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Tournament Kamen Rider is a fairly simple story. It's a tournament with Kamen Riders.

To be more detailed, Professor Jack Ryder sets up a tournament where people from the town of Tanduras, Michigan are drawn Rider belts to take part in a tournament where one will the ultimate prize... after beating the hell out of everyone else. Our hero is Nero Samson, who's chosen to be Den-O and has a nasty secret. Then there's Nero best friend, Phoenix Leiter, chosen to be Kiva and has a grudge agaisnt one of the other Riders. There's also Nero's other friend, Taryse Evans, chosen to be Femme and is the only female Rider... or so she thinks...

However, as the tournament goes on, groups that want to take over the world step in and the tournament soon becomes a battle for the Earth...

It can be read here.

Tropes used in Tournament Kamen Rider include:
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