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Here are some of the characters who have appeared in the Toriko anime and manga. Under Construction

Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Main Characters[]

The main duo of the story, the Bishoku-yu Toriko and the five star chef Komatsu, the series follows their gourmet adventures and are the center of the group. However, they're joined by others, depending on the arc.



 "10 Ren, Kugi Punch!" ("10 Hit, Nail Punch!")

Voiced By: Ryotaro Okiayu (JP, TV), Takashi Kondo (JP, OVA)


  • Adaptive Ability: Due to his Gourmet Cells, he can adapt to the harshest environment, whether it be in a sub-zero ice cavern, low-oxygen environments or even places with high gravity. He can also gain Acquired Poison Immunity.
  • Anti-Hero: While he's definitely not bad, Toriko only fights for his own goals. That said, he does have a heart of gold.
  • Badass
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: He only ever uses his bare fists and fighting techniques in combat.
  • Big Eater: Even moreso than Goku and Luffy, which is saying a lot.
    • What would normally be a full course meal, would be considered to be 10% full to him.
  • Character Title
  • Game-Breaking Injury: He loses an arm fighting Tommyrod, but thanks to a Body Horror fueled process, he's able to get it back.
  • Game Face: When he's really psyched, his face contracts into a devilish grin, and a Hannya-like intimidation starts.
  • The Hero
  • Image Song: "Fight And Eat!!"
  • Megaton Punch: Kugi Punch (Nail Punch). Its power depends on how much he charges.
  • Nice Guy: Despite his profession and his gluttony, he is a kind man.
  • The Nose Knows: In fact it can gauge power levels and the ingredients used in recipes through the oils of the skin.
  • The Other Darrin: Voiced by Takashi Kondo in the Jump Festa OVA, the TV anime has him voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu.
  • Power Makes Your Hair Grow: During the Bubble Fruit Arc when Toriko finally masters food honor, he eats an incredible amount of Bubble Fruits to give him a power boost. In the process the nutrients from the fruit make his hair grow really long.
  • Rated "M" for Manly: Of course!
  • Razor Wind: He learns how to use techniques similar to this trope, although they're more like flying forks and knives.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: While he will kill, Toriko believes in only killing when he wants to eat. This separates him from some other Bishoku-ya.
  • Unstoppable Rage: During one of the earliest arcs, after The mother Battle Wolf was shot Toriko loses it.



 Voiced By: Romi Park (JP, TV), Daisuke Kishio (JP, OVA)


Four Heavenly Kings[]



 voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai




 Voiced by: Mitsuo Iwata




 Voiced by: Kenji Matsuda


  • Anti-Hero
  • Badass: Possibly the biggest badass in the whole series. His first act after getting out of prison? Slaying beasts left-and-right.
    • That's not even getting into why he got into prison in the first place. He wiped out 26 entire species. Ones that were strong enough to damage the ecosystem. In the Toriko universe.
  • Berserk Button: "Cocky" people. Also, creatures that annoy him.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: He's insanely Badass, but staying sober is one of the few things he can't do.
  • Deal with the Devil: Komatsu has to offer his services to Zebra to encourage him to take part in the Gourmet Pyramid.
  • The Dreaded: The very news of him getting release is enough to cause a global social and economic crisis. Entire developing countries disappear because of it.
  • Jerkass/JerkWithAHeartOfGold: He tends to swerve in between.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Which is why IGO put him in jail in the first place.
  • Rated "M" for Manly: Even more so than Toriko.
  • Sociopathic Hero: Emphasis on "sociopath".
  • Token Evil Teammate: He shows absolutely no remorse for his actions. None.




 Voiced by: Kenyu Horiuchi




 Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi


  • The Alcoholic: All his dishes in his Full Course Meal are to do with alcohol, for one!
  • Badass
  • Catch Phrase: "Did you just call me HANDSOME?!"
  • Oh Crap: When Toriko breaks the glass of the arena.
  • Super Mode: He also can use Knocking, this time to boost his stats up.



