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Toshio Maeda is an erotic mangaka and Trope Codifier for a lot of Hentai tropes.

Works he helped created or worked on
Toshio Maeda provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Lighter and Softer / Denser and Wackier: In his earlier years, Maeda started off writing gekiga-style manga there were similar in tone to that of Golgo 13 with dark and gritty themes and had a lot of gory violence. After writing Urotsukidoji, however, he would start creating more comedic manga with sillier and more absurd themes, along with more fantasy, compared to the gritty realism of his earlier works.
  • Loophole Abuse: Used Naughty Tentacles to get around the ban on the portrayal of male genitalia in hentai works.
  • Naughty Tentacles: While he didn't invent them, he did codify them as a standard feature of Hentai works.
  • Nice Guy: For a small fee, you can visit his apartment and have a friendly discussion about anime and manga, even share a beer with him if you like. He also makes his work available online for the modest sum of 500 yen.