be a girl!
- Harem Hero - Type I; of note is Rito will throw himself into the fray if he feels the need to, and will try to defend the girls around him. Fortunately, To Love-Ru isn't a full-on Shounen manga.
- Hates Being Touched - He doesn't like it when any of the girls cling onto him. This is more due to embarrassment than anything else.
- He seems to be growing out of it though, and even stood up for Run when Yui chastized her for clinging to him.
- Heavy Sleeper
- Hot-Blooded
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Instant Waking Skills - Rito wakes up fast when Momo or Lala sneak into his bed.
- Made of Iron - Good thing he is one, because he's a...
- Nice Guy - A veritable saint for not snapping and/or forcing himself onto one of the (many) hot girls in the cast after all this sexy extraterrestrial insanity.
- He's practically The Messiah for the way he tries to help Yami, no matter how often she insists she'll kill him someday.
- Shout-Out - Possibly: he looks similar to Kaito from Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch.
- Sweet Tooth - Maybe: on at least two occasions we've seen him talking about sweets in his sleep, usually when he's feeling up the girl who has snuck into his bed wth him.
- Talking in Your Sleep - Usually about sweets.
- The Chew Toy
- The So-Called Coward - Rito didn't hesitate to rush in to fight this guy to protect Haruna and Lala. Sure, Ghi Bree turns out to be a frail weakling and was only using his shapeshifting powers to look like a roid-raging demon, but nobody told Rito about that.
- More recently, in Darkness, he rescued Nana as she was about to be slashed by a sword that was using Kujou Rin as a People Puppet to wield it. And then he went on a Journey to the Center of the Mind to rescue Rin before the sword could manage complete "Demonic Possession".
- This Loser Is You - Originally, though he does develop as a character over time.
- Unlucky Everydude
- Unwanted Harem - If he successfully obtains everyone in it as Momo plans to, he's going to have a lot of descendants.
Sairenji Haruna[]

Sairenji Haruna[]
One of two female protagonists in the original manga, Haruna's the Girl Next Door who manages to be both sweet and kind without annoying the fandom. She was Rito's initial love interest until Lala came along; Haruna, of course, likes Rito too. Having become best friends with Lala, she won't do anything to break up Lala and Rito's engagement and only tells Lala that she loves Rito so she wouldn't feel guilty about not doing so in the future.
- A-Cup Angst - As a phase: in the beginning it didn't bother her (not like she was flat to begin with, anyway), but when the idea that Rito likes girls with big breasts was planted into her head, she got more depressed and self-conscious. It's only when she remembered a speech Rito made about inner beauty, while she was trying to reassure Nana (who suffers from this trope twice as much), that she snapped out of it and regained confidence in herself.
- Betty and Veronica - Betty to Lala's Veronica.
- Covert Pervert - A recent chapter has her fantasizing about Rito bathing her. And by bathing we mean heavy petting with bathing undertones.
- Demoted to Extra - Haruna began declining in appearances for quite awhile as Yui was slowly overtaking her spotlight. Understandable when you consider the fact the woman she was based on was the source of the Creator Breakdown that eventually resulted in the end of the original manga.
- Girl Next Door
- Grievous Harm with a Body - A frightened Haruna + Rito = PAIN.
- Nice Girl - Of the more classical variety.
- Shrinking Violet
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl
- Yamato Nadeshiko
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Hair Color Dissonance - Early in the manga, Rito describes her as having black hair, but subsequent recoloring of Haruna depicts her with dark purple.
Kotegawa Yui[]

