In Tiberium Wars, the Brotherhood of Nod considers sexual assault to be an "offense againstthe Messiah" and therefore a capital crime. At least one Nod soldier apparently didn't read up on the rules, because he attempts to rape a GDI prisoner while one of the Black Hand is in the next room. An epicass-beatingensues.
In Kyon: Big Damn Hero, Haruhi thinks this of Taniguchi after learning about his ratings. Kyon calling him a 'living perv-wiki' probably didn't help.
Arnold of Soulless Shell falls for Leif's ruse and says that he'll "never do it again" when threatened with execution for rape, prompting Leif to conclude that he has the evidence necessary to confirm his guilt. He breaks out of prison, and not only is dumb enough to want to kill Leif in revenge, but tries to rape a young girl first, pushing Leif's Berserk Button and earning him a messy death at the hands of his One-Winged Angel form. Apparently, he didn't even think to bring the guards he recruited with him, although given how easily Leif dispatches them soon afterward, they wouldn't have done much good.
In the fanfic Resident Evil: Apotheosis, Betty Director proves herself to be this. Despite Vin’s warnings that there is a monster in Middleton hunting down Global Justice members that will make short work of her if it spots her (which it likely will, given that she’s riding a jet), she decides to attempt to rescue survivors from the city anyway (deeming the creature imaginary, even though Vin would have no reason to lie about it)...and is blown to pieces.
There’s also Will Du, who in his case is too dumb for others to live. He disobeys orders to evacuate the aforementioned Middleton (which is overrun with zombies and Umbrella’s experiments), even though his team has been equipped with non-lethal weaponry which have no effect on zombies that cannot feel pain. Though he had no way of knowing that Umbrella was secretly planning to have Global Justice killed to prevent their experiments from being exposed, it was still pretty foolish.
Played for Laughs with the narrator in Bruinhilda's Galaxy Rangers story "The Trouble With Tortuna". He voluntarily ships off to the worst Wretched Hive in the galaxy, one where humans are banned because it's controlled by The Queen's forces. Any human caught by the Crown will have their Life Energy stripped from them and turned into a Slaverlord. The reporter goes there, gets ridiculously intoxicated, then interferes several times when the Rangers show up and try to bail his ass out.
In one Death Note fan comic [1], a Parody Sue girl goes up to Light and lists all her qualifications to be his girlfriend, including being smarter than anyone else at Wammy's House. She then asks him to write down her name, and he does... in the Death Note.
In one Naruto fanfic, the Kyuubi released a powerful pheromone when it was sealed that basically made everyone into sex maniacs the moment they hit puberty (extreme horniness is a perfectly acceptable reason to be excused from class and it's considered extremely rude to reject someone if they want to have sex). When he first uses his Sexy no Jutsu, he's flat out told that turning into a naked woman, especially in public, will get him raped. When he says he'd just change back and laugh, he's warned that his attackers probably won't care what gender he is at that point. Naruto promptly vows to never use it again, unless it's really funny.
Vulture and Greyback, two griffin soldiers in Ace Combat: The Equestrian War. The former is outmaneuvered by Firebolt and killed upon crashing onto a column during the battle of Cloudsdale. The latter is fried by The Burning Talon's laser because he too focused on trying to kill Lightning Bolt.
Dave in Dave Stdider Pokémon Traner. Jake England the evil poacher wheels a ray gun specifically called the "Dave Kill Lazer" past Dave & co. while laughing maniacally. Dave nonchalantly acknowledges this fact and then just ignores the fact that an evil villain has a laser SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO KILL HIM. Also he's fooled by Jack and Karkat's false mustaches in Chapter 8, despite the fact that a nameless character (The Ticket Taker Man) notices like, a sentence before.
In Cori Falls's fic "The Power That's Inside," Jessie and James both have meltdowns when a pack of Scythers give them Traumatic Haircuts-especially Jessie. Meowth, offended on their behalf, decides the right thing to do is to fight the lead Scyther to reclaim his friends' honor. Over haircuts. Worse, during the battle, he lets the Scyther's taunts get to him and loses his focus, nearly being slashed to bloody shreds as a result and only surviving because the Scyther declares him "not worth killing". Later revealed to be Miyamoto's ghost magically staying his blades. Later, he refuses to stop at the Pokemon Center to get himself fixed up because Ash, Misty, and Tracey are there and he's afraid they'll make fun of him.