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Felton 6682

Tom Felton is the British actor who played Draco Malfoy in all eight Harry Potter films. He is the original Draco in Leather Pants, inspiring many a Fan Girl to sigh over the richest bad boy in Hogwarts.

Felton is one of the young actors in Harry Potter who actually acted professionally prior to the series, starting off in commercials at the age of eight. His first film role was a major supporting part in the 1997 version of The Borrowers, in which he played an Annoying Younger Sibling to Arrietty Clock. A couple years later he played Jodie Foster's son in Anna and the King. When Harry Potter rolled around, he originally auditioned for the part of Harry and, failing that, went for Ron before finally ending up as Draco. For most of the series, Malfoy was a two-dimensional cowardly bully, but in Half Blood Prince he joins the ranks of Voldemort's followers and learns the hard way that Evil Is Not a Toy. This gave Felton a chance to show that He Really Can Act.

In 2011, Felton appeared in Rise of the Planet of the Apes in a role not too far removed from Draco. It remains to be seen how Type Cast he is, though Felton has said he enjoys playing evil and won't mind if he spends the rest of his career playing villains.

Tropes that apply to this actor include:

  • Big Eater: According to some interviews, the pockets of his Hogwarts robe had to be sewn shut so he wouldn't secretly grab munchies on set.
  • But I Play One on TV: Not all Potter fans are Draco fans. Younger kids are often scared when they meet him and Felton has received letters asking him to leave Harry alone.
  • Dyeing for Your Art: And how! To play Malfoy, Felton had to bleach his hair blond for ten years. Felton has claimed that he doesn't even remember what his natural hair color is.
  • Fake American: He does a very good American accent in Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
  • I Am Not Spock: He gets a chance to spoof it in his cameo from Get Him to The Greek.
  • Mean Character, Nice Actor: Off-screen, Tom is a close friend of Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint.
    • And according to his results on Pottermore, is a Hufflepuff.
  • One of Us: Has, on his Facebook/Twitter account, a picture of himself holding a sign saying "PIGFARTS IS REAL".
  • Typecasting: In Rise of the Apes, his first major post-Potter role, he plays a Jerkass ape shelter staff who does everything he can to mistreat the apes, especially any that seem smart. He keeps his job because father runs the shelter. He's also got a dimwitted friend, and bullies the ambiguously mentally handicapped other staff member.
  • Yaoi Fanboy: He apparently ships Draco/Harry. Just look at his Twitter, he has confirmed it.