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Mountain of Faith[]


Scarlet Weather Rhapsody[]

Subterranean Animism[]


 From the uploader's description: It tells a whole tale, a dramatic escape from the depths of hell


 Youtube commenter: Get ye off yer gary glitter and be not afrai' now to pull and malarky about. Dance til' sunrise, now don't slinjing we be doin' tha Riverdance!


Undefined Fantastic Object[]

Hisoutensoku, expanding on SWR[]

Double Spoiler[]

Great Fairy Wars[]

  • The Refrain of the Lovely Great War, the stage 1 theme. It has an inspiring beginning, but has a touch of silliness, obviously. The original came in the CD that was included with the vol.2 of Strange and Bright Natural Beauty. Look in the supplementary material section for more information.
  • Year-Round Absorbed Curiosity, the stage 2 theme, uses the main theme song as base. As silly as the other melodies, but this one has a badass touch. An interesting melody, indeed. 藤宮 ゆき lends her voice to this vocal rendition that has a nice rocking beat to it.
    • セブンスヘブンMAXION's remix, yell☆shine☆dance!!, comes off like the Three Mischievous Fairies themselves are singing it.
  • Staking Your Life on a Prank, the boss theme for stages 1 and 2. It's gotta be real hard to make a theme that both sounds cute and sounds like a boss theme.
  • A Midnight Fairy Dance, the stage 3 theme. This is a jazzy and rhythmic melody, with a menacing touch, indicating that you're near to the final confrontation.
  • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars, the final boss theme. Quite the epic tune, with just the right amount of silliness to remind us that these are faeries.
  • Ruse Rain, the Extra Stage theme. This one has a dark, intense, and sinister feel to it, perfect for the prelude leading up to the fight against Marisa.
  • Magus Night, yet another epic Marisa theme.

  Youtuber: It's like it's saying: "You're fighting Marisa? What are you, stupid? ...nevermind."


  Youtuber: Sounds a hell of a lot more sinister and elegant with orchestral instruments..."


Ten Desires[]

  • The first stage's theme, Night Cherry Blossoms of Dead Spirits is strikingly beautiful, especially the piano. You'd only expect to hear a piece like this during the final stages.
  • Yuyuko's new theme, Ghost Lead, is very frantic but also a bit playful. It's also the first theme to have ZUN's trumpets return, reminding everyone that Yuyuko is powerful, but she's just messing around and isn't really a true threat anymore.
  • The second stage theme, Welcome to the Youkai Temple has a nice spunky beat, perfect for the mischievous spirit theme of the game.
  • The second boss Kyouko's theme, Youkai Girl at the Gate, has nice music switches that fit a youkai of echoes.
  • The third boss's theme, Rigid Paradise is the perfect theme for new girl Yoshika Miyako, who just happens to be a stiffly Jiangshi.
  • The third stage's theme also deserves a mention. Let's live in a wonderful cemetary sounds a bit strange when you first hear it, but fits surprisingly well and provides an enchanting atmosphere.
    • C-Clays turned "Wonderful Cemetary" into a country song, "Sweet Home".
  • Ten Desires' soundtrack has two "layers" to it: the normal versions (as above), and the Spirit World versions, played when you enter the game's Trance Mode. Playing them both together makes the themes that bit more awesome.
  • Desire Drive, the Stage 4 theme, is an upbeat tune that will make you want to dance. Or shoot down fairies and spirits while flying at high speeds through an underground tunnel.
    • It also translates to the PC-98 midi and NES quite well.
    • A surprisingly good remix changed the intense feel of the original into a somewhat relaxed feel.
    • This vocal remix keeps the intense tone but in a more lively way.
  • And speaking of Stage 4, Seiga Kaku's theme, Old Yuanxian, has a fun, fast paced rhythm, perfect for the fight against her and Yoshika.
    • Its Trance version is as sinister as Satori's theme, if not more. You can feel raw wickedness in it.
  • The Stage 5 theme Dream Palace Great Mausoleum. It's a more peaceful, soothing Stage 5 theme, but it's still a good theme.
  • Mononobe no Futo's theme, Legend of The Great Gods. Not as intense as Seiga's theme, but it's still quite boss-like.
  • The Stage 6 theme Starry Sky of Small Desires. It's all DJ like, yet fitting for when you encounter Miko.
  • Toyosatomimi no Miko's theme, Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator, starts off calm, then quickly picks up the pace and gradually turns into a song fitting of the final boss and ancient saint.
  • Mamizou Futatsuiwa's theme, Futatsuiwa from Sado, is very light, fun, and upbeat for an Extra Boss. Such a playful theme is fitting for what many believe to be a very goofy-looking Extra Boss, with very fun and... interesting spell cards.