Japanese animation is a very wide media which spans countless genres. From children's television to hardcore porn, from slapstick comedy to sad dramas, from Romantic Comedy to bloody action.
Now comes a 20 minute OVA which fills one of the few niches still not covered by anime: Isshoni Training/Training with Hinako is an animated fitness video. As most fitness videos it is less about actually giving exercising instructions but more about giving an excuse to ogle a sparsely clothed, bouncy, sweaty girl.
Despite its very cheap production (countless repeats of the same sequences) it was quite a hit in Japan. All copies of the DVD were sold out immediately at release day.
A sequel, Sleeping With Hinako, was released in February 2010. "Sleeping" alters the formula, and is meant to "simulate" a sleepover with Hinako. It acts as sleep ambiance and an alarm clock. The ambient footage is a repeating loop of Hinako sleeping in sexy poses from various camera angles, giving the viewer something pretty to look at and listen to when falling asleep and waking up.
A third installment, Bathtime With Hinako And Hiyoko, was released on December 24, 2010. "Bathtime" goes back to exercise, however it is intended to be watched in the bathtub, since like "Sleeping" it's part of the "illusion" of taking a bath with Hinako. The first half shows stretching exercises for the viewer to follow, similar to volume 1, however the second half switches to a narrative showing Hinako's petite friend Hiyoko visiting, which is meant to be the viewer's "reward" after the workout. This part of OVA consists largely of sensual imagery of the girls washing each others' bodies. What to use it for is left to the viewer's imagination. A bonus workout, "Drying with Hinako" is also included.
Has examples of:[]
- Animated Actors
- Animation Bump: The animation in volume 3 is noticeably smoother and less dependent on cycles than the first two (although cycles are still used a lot).
- Author Appeal
- Bathing Beauty
- Bathtub Bonding — In vol. 3, occurs not only between Hinako and Hiyoko, but also between Hinako and you, the viewer! Well, sort of. The studio markets volume 3 as being ideally viewed while taking a bath, to enhance the "illusion" of taking a bath with the characters.
- Did Not Do the Research — Hinako exercises in ways every professional fitness instructor would advise against (Sit-Ups are discouraged nowadays because they don't do much for the abdominal muscles and are bad for the spine), but who cares.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Have a look at Hinako's team members on her anime show previewed during the credits of Training with Hinako. Then have a look at Bathing with Hinako and Hiyoko. Suddenly the Captain having magical powers makes a lot more sense.
- Ecchi — While the first two volumes are almost entirely made of Fan Service anyway, Bathtime drops straight into this, and only averts outright Hentai by not showing anything.
- Don't forget about the Censor Suds.
- Fan Service — As if the rest wasn't enough, Hinako flirts directly with the viewer and says sweet nothings. Service doesn't get much more direct than that.
- Furo Scene — More like furo episode. See volume 3.
- Gainaxing — Sometimes even with sound effect
- Innocently Insensitive — Hiyoko. While exploring Hinako's curvy figure, Hiyoko refers to it as "extra fat" and suggests that Hinako lose weight. This upsets Hinako, since she's been sensitive about her weight after almost losing her part in the school play over it.
- Lolicon — Hiyoko, though technically Hinako would be underage in many jurisdictions too. Hiyoko is "not as developed yet" as she puts it, since she is younger.
- Mai Kadowaki — yes, Mai Kadowaki voiced Hinako.
- Male Gaze
- Modesty Towel — The "drying" section of Volume 3
- Ms. Fanservice — Hinako, of course.
- Naked First Impression — Hiyoko is initially distressed when it hits her that you've seen her "naked" (which is only partially true). She claims she can't get married unless either you take her, or if she blows you up with her magical powers. However, Hinako quickly calms her down and it's back to business as usual. It should be noted that Hinako wants you for herself.
- No Fourth Wall — Hinako is frequently interacting directly with the viewer.
- Panty Shot
- Pettanko — Hiyoko
- Retcon — While Training explicitly states that Hinako is Trapped in TV Land and has to lose weight to avoid losing her role as a character in an anime, in Bathing she says that it's a role in a school play she is losing weight for.
- Scenery Censor
- Shower Scene
- Skinship Grope — As stated above, Bathtime With Hinako And Hiyoko features scenes of Hinako and Hiyoko washing and fondling each other's bodies.
- Stock Footage — Countless repeats after repeats of the same animation cycles until you are paying more attention to the background than the character and become grateful for your fast-forward button.
- To be fair though, Volume 3 does lay off on the blatant abuse of repeated animation cycles considerably.
- Trapped in TV Land — Hinako used to be a real girl but got sucked into the anime world.
- Unequal Pairing — Partially inverted. Hinako addresses Hiyoko as "Captain" and even salutes her. However, since Hinako is older (and by extension, considerably more physically developed), this dynamic shifts when they're naked and covered in soap.
- Widget Series — depends on the person.