Total Drama Infinity is a Total Drama Island fanfic by DJ Spenstar, AKA Spenny. Set about a year after Total Drama Island/Total Drama Action, and about six months after the previous installment in the fic series, Infinity is about twenty teens, and one little kid, who go to a reality show, only to find that it's the insane game of the psychotic ex-TDI contestant Justin, at the spooky setting known as The Dark Island. The "players" must find a way to escape while still playing the game, eliminating themselves one by one...
You can find the story here.
Tropes used in Total Drama Infinity include:
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Justin is now a psychotic monster due to the author's interpretations!
- And Your Little Dog, Too: Played with, with Seto, who Justin forces to take part in this along with the teens, despite the fact that he's ten. Played with because Seto is human.
- Ax Crazy: Justin
- Broken Base: Sprinklemist, one of the biggest fans of the previous installment, was deeply bothered by some elements of this fic and even refused to read one of the chapters.
- Why, you ask? What element of Infinity was too much? When Steve explains his story, he mentioned seeing a psychic
- The Chessmaster: Justin. Played literally with Richard
- Complete Monster: Justin plays this trope to all its glory
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Luciana using her imitations to psyche the psycho out, and then Samuel shooting him in the head, Chris McLean and Timmy saving the survivors stranded on Boney Island. Your Mileage May Vary
- Darker and Edgier: And how!
- Dark Is Not Evil: Averted, HARD, with Justin. Played straight with Spike, Luciana, and Steve, among others
- Never Say "Die": Averted, big time
- Earn Your Happy Ending: Yes, this story has a happy ending. Justin dies, everyone escapes Bony Island, Chris McLean and Timmy come to the rescue of everyone stranded there, the survivors are made famous through hidden cameras set up by Justin, and the fic ends with Quentin asking out Darla!
- Fridge Logic: the heck did Justin get his own island?!
- Magnificent Bastard: Justin