 Voiced by: Asami Tano


  • Back From the Dead: She is technically 'killed' by Starjun, but comes back thanks to her Gourmet Cells and a kiss from Toriko.
  • The Beast Master: Her job at the first Biotope colosseum. She uses different scents to either excite or calm down the various monsters before/after they fight.
  • Image Song: "Ring Ring"
    • Stealth Pun: The kanji that make up her name mean "little bell"
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: She's quite a tomboy, as opposed to her incredibly campy brother Sunny.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Toriko. This actually saves her life, believe it or not.
  • Sweet Tooth




 Voiced by: Masaki Terasoma




 Voiced by: Shinichiro Miki


  • Badass
  • Bishonen: Cue fangirl Squee.
  • Cool Mask
  • I Let You Win
  • Noble Demon: So far, he seems to be the least murderous of the Bishokukai. Time will tell though.
    • That said, he has absolutely no qualms about killing anyone who gets in his way over anything. This includes Komatsu, who wasn't about to let him take his knife so easily. If you're going to back off and let him through with no problems, then you should be safe.
      • He does atleast try to get Komatsu to back off with his intimidation and warns him it's a bad idea so it's still up in the air.
  • Worthy Opponent: He sees Toriko as this.



 Voiced by: Akira Ishida


  • Ax Crazy
  • The Bad Guy Wins: To Toriko, albeit losing an arm in doing so, and losing swiftly to Teppei, though he was tired from his fight with Toirko.
  • Body Horror: He contains the insect eggs in his stomach and they hatch when he spits them up. Urrrgh...
  • The Beast Master: Of the parasitic variety, and god is it scary.
  • Bee-Bee Gun: One of his techniques allows him to do things similar to this.
  • Everything's Worse with Bees: Not just bees though. ALL KINDS OF INSECTS.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Unlike Starjun and Grinpatch, his politeness covers up the fact that he is a disgusting sadist.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The series was fun, then THIS guy comes along, BEATS Toriko (albeit he got pretty fucked up as well) and after that, the series starts to include darker stories.
  • Lack of Empathy: He doesn't even seem to care about his subordinates, and Toriko notes this about his personality in their battle.
  • Nightmare Face: When he's ready to kill.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: From keeping hideous bugs within him to having razor sharp fangs, he can even become bigger and more disgusting.
  • Monster Clown: Looks like one, and is definitely a monster compared Starjun and Grinpatch.
  • More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: And actually uses them to bite Toriko.
  • My Death Is Only the Beginning: Okay, he didn't die, but his release of The Parasite Emperor, where he knew he would be drained by it, counts.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Not him, the sad bug in his mouth. AKA: The Parasite Emperor, a Level 81 Mutant Hybrid Insect
  • Winged Humanoid



 Voiced by: Yuji Mitsuya


Bogey Woods[]


 Voiced by: Eiji Takemoto




 Voiced by: Bin Shimada


  • Gadgeteer Genius: In charge of the GT Robos' R&D. Grinpatch also ordered him to make a new straw, which suggests his skills aren't limited to robots.
  • Glasgow Grin: His mouth has stiches around it...
  • Non-Action Guy

Lady Chiyo[]

  • Cool Old Lady: Chiru and Gourmet National Treasure Chin miss her greatly and laud her cooking, until...
  • Face Heel Turn: She used to be a nice old lady who cooked at Disappearance Cuisine and was versed in Food Honor at a Master's level. When she comes back, she's riding a gigantic zombie condor with a lyebeast and a new member of the Bishokukai, and her first act is to show how delicate her 100 Million Yen Slice is... removing all but the bones of an Apprentice Master's midsection... some fifty feet away. Without visibly moving.
  • Never Mess with Granny: Lady Chiyo might not be one of the Gourmet National Treasures, but a single swipe of her knife was valued at 100 MILLION yen. She also completely removes the flesh, muscle, and organs of Apprentice Master Wagon from his underarms to his hips... without him feeling a THING. Only Coppwo was able to tell Wagon to watch out AS she was attacking him, but to everyone else, Chiyo moved so fast no one saw a thing.
  • Supreme Chef: Master of Food Honor and Food Immersion, capable of cooking and eating all of Disappearance Cuisine's dishes.
  • When Elders Attack: Lady Chiyo arrives at the temple of Food Honor in order to kill one of the Gourmet National Treasures and all of the Apprentice Masters, as doing so will render the ultimate technique of Food Honor, Food Immersion, no more threat to the Bishokukai.

