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An Animal Planet series focused on baby animals in all their cuteness. Most episodes feature three litters of either Cute Kittens or Precious Puppies for the first ten to twelve weeks of their lives, showcasing various milestones while being as adorable as possible.

This series contains examples of:[]

  • Adorkable: Winston the Bengal kitten.
  • Big Eater: Eleanor the Bengal kitten. To be fair, she is the biggest in Madeline's litter.
    • Ruby and Oreo's 3 daughters, Ruby Jr., Kyra, and Lola all eat out of their parents' bowl of kibble. Oreo wants to know what's going on at the time.
    • Sierra and Sabu's kittens, and the Tonkinese kitten brothers Muffin and Cookie.
  • Chocolate Baby: Siberians Solomeya and Maksim are both white-furred, but their litter is filled with black kittens... just like the handsome tom next door.
  • Content Warnings: This program contains content that is just too cute. Viewer discretion is advised.
  • Cute Kitten
  • Daddy's Girl: Mittens with her stepfather Maksim.
  • Determinator: Rottie runt Bear.
  • Has Two Mommies: Since Queenie and her daughter Princess had their litters only one day apart, they raise the kitties together. Very useful when Queenie falls sick and is quarantined, so Princess has her paws full with her half-siblings and her own babies.
  • Mama Cat: Truly Elegant the Persian chases off Harley the Pug's puppy, who was harassing her kittens.
    • Mama Dog: Powered Puff-Chinese Crested and Cocker Spaniel can tell for a cat gets too rough or close.
  • Meaningful Name: Abyssinian kitten Tiny Dancer is the runt of Avalon's litter.
  • Momma's Boy: Savannah kitten Tiger sticks close to mother Jas Queen as much as possible.
  • Nominal Importance: Typically, two kittens or pups per litter are specifically named and get plenty of focus, along with their parents. In smaller litters, all the members get named.
  • Odd Friendship: German Shepherd Mari with the tiny Ragdoll Snowball.
  • Odd Name Out: Burmese runt Pepper when compared to her siblings, Luna and Midnight.
  • Once Per Episode: At least one 'first trip to the vet' is shown, and there's always the Where Are They Now? Epilogue.
  • Pacifist: Tiny Dancer. She's a lover, not a fighter.
  • Precious Puppy
  • Promotion to Parent: As Queenie cannot take care of her babies, Princess replaces her as the mother figure for her half-siblings while also caring for her own litter.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: The entirely pink-skinned Sphynx Gremlin is the biggest and bossiest in his litter.
  • Rule of Cute: Naturally.
  • Rule of Three
  • Shrinking Violet: Rottweiler puppy Lila, probably due to having ten rowdy brothers and sisters to deal with.
  • Sleep Cute: Used for the background of the opening advisory, and a staple of the actual episodes.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Truly Elegant and her kittens.
    • American Curl Ikea and her kittens, especially Jonas and, to a greater extent, Fabrina.
  • Tangled Family Tree: Queenie is Princess' mother, which makes Queenie's litter Princess' half-siblings.
  • Theme Naming: Sometimes used, such as with the Savannah kittens Tiger, Cougar and Cheetah.
    • Edible Theme Naming: Domestic Shorthair mother Butters and her kittens Noodles and Cheddar. Tokinese brothers Muffin and Cookie also fit.
    • Theme Twin Naming: Siberian kittens Mittens and Socks have four other siblings, but are frequently called 'twins'.
  • Where Are They Now? Epilogue: Each episode ends with pictures showing how the babies have grown, and a brief update on how they're doing.