Disappointing Last Level: Disc 2 sets the game in a much more contained and linear castle, without as much humour and maybe half the length of the first disc, and ends on a cliffhanger. It's obvious that it was compressed for time.
Another contrast with Disc 1 is that Drew explores the castle without Flux at his side. Depending on the player's opinion of Flux, this could either be another disappointment, or a much-welcomed respite...
One-Scene Wonder: Spike the Clown has hilarious dialogue, but has very little significance in the story.
Tastes Like Diabetes: The Cutopians. The castle guards are a pair of armadillos whose main duty appears to be doing a little dance, and the bulk of the games in the arcade are nauseating fare with names like "Sweet Fighter". The disdainful Footman is actually kind of refreshing.
That One Puzzle: Due to Fake Difficulty, the "tipping over the stewpot" puzzle. What's worse, some high-end computers makes it downright impossible, though thankfully ScummVM remedies this.
What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids??: Despite it's sugarcoated appearance, it's actually a T-rated game because of its crude humor, innuendoes and often grim setting.