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A series of racing games known also in Japan as Shutokou Battle and dating to the SNES days, although the games never made it to the United States until the Saturn game Wangan Dead Heat came out in Japan (and it made it here as Highway 2000). It got more notice when the Dreamcast versions came stateside.

The main feature of the game is its free roaming environment (not introduced until the first Dreamcast game) and the "SP" system, in which both your car and the opponent's car have life bars that go down when either car is ahead or hits a wall/civilian traffic.

List of the games in the series (note, these are the ones that have been localized, The Other Wiki lists Japan-only releases and spinoffs):

  • Tokyo Xtreme Racer (Dreamcast)
  • Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 (Dreamcast)
  • Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero (PlayStation 2)
  • Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 (PlayStation 2)
  • Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Drift (PlayStation 2, part of spinoff series Kaido Battle)
  • Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Drift 2 (PlayStation 2, also part of Kaido Battle)
  • Street Supremacy (PSP, known as Shutokou Battle: Edge of Control in Japan)
  • Import Tuner Challenge (Xbox 360, known as Shutokou Battle X in Japan)

The Tokyo Xtreme Racer series contains examples of the following:[]