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A 1994 H-game by AliceSoft, the creators of the Rance series, Toushin Toshi II (that can be translated as Tournament of the Gods 2 in English) is a game about a tournament that allows the winner to rape the woman of the loser. We're not exaggerating that last point.

Seed is your average orphan swordsman. He has never been particularly good at fighting, but is a good person and longs for the love of Hazuki, the daughter of the master of the dojo where he lives and trains, and she seems to reciprocate his feelings. However, his master wants someone who is strong to inherit his dojo, so he sent Billnas, his best swordsman, along with his daughter, to Toushin City, to fight on the Toushin Tournament, a tournament that will crown the strongest fighter in the world. And whoever wins, Hazuki's father will make him the inheritor of the dojo.

Seed is horrified by the news but, thinking of himself as weak, especially compared to Billnas, he doesn't think of competing, and he has no female companion to bring to the tournament anyway, one of the rules to allow a swordsman to enter said tournament. To his surprise, Serena, his childhood friend, offers herself to be his partner. She trusts that if Seed is given enough time, he will eventually surpass Billnas, he just needs a bit of luck.

With the hope of marrying Hazuki in his heart, Seed goes to Toushin City along with Serena to fight for her hand.

In terms of gameplay, Toushin Toshi 2 is your typical first-person view turn-based JRPG. Seed can attack with weapons, magic, and there is also a mechanic involving capturing gal monsters (female monsters of a humanoid shape) in order of making them a guest party member that fights along you. The game has also a morality mechanic called "sin" meter: when given the option of doing something amoral, if Seed does the deed, his sin points increase, and you lose the ability of gaining experience in proportion to your sin points. That meter however has more of a story importance than a gameplay one.

Directed by TADA, with assistance of Purin and YUKIMI. Published by Alice Soft.

Tropes used in Toushin Toshi II include:
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Kalar can become angels as they die.
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: From the two major Toushins Seed interacts with, Kurzeil is a Bishounen and is Forced Into Evil much like Seed; Gentobou otherwise is old and not pretty good-looking and is so evil that he often loses opportunities to advance into his job by being more interested into raping angels.
  • Beta Couple: Billnas and Serena were in love all along, and Billnas was just pushing Seed's buttons to make him fight harder for Hazuki's love and hand.
  • Big Bad: Apros. She was an angel who betrayed her own kind for Dellas, and when he was imprisoned and she banned from heavens she created the Toushin Tournament in order of making the winners her servants and force them to go down and down in Ragnard's dungeon so they eventually would free her lover.
  • Big Good: The oni king in his own way. He judges Seed for his sins and, if he finds him redeemable, he will force him and Hazuki to fight Apros and Dellias to make amends for Seed freeing Dellas in first place.
  • Cute Monster Girl: The Gal Monsters.
  • Disc One Final Boss: Billnas. Defeating him in the finals ends the tournament, but Seed is then enslaved by Apros and forced to free her lover from his prison in literal hell.
  • Fake Defector: Serena pretended to have turned into an obedient Sex Slave of Apros to catch her off-guard.
  • Fanservice Extra: Sayaka gets one H-scene but has not a lot of plot relevance aside of pointing out Ragnard's dungeon to Seed.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Milo is a play on the concept. Everybody and everyone know he is destined to be a hero, and in face he has an item that will auto-revive him if you reduce his HP to 0. However, how he will be a hero is not set on stone, and using the magic "item ban" prevents him from reviving.
  • Karmic Death: After killing his opponents in the back all way to Seed so he can win by forfeit, Xavier is killed by Seed outside the tournament and Seed defeats him by forfeit.
  • Lone Wolf Boss: Big Takeshi has nothing to do with the tournament and Seed only fights him because he kidnapped his friend Craia.
  • Loophole Abuse: Since killing/incapacitating your opponent before the fight does not disqualify you if there are no witnesses, Xavier is doing this since the beginning of the tournament.
  • The Not Love Interest: Though Seed loves Serena in a sisterly way, that makes things pretty awkward when they have sex, his romantic love is all reserved for Hazuki anyway.
  • Pro Wrestling Is Real: Seed's first opponent is a pro-wrestler that uses wrestling techniques in real combat, and there is no indication Kayfabe exists.
  • Tournament Arc: The titular tournament. It has 128 participants, though we only hear descriptions of the fights where Seed isn't involved, since the tickets for the tournament were sold out before he and Serena could buy any.
  • Transhuman Treachery: Gentobou despite being a monk, became completely corrupted by all the sex he got to have while at Apros' service as an Angel Eater and fights Seed despite knowing Apros will not make him turn back into a human.
  • Worf Had the Flu: When fighting Gaji, he will be wounded from a knife wound in a fight that Seed witnessed days earlier, making Seed feel very guilty when he defeats him.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: You're given several times the option to do pretty cruel things, and doing those things will raise your number of sin points.