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Xiaxia througtheyears

Xiaxia, as a teen and as an adult.

The inversion of Girliness Upgrade, this trope happens when a heroine starts off as conventionally feminine but, as time goes on, gains more masculine interests or starts dressing slightly boyish (or less girly) manner.

Sometimes she goes from a girly girl to a Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak. Sometimes she's already a Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak, but the tomboy streak is flanderized over time, which may be later parts of a story, or even a reboot, or a sequel, or a later adaption. In extreme cases, she starts out as a moderate Tomboy with a Girly Streak who later loses the girly streak completely and becomes The Ladette.

This may also be because the parents wanted a gender conforming child and influenced the girl to be feminine in childhood. Once they grew up, the girl found their own (tomboyish) ways of expressing herself.

It may overlap with Took a Level In Badass, but not necessarily. Compare Xenafication when a female character becomes an Action Girl in an adaption, or Adrenaline Makeover when a shy or more homely character evolves into a cool and adventurous character.

Anime & Manga[]

Comic Books[]

Film: Animation[]

Film: Live-Action[]

  • Beauty and the Beast: In the original 1991 animated version, Belle has a graceful appearance and feminine demeanor, but in the 2017 live-action version, she has more of an Adaptational Badass attitude and is more against the traditional roles of femininity than in the original.
  • Grease: Sandy enters as a sweet and naive girly girl, but she becomes a female greaser by the end of the movie.
  • Mean Girls: Regina George goes from a Valley Girl to a Passionate Sports Girl who has a streak for lacrosse.
  • Mulan: In the original animated movie, Mulan herself did struggle with traditional roles for women because of her circumstances, and she disguised as a man and fight in war in order to help her sick father, but she still had her feminine side. But in the 2020 live action, Mulan is way more of a tomboyish Action Girl and has always been a warrior and a skilled fighter.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Elizabeth Swann goes from a Proper Lady to Pirate Girl during the original trilogy.
  • Thelma and Louise: While Louise was The Ladette from the beginning, Thelma starts off as a feminine housewife with a frilly dress to a defensive and protective person with tank tops and who can threatens enemies with guns.


  • The Baby Sitters Club: When Kristy Thomas was a little girl, she used to enjoy playing with dolls and wearing skirts, and she participated in ballet class with her two childhood best friends, Mary Anne Spier and Claudia Kishi. But as she becomes a tween, she begins wearing caps, jeans, and turtlenecks, and she becomes the loud and impulsive leader of the BSC we all know and love, along with becoming a sporty girl who plays baseball and starts a kids' softball team.
  • Harry Potter: Ginny was a shy little girl in Chamber of Secrets, especially around Harry. In later books, after getting over her shyness, she evolves into a tough Fiery Redhead and accomplished Quidditch player. Harry at one point notes that growing up with six brothers toughened her up a bit.
  • Land of Oz: In canon, Tip is reluctant to become a girl but once the transformation happens, Ozma is nothing but the High Queen. Many adaptions, such as The Wonderful Wizard of Oz anime, portray Ozma as either a Tomboy Princess or a Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak. This is due to a long-standing, decades old-fanon concerning Ozma being Raised by the Opposite Gender.

Live-Action TV[]

Video Games[]

Western Animation[]

  • The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius: Cindy goes from having Girlish Pigtails to a Tomboyish Ponytail, and she also improves on her fighting skills from the movie to the series.
  • Ben 10: Kai was originally a girl with a tomboyish appearance but a feminine personality (affectionate, soft-spoken, and mild-mannered), but in Omniverse, she becomes a Deadpan Snarker with a Tomboyish Ponytail.
  • DuckTales: Webby Vanderquack came from a girly, naive, and cheerful Genki Girl in the original 1987 cartoon to an adventurous and tomboyish enthusiast in the 2017 reboot, despite still having some girly traits too.
    • Gandra Dee was a feminine receptionist in the original, but in the reboot, she's a punk rocket scientist.
    • Della goes from having a ladylike appearance in the original to being a pilot in the reboot.
  • The Loud House: When Luna Loud was a little kid, she was a shy girly girl who wears a purple and white dress and plays the violin, but she grows up to be a energetic guitar player and rock music lover with Boyish Short Hair.
  • My Little Pony: In G3, Rainbow Dash was The Fashionista, but in G4, she's a Passionate Sports Girl, and her old elegant and fashionable personality has been given to Rarity.
  • Strawberry Shortcake goes from a feminine and soft-spoken cottagecore girl in the 1980s version to a tomboyish, outgoing, and adventurous Genki Girl with Boyish Short Hair in the 2003 version. But she soon has a Girliness Upgrade in the 2009 version where she has long pink hair and a more feminine look and who owns her own cafe.
  • W.I.T.C.H.: In the comics, Irma is a fun-loving teenage girl who has the most girly interests and wardrobe of the other main girls of the franchise, but in the cartoon, she is a a sarcastic tomboy, while all of her former Valley Girl traits from the comics have been given to Cornelia.