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*Logo subject to change whenever the creator gets bored with the opening Title Sequence.

Mew Crystal Power... ACTIVATE!

Tokyo Crystal Mew is an infamous Fanime created by YouTube user "Mojocrystaltokyo" AKA Kisaka AKA Elena Hull. It is a Fan Film and unofficial sequel for the Anime series Tokyo Mew Mew.

The plot is centered around Toya Aoyama, the daughter of Masaya and Ichigo, and her best friend Mina Shirogane, the daughter of Ryou and Minto. Shortly after being attacked by a monster, they learn from Ryou's cousin, Yuko Shirogane, that they have the right DNA to be Mew Mews and recruits them into participating in "Mew Project 2.0", which has been created to fight off an alien force known as the Seekon Anima, as Mew Cherry and Mew Blueberry, respectively. Eventually, they meet 8 other Mew Mews, some of whom are also daughters of the original team members.

Click here for a list of episodes. (Don't worry, the ear-raping karaoke opening is only used in the old 1st episode.)

This fanime contains examples of:

Most of the tropes listed on the Tokyo Mew Mew page also apply.