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 Starscream: Don't you dare!

Prime: Starscream?! What are you doing?

Starscream: Fulfilling my role as a Seeker. I'm protecting the leader of the Decepticon empire. Neither you nor any of your filthy Autobot heroes is going to touch him.

Prime: This isn't like you... this is your chance. Leave him and the leadership is yours.

Starscream: Leadership of the Decepticons must be taken, Prime. Not magically offered up by chance. Something your kind will never understand.

  • The Nick Roche-penned half of issue 15. The best story of the entire series, by far.
  • And on the fandom end, this satirical review of the series definitely qualifies.
  • Astrotrain's reveal in the subway. It made him my favorite transformer.

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