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  • Fridge Logic: They almost never actually prevent the life-destroying events that led the targets into their current crises. Parodied in George Carlin's Touched by an Atheist sketch on Mad TV. "If God loves you [enough to cure your tumors], why did he give you tumors in the first place?". Which leads to the question of why people who ask questions like that always forget that in most monotheistic religions happiness is a privilege and not a right.
    • Also, the ending of the season 4 episode Flights Of Angels (aired in 1998). To clarify, the Character of the Day Richard has ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The doctors never give him the medicine introduced by the FDA in 1996 to treat the disease, and when their family is all together his wife does not call 911 (the emergency telephone number was introduced in 1968) to get medical help to save his life. There was no reason why he shouldn't have lived.