Kotegawa Yui (Voiced by Kaori Nazuka)[]
Head of the public morals committee at Sainan High, Yui's seemingly obsessed with everything being proper and decent. Much to her displeasure, most of Rito's troubles has dragged her along wtih him. Thanks to spending time with him, Yui has some affection for Rito, but develops an exceptional case of Cannot Spit It Out.
- Ascended Extra - Following a certain point in the manga, Yui was given more and more screentime as Haruna appeared less for subsequent chapters.
- Butt Monkey - Initially when she's introduced: the harder she tries to keep law-and-order, the more screwy fate treats her.
- Buxom Is Better - Risa seems to feel it counts as something like Hypocritical Humor that the class prude has such a voluptuous figure.
- Catch Phrase: "How shameless!"
- Mea plays with this by giving her the nickname "Shameless Senpai."
Mea: You always say shameless this, shameless that... Isn't it because you actually want to do something shameless, senpai~~? |
- Chew Toy
- Control Freak
- Covert Pervert - She can have some interesting thoughts. Despite the fact that she usually criticizes others for their "shameless behavior".
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Forgotten First Meeting - With Rito. She just recently remembered though.
- Girlish Pigtails - When she was younger.
- He Is Not My Boyfriend - Almost completely in denial about her feelings for Rito — especially evident when she makes Valentine's Day chocolate for him and insists, even to herself, that it's just "obligatory chocolate". Right, Yui, you just keep saying that to yourself...
- She's even in denial to herself. Even after fantasizing about getting married to Rito and pregnant, she's still trying her hardest to not admit her feelings to herself.
- Ms. Fanservice - Semi-subverted, since it's usually against her will.
- My Name Is Not Durwood - Her name is Kotegawa, not Kokegawa.
- Playing Against Type
- Reluctant Fanservice Girl - Keeps getting dragged into embarrassing situations.
- Tsundere - Yui's a classic example of a Type A.
Tenjouin Saki[]

Tenjouin Saki (Voiced by Ayako Kawasumi)[]
The school's queen bee who considers Lala her rival. Of course, her numerous attempts at showing Lala up just make her embarrass herself in the end. She has a crush on Zastin, and is dismayed to learn that he's Lala's servant.
- Alpha Bitch - Played for laughs on some occasions, portrayed with sympathy on others.
- Evil Noblewoman's Laugh
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Large Ham
- Playing Against Type
- Princess Curls
- Rich Bitch
- The Ojou
- Shipper on Deck - In Darkness, believes her friend Rin has fallen for Rito ... and promises to cheer her on.
- Those Two Girls - Almost always accompanied by her friends/servants, Kujou Rin and Fujisaki "Aya" Ayako.
Yuuki Mikan[]

Yuuki Mikan (Voiced by Kana Hanazawa)[]
Rito's younger, more level-headed sister, Mikan's way too mature for a normal 11 year-old girl, who learned to take care of herself quicker than normal and reportedly has hordes of admirers. That being said, accusations are leveled against Mikan by her own friends and peers as to where her true affections lie.
- Brother-Sister Incest - Subverted: it's really a crush, and quite one-sided on her part. However, the series skirts this trope quite a bit (such as Mikan telling her brother they were Not Blood Siblings just to see his reaction).
- Deadpan Snarker
- Erotic Eating - The illustrator and Fan Art really like drawing her sucking and licking on ice cream and popsicles.
- Eyes of Gold - Same as her brother.
- The Gadfly
- Girlish Pigtails - When she was younger.
- Morality Pet - To Yami.
- Magical Girl - Played with: two of her school friends now presumably believe her to be one, after seeing her flying in pursuit of a criminal while wearing Lala's outfit courtesy of Peke.
- Only Sane Man
- Token Mini-Moe
- Wise Beyond Their Years - It's a worrying state of affairs when one of the most mature and emotionally stable people in the cast is 11 years old (10 in the anime).
- It can also be inferred that by the manga's end she's 12, seeing as she's in her last year of grade school and the manga ended in the break between that and her entering middle school. Still, it doesn't change the fact that she's way too mature for her age.
- Zettai Ryouiki - Type B.
Sawada Mio and Momioka Risa[]

Mio, Risa
Sawada Mio and Momioka Risa (Voiced by Chiemi Chiba and Ryoka Yuzuki, respectively)[]
Haruna and Lala's classmates and good friends, Mio and Risa are Those Two Girls of the cast. Both are more than willing to help their female classmates with their personal problems ranging from beauty to smarts, but aren't above groping them, though.
- Bi the Way - Although Risa's aroused by the female form, that doesn't stop her from pushing Rito onto her bed and attempting to seduce him... but she was nice enough to relent when he faints from embarrasment/arousal.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl - Mio.
- The Gadfly - Both of them.
- Girlish Pigtails - Mio.
- Meganekko - Mio; may overlap sometimes with Scary Shiny Glasses.
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Skinship Grope - Both are just too happy to "feel up" other girls.
- The Tease - Until Momo appears, Risa was the official user of this trope for the series.
- One particularly memorable scene has the girls discussing beauty tips. When Risa asks Rito for his opinion, he states "It's not the outside that's important. Rather, it's the inside!". Risa responds with this.
- Those Two Girls
Murasame Oshizu[]

