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How fast we grow, we must move on.


 You have reached the Topography Genera Center East. Our website is under development, but in the meantime, we have this substitute blog. We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope that you have a very productive day!


Topography Genera is a multi-blog horror story that takes place within The Fear Mythos. The story is about the fall of the fictional Topography Genera Center and the rise of the EAT.

Both Jordan Eats Normally Now and The Topography of Thought are prequels to the story, primary setting up what EAT is initially and giving some glimpses to the Topography Genera Center, a research and development organization that researches "Fossils" (or Fears).

Topography Genera Center East is a blog run by "Liquid Len" and "Duchess" to employees of the titular Center. The blog becomes the official source of the Genera's information for the public, though with much of the Genera's information under heavy classification, new Fossils hinting at their presence, and the higher-ups behaving stranger than the Fossils, the protagonists start to realize exactly how small they are in the grand scheme of things.

The Supernatural Anaesthetist is a blog run by "Doctor Cloud," the resident medical staff and researcher at the Topography Genera Center East. He was given the job to upload non-classified information to the blog about certain experiments, though why he doesn't know. There have been certain incidents, however, with Fossil-Type HOMUNCULI.

Administry for a Cause is about a runner who is running away from...something she doesn't know. It's a new type of Camper. Ties in with Testing in Progress.

Testing in Progress is about a man who wakes up in a strange facility and is run through certain tests for unknown reasons. The facility, as he finds out, is is the Topography Genera Center North taken over by EAT. Ties in with Administry for a Cause.

Topography Genera Center North is a blog run by "The Camper Velourium."

The Endless Obsession is an audio fable about the Fossil known as Selkie and her obsession with power. It's also about the fall of a being known as Dionysus.

Hell and Earth is a cryptic scripture worshipping a god called "Hades" [1].

Tropes included in Topography Genera:[]

  • Arc Number:
    • Eight and five pop up frequently throughout the blogs.
    • Thirty-two has a good chance of either being one or becoming one.
  • Arc Words:
    • "No one runs faster than you eat."
    • Testing in Progress has the arc words "Every move is recorded. Every breath is remembered."
    • Another phrase that has shown up three times so far: "Follow the straight line."
    • "I shall, we shall, you shall."
    • "Six feet of water between the buried and me."
  • Body Horror: At the end of Testing in Progress, the Camper reveals its true form, showing how it "extends" throughout the Center, even saying that there is no PA system, it just grew new mouths when it needed to.
  • Downer Ending: Testing in Progress has the ultimate of downer endings: Stewart is vivisected by the Camper and there is nothing he can do about it.
  • For Science!: This seems to be the purpose of Doctor Cloud's experiments: to find the "limits" of the Fears, so that we know our own limits.
  • Foreshadowing: Look at the psychological evaluation of Harold Demure. Notice the first letters of each of his responses. They always spell EAT.
  • Fun with Acronyms:
    • The Fossil Research and Experimentation Department or FRED.
    • Every post on Topography Genera Center North has a title with the acronym of "EAT."
  • Madness Mantra: "One foot in front of the other. One foot in front of the other."
  • Nothing Is Scarier: Certain things will be censored in Doctor Cloud's reports. The test of the Rake's whispers, on the other hand, has whole swathes of text censored before the recording of the whispers was declared "CRIMSON."
  • Shout-Out:
    • Certain aspects of Testing in Progress are similar to Portal.
    • And many of the posts of The Supernatural Anaesthetist are similar to the SCP Foundation.
    • Doctor Cloud's favorite book is The God of the Labyrinth by Herbert Quain.
  • Wham! Line: Hello, Topography Genera Center East. This is a nice website. You no longer amuse me.
  1. not to be confused with the actual Hades