Misc. Characters[]



 Voiced by: Hideyuki Tanaka




 Voiced by: Sakiko Uran


Knocking Master Jiro[]


 Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa


Terry Cloth[]



 Voiced by: Wataru Takagi




 Voiced by: Kousuke Toriumi




 Voiced by: KENN


  • Bishonen: Borderline Dude Looks Like a Lady thanks to his face shape.
  • Body Horror: His abilities are able to dislocate bones and skeletal structures, especially if he concentrates enough.
  • The Fettered: He's a member of the Gourmet Knights, who have very strict rules about what they can and can't eat.
  • Mismatched Eyes: The result of a disease that originated in the Gourmet World.



 Voiced by: Masaya Onosaka


  • The Ace: Guy is able to take down Tommyrod at full power (to be honest though, Toriko fucked up Tommyrod badly).
    • Forget that, this guy took down ZEBRA.
      • With help from Yosaku.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Oh hell yeah, he is.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Leans toward this. Tells other people to be silent only to blab important info recklessly, and when talking about how reckless revivers are bringing back dangerous ingredients, he admits that it's mostly his doing.
  • Technical Pacifist: While Teppei's not a killer, he will use Knocking on his enemies until they can't stand.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: He adopted this belief when he, on a trip with his grandfather Jiro, found a barren wasteland from hunting.



 Voiced by: Banjo Ginga


  • Badass: Handed Sunny his ass in a sparring match (Himself only getting a single wound- which he admits is quite a feat, on Sunny's part) and is cited by the IGO as someone capable of entering the Gourmet World.
  • Jerk With A Heart Of Gold: Drifts towards this. He honestly a decent person, but so very rough with his patients. He's also a loudmouth with no manners.
  • Old Master: He's Teppei's.
  • Warts and All: When first meeting him, no one in Toriko's group could believe that the loud, obnoxious man was a legendary reviver who could heal any disease.


  • Body Horror: His face constantly warps in an Off-Model way, and he just does not look right.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Coco beats the tar out of him so badly, the battle is not even shown.
  • Mega Manning: How he got his culinary abilities, by eating the information off genuine chefs.
  • Mind Rape
  • Supreme Chef
  • Defeat Equals Friendship: After watching Komatsu work so diligently to prepare the Meteor Garlic, and being reminded of his former self, he helps prepare the Meteor Garlic, and hands the Gourmet Casino over to Match, hoping to return to being a respectable cook.

First Generation Melk[]


 Voiced by: Hiroshi Naka


Melk the Second[]


 Voiced by: Akiko Yajima


Master Chin[]

  • Absent Minded Sensei: He constantly gets people's names wrong...but only in casual conversation. When he's watching from a distance, it is the only time he gets Toriko's name right.
  • Alliterative Name: His full name is Chinchinchin; the title name removes the other two "Chin" from his name
  • Badass Grandpa
  • Enlightenment Superpower: The apparent by-product of his teachings of "Food Honour", if "Spoon" is anything to go by.
  • Retired Badass: A world renowned Bishokuya; he now spends his days teaching at the Shokurin Temple, but...
  • Training From Hell: His method of test for Toriko and Komatsu? Tossing a 5 km class mountain at them while at "Death Falls", and seeing if they survive.

Tina (anime-only)[]


 Voiced by: Nana Mizuki