Murasame Oshizu (Voiced by Mamiko Noto)[]
A 400 year-old ghost girl found wandering around in the abandoned school building, Oshizu was mistaken to have been haunting the place (in reality, it was extraterrestrials trying to find a place to live). From then on, she moves freely around the school campus; in addition, Dr. Ryouko Mikado creates an artificial body (with the same face and hairstyle as her ghost form) for her to inhabit. Oshizu begins working as an assistant nurse to pay off the expenses for the body.
- Cute Ghost Girl - At first; granted, she was human, but technically no longer one. Subverted later on into a...
- Ridiculously Human Robot - Dr. Mikado fashions an artificial body for her.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water - Having remained within the old school building for four centuries, Oshizu's rather ignorant of modern Japanese culture (such as why Buxom Is Better) and is fascinated by technology. In fact, the concept of dieting for the sake of getting thin is a Berserk Button for her, since she lived during times of poverty and famine.
- Giving Up the Ghost - She tends to leave her artificial body when scared or hit.
- Hime Cut
- Journey to the Center of the Mind - She can do this to those she possesses.
- Psychic Powers - After being a ghost for so long, Oshizu developed decent telekinetic abilities. Unfortunately, her powers can go out of control when she's frightened.
- Shipper on Deck - Supports Haruna being paired up with Rito.
- Superpower Meltdown - When she's scared, her poltergeist-like powers will go berserk via...
- Why Did It Have To Be Dogs? - The easiest way to get her sufficiently scared.
Saruyama Kenichi[]

Saruyama Kenichi (Voiced by Hiroyuki Yoshino)[]
Rito's "best" (if you could really call him that) friend since junior high, Kenichi's envious of Rito for all of his Accidental Pervert situations. He does, however, especially in the earlier chapters, support Rito + Haruna and sometimes goes out of his way to arrange time for the two to be together.
- Bromantic Foil - In contrast to the more innocent Rito, although the latter still gets all the "incidents".
- Casanova Wannabe
- Loves My Alter Ego - He falls in love with "Riko", Rito's genderbent version.
The Principal[]
The Principal (Voiced by Kenichi Ogata)[]
- Butt Monkey/Chew Toy
- Dirty Old Man
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"
- Made of Iron - The only explanation for him surviving the beatings Yami delivers.
- On the last page of the "Trouble Quest" arc, he's being eaten alive by a crocodile in the Amazon Basin. He's amorously chasing Run around the high school again in the very next chapter.
Lala Satalin Deviluke[]

Lala Satalin Deviluke (Voiced by Haruka Tomatsu)[]
The second female protagonist in the original manga, Lala is the crown princess of planet Deviluke. She ran away from home after her father Emperor Gid Lucion Deviluke kept forcing her suitors for an Arranged Marriage. Arriving on Earth, she accidentally (or rather, conveniently) lands in Rito's bathtub... while he was in it. She winds up getting engaged to Rito, deeming him suitable enough to be her fiance, though this was only to escape out of the situation with her father and bodyguards. Eventually, Lala does genuinely come to love him and even encourages Haruna's love, despite the fact it interferes with her own.
- Badass Adorable Princess
- Betty and Veronica - Veronica to Haruna's Betty.
- Beware the Nice Ones - With her sweet, good-natured and sunny disposition, it's very easy to forget Lala's the princess of a world-destroying warrior-race... who can fight the galaxy's best assassin to a standstill in unarmed combat, and taking on an Amazon Brigade empty-handed, until they figure out her "weak point".
- Cool Big Sis
- Ditzy Genius/Bungling Inventor - Has a wide range of quirky gadgets that she invented herself and gets straight A's in school as soon as she masters the Japanese language, yet has an emotional maturity level surpassed by Mikan.
- To be fair, Mikan surpasses just about everyone in the series in that category.
- Fantastic Arousal - Her tail.
- Gadgeteer Genius - Though just how useful or necessary they can be is another matter.
- Gainaxing
- Genki Girl, Nice Girl - Though not as homely like Haruna, Lala's an energetic mass of positive attitude mixed with a kind heart.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl - Lala makes immodesty look decent.
- Ki Attacks - Or something like that. Since the series isn't really Shounen so to speak, we don't see a whole lot of use.
- Lethal Chef
- One Girl Army - Though rarely gets the chance to show it.
- MacGyvering - The primary source of most of the "trouble" in the story.
- Make Me Wanna Shout - She pushed a typhoon off course by yelling at it...because she didn't want it to ruin her trip to the beach.
- Magical Girlfriend - Who also happens to be a...
- Magnetic Girlfriend - Literally, thanks to her magnet-bot.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast - Lala Satalin Deviluke.
- Prehensile Tail - And it shoots Frickin' Laser Beams!
- Pretty Freeloader
- Razor Wind - Sort of: a properly-motivated Lala can throw punches of compressed air strong enough to smash concrete. Since she rarely has interest in fighting, this is just as seldom-seen as the tail lasers.
- Rebellious Princess
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Second Episode Morning
- Vapor Wear - Supposedly, she dislikes wearing a bra.

