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Total Drama Island's cast got so big that the page had to be split into several pages. This page is for the miscellaneous characters.
- The Host and His Sidekick
- Killer Bass
- Screaming Gophers
- New World Tour Contestants
- Mutant Maggots
- Toxic Rats
"What's wrong with you people?! This is "Total Drama," not "Total Forgive and Forget!" |
'Cody: "Who's that girl again?" |
Geoff: You are a MONSTER. |
Voiced by: Carla Collins |
Blaineley (Real Name: Mildred O'Halloran) is a Gemmie Award nominated television personality and the current roving reporter for the Total Drama World Tour Aftermath show. Formerly a co-host of the entertainment news show, Celebrity Manhunt, Blaineley feels her current position is beneath her, considers Aftermath hosts Geoff and Bridgette amateurs, and views the rest of past and present Total Drama competitors (except Alejandro and, possibly, Justin) to be losers. Despite this, she seeks to make the most of her situation by doing what she's best at: providing the "drama" in Total Drama. As long as there's a way to create conflict at the expense of others, she'll do so. It is this mentality that eventually led to her downfall.
- Attention Whore: See Small Name, Big Ego and Spotlight-Stealing Squad below.
- Bad Boss: In "Aftermath Aftermayhem", we see some of her entourage. They are manacled to each other.
- Balloon Belly
- Bandage Mummy: Becomes this in "Hawaiian Style."
- Berserk Button: You better know who Blaineley Stacey Andrews O'Halloran is, she's fa-fa-famous...famous.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Strong aversion of the second (gross-out oriented) kind.
- Big Eater: She is seen eating a wedding cake, bare handed, in a confessional.
- Big No: When she runs into a giant wedding cake in "Niagara Brawls".
- Bigger Bad
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Blondes Are Evil
- Blue Eyes
- Butt Monkey
- Chew Toy: Geoff even uses that exact word to describe her, and for good reason.
- Do Not Call Me Mildred
- Drama Queen: She tries to act like one, but it comes off more as Large Ham.
- Embarrassing First Name: Mildred.
- Evil Counterpart: To Bridgette in Bridgette Over Troubled Water (note that, during Bridgette's apology song, they even wear near identical dresses except Blaineley's is red and Bridgette's is blue.)
- Gasshole
- Hartman Hips: Talks about her "Blainelicious" frame in her song Blainerific.
- Hot Scoop
- Humiliation Conga: After her elimination, she was pushed out of the plane before he could secure her parachute. She fell into a house roof first and was covered head to toe in bandages and wheeled around on a dolly. When she's on the next Aftermath show, she's laughed at by the peanut gallery because of her fall. Being the only Heather supporter to win, TDWT, she was almost forced to do a challenge for her alone only for Owen to take pity on her and aid her in the challenge. Owen injures her even more, drops her out of the dolly a couple times, uses her as a surfboard and then accidentally drops her in the ocean. She's saved by Bruno the bear before she drowns, but is used as a literal chew toy once she reaches shore.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: In back to back episodes she gets Ship Tease with Owen and Chef.
- "I Am" Song: Blainerific.
- Ironic Hell: Kind of, she's forced to enter in the game after the third TDWT Aftermath.
- It Amused Me
- It's All About Me
- Jerkass
- Lady in Red
- Large Ham
- Laughably Evil: Her Too Dumb to Live moment below, snapping out at Cody for not knowing who she is, announcing an alliance proposal over the plane's loudspeaker and then putting a rapid fire disclaimer after it, and having the guts to use Chris' personal hot tub.
- The Load: On TDWT Aftermath
- My Nayme Is: "Blaine" is usually a surname but can be used as a given name. 'Blaineley' on the other hand is clearly supposed to sound and look ridiculous. And then we find out it isn't her real name.
- Overly Long Name: Blaineley Stacey Andrews O'Halloran is her full name. Except it's actually Mildred.
- Pass the Popcorn
- The Reveal: Before Blaineley is kicked off the show she tells everyone on the plane that Ezekiel is still on the plane, Heather and Alejandro should just kiss already and that Cody always voted for Sierra. Chris is enjoying this until she tells them that she was the original choice to be host of Total Drama. Chris responds by pushing her out the plane.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Bridgette's Blue.
- Ship Tease: With Owen, Chris and Chef.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Rivaled only by Chris as the biggest ego on the show. She sings a song about how awesome and famous (in her opinion) she is when she made her debut in the contest proper.
