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Basic Trope: A person who tortures other people.

  • Straight: Bobs job is to interrogate people through torture.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is unable to ask any mundane question without threatening people with violence.
  • Justified: Bob lives in a dark and edgy setting, and must use torture to interrogate badguys to protect innocent lives.
  • Inverted: A doctor specialized in pain management.
    • A torturer who specializes in pain management.
    • It's Bob's job to be tortured to help assess his agency's interrogation effectiveness.
  • Subverted: Bob is a very skilled interrogator who is able to trick prisoners into revealing any information he wants through clever psychology without causing any physical or emotional harm to them.
  • Double Subverted: After he used the harmless psychological method, he proceeds to torture the prisoners to verify the information.
  • Parodied: The torture techniques Bob uses are highly ineffective. Poke her with the Soft Cushions!
  • Deconstructed: Bob isn't the sadist everyone thinks he is. He feels pity for his victims and remorse for the horrible things he has to do to them as part of his job. Because of his gruesome profession everyone is afraid of Bob, including his teammates. No one wants to have anything to do with him. Bob is a very lonely and depressive man.
  • Reconstructed: At the end of the story, Bob finally comes to terms with his troubled psyche, knowing that those few hours of torture had saved thousands if lives. His friends stop fearing him when they realize the he did what he had to do.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob tortures people, but he uses very innocuous methods to keep from harming them physically and emotionally, but this is to wear down their psyche to break them more thoroughly and to sate Bob's subtly sadistic tastes, although he genuinely does want to see his victims returned home and to their families relatively unharmed
  • Averted: Bob doesn't torture people, and isn't a torturer.
  • Enforced: Bob is the main character in a production meant to cater to the S&M demographic.
  • Lampshaded: "You know that Bob is not such a bad guy. Even though he tortures people. He just loves him some torturing people..."
  • Invoked: Alice hates Charley, so she frames him for a crime which is patrolled by Bob's agency, knowing that the "interrogation" is inevitable.
  • Exploited: Alice, interrogating Charley, says she's getting tired of no progress, and implies that she will hand the interrogation over to Bob. Charlie cracks immediately at the thought of being in Bob's torture chamber.
  • Defied: The Police Commissioner knows that the crime plot will need to be solved, but sends Aluce after criminal mastermind Charlie instead of Bob. The reasoning being that the department can't take another news exposè revealing another incident of Bob's police torture.
  • Discussed: "Ugh! Again with the bastard who tortures people!"
  • Conversed: "This guy just won't talk, Bob. We're going to need your... skills." "Great, I could use the practice."
  • Played for Laughs: Alice tortures Bob by...tickling him with feathers. And he's not ticklish.

And now tell me what I want to know, and I let you go back to Torture Technician unharmed.