Zastin (Voiced by Takehito Koyasu)[]
Lala's bodyguard and the strongest in the Devilukean military, Zastin was tasked to retrieve the princess, until he's mistakenly swayed by Rito's words on Lala's Arranged Marriage, citing he truly understands the princess' feelings (though that wasn't what Rito had meant). Relegating to stay on Earth to continue his bodyguard duties for Lala, Zastin in the meantime works as an assistant for Rito's father Saibai and is learning how to draw manga himself.
- Bishonen
- Bunny Ears Lawyer - Much to Gid's chagrin, Zastin becomes quite an accomplished manga artist under Saibai's direction. Well, in the manga, at least.
- Butt Monkey
- Iron Butt Monkey - Of course, he is the best soldier of Deviluke, which explains his toughness.
- Chew Toy - Literally: the first time Rito meets him, a stray dog starts gnawing the bone-like "armor" on Zastin's leg. The dog shows up, again chewing Zastin's armor, at least once more in the series.
- Expy - To Creed Diskenth of Black Cat, at least in appearance and powers. Personality-wise, Zastin's no Yandere like Creed is.
- Laser Blade
- Master Swordsman
- No Sense of Direction - Justified since Earth is an unfamiliar environment to him in the beginning. Unfortunately, he gets hammered with this in subsequent reappearances that it mostly derails him.
- Shoulders of Doom
- Those Two Guys - Is occasionally seen with two aids Maul and Smutts.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Konjiki no Yami[]

Konjiki no Yami (Golden Darkness)/Eve (Voiced by Misato Fukuen)[]
One of the deadliest assassins in the galaxy, Golden Darkness was originally hired by one of Lala's suitors to kill Rito, until a slip from her client's mouth reveals her target is not what he seems to be. Voiding her client's contract, she turns against him and stays on Earth for the time being.
- Artificial Human
- Ascended Extra - Originally a secondary character (not that you'd know from her prominence in promotional materials), she gets promoted to lead female protagonist along with Momo for the Darkness spin-off sequel.
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Bookworm - Spends most of her time reading any book she can get her hands on.
- Little Miss Badass
- Berserk Button - Perverts and/or anything she considers Ecchi. Poor Rito, being the Accidental Pervert he is, usually gets beaten to a pulp when he's in close proximity. Hell, she'll even beat him up if she knows it was an accident. She sometimes claims the only reason she stops short of killing him is because she knows it was an accident.
- Which leaves the question of why does she always wear a tight black leather outfit with no bra and a so-short-it's-barely-there skirt?
- Big Eater - For taiyaki.
- Bond Villain Stupidity - Why not just kill Rito, Yami? Because she has come to respect him... and has promised that his death will be "quick and painless".
- Breast Expansion / Overnight Age-Up - Shapeshifting has its many uses.
- Career Killer - She's softened up quite a bit since she came to Earth.
- Cheerful Child - Before she became an assassin.
- The Comically Serious
- Continuity Cameo - Yami's appearance in this scene is a Shout-Out to Eve, who assumed a form like this briefly while she was Brainwashed and Crazy early in the Black Cat anime adaptation.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Expy - Of Eve from Black Cat, The T-1000 and possibly Fate Testarossa.
- Darkness indicates she's not simply Eve's Expy, but is her Alternate Universe counterpart. In fact, her real name is Eve, and like her Black Cat original, she's an enhanced clone of her creator Tearju Lunatique.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: Her standard outfit.
- Legal Jailbait - See Older Than They Look.
- Lethal Chef -> Cordon Bleugh Chef - Her first attempts at cooking were rather horrid but justified since her understanding of Earth food was limited to taiyaki, so she just put that in everything. Under Mikan's instruction she does quite well at cooking, but still has a fondness for taiyaki, which she expresses by creating taiyaki miso soup, something Rito had to force down.
- Older Than They Look - "By the Chronos Galaxy calendar, I'm twenty-four thous..."
- One Girl Army
- The Only One Allowed to Kill You - The reason she saves Rito's ass so many times.
- Prehensile Hair - Shapeshifting, no less.
- Shapeshifter Weapon
- She's Got Legs
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Swiss Army Weapon
- The Stoic
- Too Many Belts - Five totally pointless but sexy-as-hell belts wrapped around each leg (the lowest of which are hidden by her shoes). She cuts it down to one belt around her left leg when she's in her school uniform.
- Trademark Favourite Food - Taiyaki. The first time she tasted it was when Rito gave her some. Hmmmm...
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?
- When She Smiles - Quite possibly her most lethal weapon.
Momo Velia Deviluke[]