- Smug Snake
- Spell My Name with an "S": Defied; her name and Josh's both appear behind them during the Celebrity Manhunt opening in the Action special. It didn't stop a ton of fans from getting confused about the spelling, though.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: In-universe on the Aftermath.
- Took a Level In Jerkass: All her later appearances compared to the special where she debuts.
- Too Dumb to Live: In "Revenge of the Telethon" where a poorly thought out ratings stunt led to an animal stampede wrecking the studio thereby doubling the amount of money the hosts needed to raise.
- "The Villain Sucks" Song: Is the target of one in "Aftermath Aftermayhem".
DJ's Momma[]
Voiced by: Clé Bennett |
She is DJ's mother, who cares about him a little too much.
- Bankruptcy Barrel: When her cooking show goes bust in the Action special.
- Cross-Dressing Voices / Talking to Herself: She is voiced by Clé Bennett, who also voices DJ.
- Edible Ammunition: She throws a tomato at Geoff in "The Aftermath: II".
- Lethal Chef: Averted and played straight. She has a special seasoning[1] which can make anything palatable, even Chef's disgusting food; however, in the Action special, she and DJ have their own cooking show, and her cooking turns out to be literally lethal.
- Nice Hat
The Bear[]
A brown grizzly bear living on the island who is frequently used as an obstacle during challenges.
- The Brute
- Chainsaw Good
- Everything's Worse with Bears
- Goldfish Poop Gang
- Inexplicably Identical Individuals: Most of the bear encounters in the series are thought to be the same one, but a few bears have been specifically identified and named as different individuals. However, any differences in appearance from the regular bear are limited to a Palette Swap.
A yeti-like creature native to the island who plays a role similar to the bear.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti
- Goldfish Poop Gang
- The Brute
- Fifth Ranger - To The Drama Brothers in the first Aftermath.
The Interns[]
The men (and occasionally women) who are forced to test every single one of Chris' sadistic challenges.
- Amusing Injuries: The only characters on the show to suffer worse than Tyler.
- Butt Monkeys
- The Chew Toys
- Development Gag: Some of the interns are based on the original designs for Duncan, DJ, Katie, Sadie, Tyler, and Cody.
- The Dog Bites Back: In "Eat, Puke and Be Wary", they refuse to help Chris get out of the communal washroom's septic tank after he gets caught in one of Scott's traps. In fact, they actually make Chris' plight worse.
- Family-Unfriendly Death
- Fan Nickname: The blond one based on Tyler's original design is known as Billy.
- The Intern: Them.
- One-Scene Wonder: Most of them are this.
- Reality Ensues: The only people that actually die from what others can survive.
- Recurring Extra: Phil [2] in Island and Billy [3] in Action.
- Red Shirt
- Dakota served as a Mauve Shirt during her time as an intern.
- The Smurfette Principle: Only one or two female interns have been seen throughout the series. And they are the only ones without serious injury.
- Suddenly Voiced: Two of them.
- Billy has one line in the third TDA Aftermath.
- In "Eat, Puke, and Be Wary", the intern Chef blasted speaks.
- Sure Why Not: The production blog has referred to "Billy" by that name.
- They Killed Kenny: One intern is shoved out of the plane by Chris in "Greece's Pieces", but reappears the next episode in first class.
- The Voiceless: For the most part.
- What Measure Is a Mook?
"Oooh! I can't wait to see those kitties tear their claws into the red carpet! Rawr!" |
Voiced by: Dwayne Hill |
Josh was the co-host of Celebrity Manhunt with Blaineley. He likes watching drama unfold and is extremely giddy when he sees catfights. Currently his only appearance is in the "TDA Celebrity Manhunt Special".
- Bit Character
- Blue Eyes
- Camp Straight
- Cat Fight: A big fan of them.
- Flat Character: Tends to happen when you're only in one special episode.
- Pass the Popcorn
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Is never mentioned in the season proper of World Tour where his co-host is a major character.
- Word of God says he left Celebrity Manhunt after Blaineley left and got his own show called Nobody Likes Josh. The show was canned after episode two and he returned to CM with a significant pay deduction.
A mutated shark with the ability to walk on land.
- Artistic License Biology: Sharks regrow teeth constantly throughout their life; however, this may be Hand Waved either due to his mutation or for Rule of Funny for his vendetta against Scott.
- The Brute
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks
- Super-Persistent Predator: To Scott.