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  • Rin's constant fawning over Toriko, being upset that the battle fragrance didn't cause him to "go wild" on her.
  • Sunny and Komatsu's reactions to the giant Regal Mammoth falling off the cliff.
  • Some of the monsters and food items are pretty silly. Octopi that squirt condements? Butt Bugs? Burger Clovers?
  • Everyone agreeing that the best way to enter the Regal Mammoth would be through its butt. Sunny does not approve.
  • When Toriko and Terry arrive on the Wool Continent, Terry's first instinct is to mark everywhere on their landing spot.
  • Suprise Apples. They get tastier the more you suprise them. They're also called "Human Face Apples". Guess why.
    • And who got the highest level of surprise/taste? Zonge. by farting on them.
  • THIS. When Teppei accidentally reveals there is no Century Soup, causing the ship to turn back without them.
  • The look on Komatsu's face when he finds out Melk II isn't a boy.
  • Toriko makes a noble, badass and dramatic speech when faced with the prospect of loosing his food memories in a game, saying the past doesn't matter....Before immediately relying on Coco, much to Coco's chagrin.
  • Toriko makes a awesome and badass speech on how he'll add the Jewel Meat to his Full Course Meal...only for Sunny to interrupt (Literally stopping the 'adding menu item sequence), because he's adding the Jewel Meat to his Full Course Meal. The two start arguing over it.
    • The anime reveals how they settled their argument. By Rock Paper Scissors
      • Actually, the manga showed it that way as well (albeit in one panel).
  • The grin that the characters get when they drink or even think about Century Soup. Coco refuses to show his face when he tries some.
    • Sunny declines the soup because of those silly grins.
  • The Dodorian Fruit. It is a fruit so stinky that its smell lingers in a place for 300 years, and when it ripens and drops, it knocks Toriko and Komatsu clean out, wakes them back up, and knocks them back out sporadically for one month. Before hand, the intense smell actually rotted their clothes and food.
  • When Setsuno shows Toriko and Komatsu her GIANT vat of Century Soup, the two start gushing over the amount and types of ingredients in it. She dramatically tells them that the soup is incomplete...but the boys are too busy gushing to hear her. So she tries again. Still not paying attention. Getting annoyed, she screams that the soup is incomplete. That gets their attention, and she angrily tells them to pay attention.