Momo Velia Deviluke (Voiced by Aki Toyosaki)[]
Younger sister to Lala, Momo is Nana's younger twin. Well-endowed for her age (to Nana's angst) and the more mischievous of the twins, Momo fled with Nana to Earth to run away from their studies back on Deviluke. She has a unique ability to talk to plants.
- Ascended Extra - Like Yami, Momo was a recurring secondary character, until the Darkness sequel ascends her to become the second female protagonist.
- Battle Aura - Rarely seen, but she's got it.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing - While she displays a kind and cheerful persona to everyone, in truth, Momo is exceptionally manipulative and violent. All this is before mentioning how unbelievably horny she is.
- Momo only displays her real personality in front of Nana, and to a lesser extent, Rito. She has expressed regret over being forced to show her more violent behaviour in front of him, though she states she's perfectly fine showing her perverted side, regardless.
- The Fake Cutie
- Fantastic Arousal - Her tail.
- Gamer Chick - Playing games has apparently become one of Momo's hobbies. She has a particular interest in gal games, and thinks that they'll help her get Rito girls for the "Harem Plan".
- Genre Savvy
- Harem Seeker - Specifically in Darkness; however, in a rare inversion for this trope and Tenchi Solution, Momo, a haremette, is doing this not for herself, but for Rito.
- Matchmaker Crush - While she's actively attempting to have Rito hook up with all the girls around him, his harem, nevertheless, includes herself, as she wants just as much affection from him, finding his "flushed face" cute.
- Horny Devils - Not a devil, per se, but a very naughty alien princess. Plus, she has a devil-like tail.
- If It's You It's Okay - See Single-Target Sexuality below.
- Little Miss Badass - It's been shown at the very least, she can dodge punches like Neo, then summon plants to take down her attackers.
- Loveable Sex Maniac
- Ms. Fanservice - Momo takes it a step further than the usual level by getting in the bathtub with Rito, waking him up by straddling him half-dressed and so forth.
- The thing that makes Momo stand out the most is unlike the other girls, where fanservice is played mostly for comedy, Momo knows exactly what she's doing. Her Fan Service is derived of a more sexual overtone.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast - "Velia" is supposed to refer to "Belial".
- Playing Against Type - Yui Hirasawa as a sex-crazed, naughty alien girl? Bet you didn't see this one!
- Single-Target Sexuality - Ignores all the guys who hit on her at school and only looks at Rito. Even when he changes gender, Momo doesn't seem to mind.
- Spell My Name with an "S" - Is it "Velia" or "Belia"?
- Tomboy and Girly Girl - The more feminine of the twins in contrast to Nana's tomboyish nature.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend - When her fan club tried to "save" her from Rito (by shooting him with Nerf Guns)... she was not amused.
Nana Asta Deviluke[]

