- In his Your Love is my Drug review, a snippet of The Piano Has been Drinking plays after he drunkenly passes out.
- He references "Weird Al" Yankovic several times:
- He calls "Bedrock" the first pop music reference to The Flintstones since "Bedrock Anthem".
- "Eat It" and other food-related songs come to his mind while trying to figure out why "Carry Out" was ever written.
- In his review of "Telephone", he considers the reason for the recent trend of making references to cell phones in pop music. "RINGTONE!"
- When he considers that Katy Perry's "Firework" would work better as something more permanent and useful, like firewood, he immediately sets the concept to music. "Watch out, Weird Al!"
- He uses "Good Enough For Now" as the intro music for his Top Ten Songs About Mediocre Romance, and gives bonus points to anyone who actually knows it.
- He uses clips from How I Met Your Mother quite a lot.
- After failing to play the Hannah Montana Pop Tour Guitar Video Game successfully due to its completely strumless controller.
Todd: ... I lost. I lost? Wait a minute, I'm not supposed to lose! *pulls out script* |
- The image of Satan seen in the "Like a G6" review is from the Doctor Who episode "The Satan Pit". (Although, in the commentary, he admitted that he had no idea of the source and had just Google image searched for Satan pictures.)
- In the comment for "Like A G6", he says that "Swear upon the good book" cutting to Johnny Cash's autobiography was a reference to High Fidelity.
- His speech after joining - and subsequently quitting - TGWTG.com is a paraphrased version of Conan O'Brien's final Tonight Show "farewell speech". There is a chance that this, however, is a Take That - it all really depends on whether or not Todd is a fan of Conan O'Brien.
- He's used the same clip of Nathan Explosion twice.
- He makes a quick reference to Teen Girl Squad in his "Deuces" review, after they mention "Valentimes", and there's a clip of Homsar in the "We Are The World 2010" review.
- Very subtle one in his review of "Club Can't Handle Me". When he is talking about the "lyrics" in the verses, he says "blah blah blah, Leonard Bernstein", which is a reference to a verse in the similarly incoherent "It's The End Of The World As We Know It", by REM.
- He believes Akon's personality to be "soul-full-of-gunk, termites-in-his-smile kind of awful."
- He explains that he thinks Lady Gaga is not evolving as an artist, she's mutating as an artist, and in a few years she'll be "an enormous blob of protoplasm crushing the world." Cue clip of Akira.
- When Todd attempts to guess what rhymes with Lehman in the Imma Be review, his first two guesses are Freeman and G-Man.
- Early on in the Worst Hit Songs Of 1987 list, he asks "1987, what the fuck is going on?"
- In his review of Ke$ha's "Blah Blah Blah", his montage of Blah Blah Blah clips from the song includes similar clips from Biz Markie's "Just A Friend", Bob Loblaw from Arrested Development, and Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series.
- He once compared Lady Gaga's desperation to look unconventionally attractive to Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters, in which the main character is a model missing the lower half of her jaw.
- Crossover example: in a Let's Play collaboration with Pushing Up Roses (Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise), Todd reacts to a living dish on the fridge with "a creature living in the refrigerator, behind the mayonnaise, next to the ketchup, and to the left of the cole slaw".
- He later referenced this game by having a wallpaper with Fatty Bear inside a "no" sign.
- His trucker lingo gibberish in "The Top 10 Worst Songs of 1976" eventually turns into the song-within-a-song from "The Devil Went Down to Georgia."
- His avatar on most sites is Schroeder at the piano or an altered version thereof.
- In his 'Top 6 Worst Songs of 2010', he explains that he contracted MRSA. Cue Massive Attack's 'Teardrop'.
- In a three-part Let's Play of Putt Putt Goes To The Moon, he describes a lever that is not supposed to be pulled as "The shining, CANDY-like lever." Later in the same review: "We're whalers on the moon..."
- In the review of Katy Perry's "E.T.", he remarks "It's K-k-katy c-c-come to k-k-kiss me."
- From Kanye's rap section:
Kanye: I know a bar out in Mars where they drivin' spaceships instead of cars. |
- In his review of "Party Rock Anthem", he says "and then John was a douchebag!"
- Early in his review of "Give Me Everything", he makes a list of words to rhyme with "Kodak" aside from itself. He ends the list with "lay these ponies at the track, this is my chocolate attack".
- His praise for "In Too Deep" by Phil Collins is a word-for-word quote from American Psycho, with a clip from the scene in question fading into view.
- It got to the point where he unsuccesfully tried to exploit Shout-Out in his review of Dirty Bit, in order to get a better song playing.
- He quotes The Telltale Heart in his top ten worst songs of 2011 while discussing a song whose beat he find both repetitive and aggravating.
- In his review of Bedrock, he used a clip from Flight of the Conchords.