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Acceptable Targets: Anyone from the Deep South, particularly those in Alabama (or, as Daniel once put it, any state with a university that willfully employs Nick Sabin.
Colbert Bump: Rebecca Black's "Friday" gained its now infamous massive heat after it was featured on the show.
Crosses the Line Twice / Dude, Not Funny: During the "Things You Should Never Run Into A Room And Say" bit, one audience member sent in the clip of him saying thus: "Dude, 9/10, y'know what tomorrow is! Party at my place!" The Studio Audience 's reaction was exactly this, with half-laughter, half-groaning.
Hilarious in Hindsight: Daniel once made a joke about how he wishes God rested on a Wednesday (implying that it is a useless day). Once Tosh.0 was moved to Wednesday, it's funny for a different reason.
Memetic Mutation: Since the S.4 premiere, "High Fashion" has become this with fans, and is posted by quite a few people in the comments section of any of his Facebook posts.
Before that it was "casual jackets" which stemmed from Daniel's loving praise.
Nightmare Fuel: The many times people injure themselves doing stupid stunts (usually involving either a trampoline or a skateboard) and end up snapping their limbs at 90 degree angles.
A recent episode presented us, during the Video Breakdown segment, with a lovely video of a young girl playing with a dead squirrel, half-naked, while her father laughed as he video-tapped it. Tosh kept repeating (more or less) "What the fuck is wrong with her parents?!"
Replacement Scrappy: Completely inverted when Tosh brought out Chris Rock for the Season 4 premiere as the official new host of Rock.0...however, Rock had to leave after 2 minutes because the videos were to bad for him.