Nana Asta Deviluke (Voiced by Kanae Ito)[]
Younger sister to Lala, Nana is Momo's older twin. Having had enough of their studies back on Deviluke, she flees to Earth to pay Lala a visit (with Momo tagging along). Like Momo's ability to talk to plants, Nana can communicate with animals; unlike her twin, Nana finds it hard to believe why everyone around Rito likes him, having witnessed a few "incidents" that proves otherwise.
- A-Cup Angst - Poor, poor Nana. It must be hard to grow up alongside Lala and Momo.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Sister - Lala is this to her, at least in regards to Mea.
- Berserk Button - Any mention of her being a Pettanko.
- Cute Little Fang
- Fantastic Arousal - Her tail.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast - "Asta" refers to "Astaroth".
- Relationship Voice Actor - With Aki Toyosaki; this time, they voice twin sisters.
- Secret Keeper - Is aware of Haruna's feelings for Rito, to which the former states she hasn't told this to anyone. Nana promises to keep it secret until Haruna tells Lala about it.
- Shipper on Deck - Despite not liking Rito nor understanding why Lala likes him, she's fond of reminding both Rito and the other girls he is Lala's fiance, after all.
- Speaks Fluent Animal - With classic animals.
- Spell My Name with an "S" - Is it "Asta", "Astar" or "Aster"?
- Tomboy and Girly Girl - Far more of a tomboy in contrast to Momo.
- Tsundere - Type B.
- Vague Age - While she and Momo don't look much older than Mikan (who's currently 12 as of Darkness), the twins enter the same high school as Rito as first years (roughly 15). This vagueness is Lampshaded when Yui asks the girls if that is their age. Nana responds by telling her not to worry about it, and the Principal helped them out, although this doesn't prove anything as one of the Principal's favorite sayings is "It's okay because you're cute".
- What Does She See in Him? - Doesn't understand why everyone (including herself) is falling for Rito's kind personality.
Ren/Run Elsie Jewelria[]

Run, Ren
Ren/Run Elsie Jewelria (Voiced by Fuyuka Oura)[]
A childhood friend of Lala's, Ren hails from the planet Memorze (one of Lala's flashbacks indicates the Memorze clothing style has an Arabian Nights look to it). When they were children, Lala said if Ren became more manly, she'd marry him. Taking it for face value, Ren upon arriving to Earth becomes determined to prove he's more manly than Rito. Unfortunately, his pursuit of Lala leads to an unexpected circumstance with "Run", Ren's Gender Bender alter-ego. Anytime he sneezes, Ren turns into Run, female in both body and personality — and vice-versa. In direct contrast to Ren, Run's infatuated with Rito, leading her to become an idol in hopes of gaining Rito's attention.
- Accidental Kiss - Ren with Rito; in fact, it's because of this that Run falls for him.
- Butt Monkey - Both of them.
- Gender Bender - Memorzeans can change genders via a particular stimulus. In Ren/Run's case, it's a sneeze, though it's supposed only that easy when they're on Earth.
- Pepper Sneeze - In case he/she needs to change gender on the fly.
- Hopeless Suitor
- Idiot Hair - Both of them.
- Idol Singer - Run becomes one around midway through the story.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Ren.
- Literal Split Personality - As of Darkness, Ren and Run no longer share one body: they have literally split into two as a result of them achieving a metamorphosis simply described as "reaching adulthood". Naturally, both have something to be happy about.
- Rated "M" for Manly - Ren strives to be as manly as possible, since Lala absentmindedly agreed in their childhood to marry him if he did.
- Stalker with a Crush - Ren for Lala, Run for Rito.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend - Ren, although now that Run's literally split from their body, he may have a chance with Lala again.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy - Ren.
Mikado Ryouko[]

Mikado Ryouko (Voiced by Masako Joh)[]
The school doctor at Sainan High, Dr. Ryouko is a ex-operative for a black market-based alien organization who wanted to overthrow Emperor Gid's rule of the galaxy, but flees to Earth in hopes of hiding from her former clients. Although primarily a school doctor, Ryouko does provide medical care to other extraterrestrials on Earth, but isn't above providing mysterious concoctions to her students.
- Cool Big Sis
- Gag Boobs
- Harem Nanny
- Hello, Nurse!
- Hot for Student - Suspiciously, at times, though it's more of her being...
- Pointed Ears - The only visible sign of her not being human. Normally concealed by her hair.
Kirisaki Kyouko[]

Kirisaki Kyouko (Voiced by Chiemi Chiba)[]
A half human, half alien idol, Kyouko's the star of her own television show "Magical Kyouko", where her motto is "Whatever the problem is, I'll solve it by burning it!" She works alongside Run and becomes fast friends with her.
- Big Bad - Played with in the Trouble Game arc, though this was only a simulation.
- Expy - Based on the same-named girl from Black Cat, even sharing the same seiyuu, but her personality is different.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath - Her TV persona's Catch Phrase is not an exaggeration: Magical Kyouko really does solve all her problems by setting them on fire.
- Magical Girl
- Playing with Fire
- Show Within a Show - The star of "Magical Kyouko", no less.
- Its also a bit of a parody: where else can you find a Magical Girl transformation that involves the girl going to the toilets to change, or says "Whatever the problem is, I'll solve it by burning it!"

