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  • Accidental Aesop - The first OVA, in which Rito turns into a girl and his life suddenly becomes much more difficult.
    • In the OVA at least, this is balanced out with an Imagine Spot where, as a girl, Rito's life is much easier because all his Accidental Pervert moments are dismissed on account of gender.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced - Despite the manga being canceled, Motto To LOVE-Ru was greenlit as a follow-up to the first season and the OVAs. Then a bigger bomb was dropped when the author and artist announced their return to continue the manga via To LOVE-Ru Darkness. And then, Darkness was greenlit for a TV adaptation.
  • Die for Our Ship - Not quite as bad as some examples, but people were becoming very annoyed with Haruna as time wore on as she stood in the way of the popular Rito/Lala, Rito/Yui or Rito/Anyone-Other-Than-Haruna ships, really.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse - Yui, arguably the more well-received and popular female character of the cast.
    • In one online poll of all the females, Yui came in first, with at least 50% more votes than the second place finisher. Fans love their tsunderes and Yui fits the archetype better than most other anime tsunderes out there.
    • Momo's wasn't doing too bad either in the original manga, but is nowhere near Yui's level.
    • This is more of a Germans Love David Hasselhoff: in Japan, Yui's decently popular but not too big, because the Japanese Ensemble Darkhorse is Mikan.
    • Rito's female form, Riko.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment - The Not Herself chapter that had Haruna act like an evil sadist was pretty funny. Then it turns out the woman she was based on, the artist's ex-wife, rather than being a sweet Girl Next Door type was actually a hateful and sadistic woman that was also a philanderer, thief, kidnapper and extortionist. Maybe the writer was trying to tell him something...
    • The writer probably was: by the time he knew about it, Yui was written in more and more subsequent chapters and Haruna was written out. Undoubtedly, it's probably what led to Yui's Ensemble Darkhorse status, but one doesn't write out one of two female protagonists in favor of a secondary character without good reason.
  • Idiot Plot - About a hundred of them.
  • Memetic Mutation - "To Love-Ru is super interesting." Although it actually comes from Gintama, the screenshot (or at least the line) will inevitably find its way into just about every To Love-Ru discussion.
  • Memetic Sex God - Rito will induct every woman he meets into his harem, even if they are trying to kill him. It's just the way he rolls.
  • Moe Moe - Minus that lousy scumbag of a principal and Saruyama, everyone else in the cast...Rito/Riko included
  • Nightmare Fuel - Ghi Bree. Brr...
  • Viewer Gender Confusion - Wait: Peke is female?! (re: chapter 145)
  • The Woobie
    • Aww, poor Yami is just so huggable.
    • With the end of the manga, Kentaro Yabuki himself. His wife had been cheating on him, and he basically gave in to her every demand for the sake of his daughter. He could have fought his ex-wife in court for Lord knows how long but figured his daughter had suffered enough drama after being freaking kidnapped by her own mother. He chose his daughter's well-being over his own pride and perfectly justifiable rage. Papa Wolf indeed.