Celine (Voiced by Ryoka Yuzuki)[]
Lala's gift to Rito for his 16th birthday, Celine is a giant, sentient sunflower kept in the backyard of his house. Like the rest of his house plants, Rito makes sure Celine is cared for, even referring to it as his family. After Celine contracts a disease, causing it to dry up and germinate, out pops an infant Celine from the seed. Looking like a human child (except with a noticeable flower on her head), Celine lives with in the Yuuki household and occasionally calls Rito "Mama".
- Cheerful Child
- Drunk on Milk - Like Belldandy, Celine can't handle cola.
- Is That Cute Kid Yours - Frequently mistaken for being Rito's daughter.
- Love Potion - The flower on her head can spray a pollen that temporarily causes anyone who inhales it to fall in love with Rito, be it man, woman or animal. Theorized in-universe to be a side-effect from Celine's affection for her "Mama".
- Plant Aliens - Even as a plant, Celine behaves like a human: sweating when it's hot, wearing an oversized scarf when it's cold and eating a giant bowl of ramen when she's hungry. Of course, she subverts it later and becomes a...
- Trademark Favorite Food - Ramen.
- Verbal Tic - "Mau!"
- Although this may simply be how everything she says sounds to human ears; Momo, being able to understand plant language, learned that Rito had been hit with yet another personality-changing drug from "Mamaaau Maau Mau Mau Maaau Maau."
Kurosaki Mea[]

Kurosaki Mea[]
An alien girl introduced in Darkness who claims to have been created by the same organization as Yami. She has been sent to Earth on a mission to take her "big sister" back.
- Beware the Nice Ones - Seems to be quite nice, but is a very strong and ruthless fighter.
- Bi the Way - Spends a good portion of one chapter groping and/or licking Riko, because she was cute.
- Braids of Action
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs - A black pin with a white cross.
- Expy - Looks a lot like Suou Pavlichenko.
- Frickin' Laser Beams - Creates an Arm Cannon to fire them.
- Genki Girl - Is almost always smiling and energetic.
- Good Bad Girl - While the rest of the cast balks at the topic of sex, Mea shows a great curiousity for it, and will openly talk about her fantasy of getting Rito to lick her all over, even to the point of outright asking him to do so. Despite this, she is usually a very friendly and upbeat person.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: Her alternate outfit is a copy of Yami's.
- Idiot Hair
- Japanese Sibling Terminology - Refers to Yami as "Onee-chan", mostly likely as they both have similar powers.
- Prehensile Hair
- Secret Keeper - She knows about the "Harem Plan", but despite semi-conflicting orders, has chosen to support it. However, she won't help Momo where it comes to Yami.
- Shapeshifter Weapon
- Sweet Tooth - Mea likes her tea with enough sugar cubes to peak over the top of her cup.
- Vapour Wear - Flashbacks reveal that she doesn't wear anything under her fighting outfit.
- What Is This Feeling?
Mea: For some reason, my body's getting hot... Could this be what they call an Ecchi feeling!? |
- What Is This Thing You Call Friendship? - Thanks to Nana playing the role for her that Mikan did for Yami, she learns the same thing that Yami did, a friend's warmth.
- Yandere
Professor Tearju Lunatique[]
Tearju Lunatique[]
The foremost galatic prodigy in the field of biotechnology, Professor Tearju was part of a scientific group that created Yami; Tearju provided her biological makeup, making her what amounts to Yami's mother. She left the group due to disagreements over treating Yami as a weapon of war in hopes to overthrow the Devilukean Empire, and vanishes with a trace. In reality, Tearju was being hunted down by her former clients and had to escape with her life. Dr. Mikado, a former classmate of Tearju, finds her late in Darkness and convinces her to come to Earth in hopes to reconcile with Yami. She's currently a substitue teacher at Sainan High.
- Dojikko
- Expy - Of the same-named character in Black Cat. To Love-Ru Darkness, however, leans this towards an Alternate Universe counterpart, with the link between them being the character "Eve" (Yami's true name being Eve).
- Hot Mom
- Hot Scientist
- Hot Teacher
- Human Alien
- Meganekko
- Missing Mom
- Motherly Scientist
- Rapunzel Hair
- Tall, Blonde and Bishoujo