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  • Optimus Prime's Big Damn Heroes moment in the animated movie, beginning with "Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost," and climaxing with "One shall stand, one shall fall." So good that both were voted to be inserted into the live-action version, and the song playing during the scene ("You got the Touch...") has become legend.

  Optimus Prime: ...NEVER!

  • From the same movie, Megatron, after having been betrayed by Starscream and rebuilt as Galvatron, returns to the Decepticons...

 Starscream: Megatron, is that you?

Galvatron: Here's a hint!

    • Slag in one shot — DEFINITELY one of Galvatron's better moments
      • And the one liner afterward.

  Galvatron: Will anyone else attempt to fill his shoes?

  • You're forgetting the exchange Starscream and a dying Megatron had before this.

 Megatron: Wait! I still function!

Starscream: Wanna bet?

  • If you're going to talk about the animated movie, let's bring in Megatron and Soundwave. After the battle with Optimus Prime, Megatron is near death and what does Starscream do? He kicks him when he's down and turns to leave without him. Megatron can only grab Soundwave's leg and say "Don't leave me." Soundwave responds, "As you command." and promptly carries him. This scene, in this troper's mind, clearly tops Optimus Prime's death scene and forever solidifies Soundwave as a very popular character.
    • It's also a character-defining moment for Starscream — namely, his biggest Kick the Dog moment of the entire series so far.
      • Keep in mind, Starscream kicks Megatron with all his might.. with the same foot he had earlier blasted apart to escape being crushed.
  • While talking about the animated movie — Three Words: Arise, Rodimus Prime.
    • Hot Rod's response to the Quintesson judge is cheesily badass (which fits the movie very well):

 Quintesson: Silence, or you'll be held in contempt of this court!

Hot Rod: I have nothing but contempt for this court!


 Quintesson: Sharkticons! Execute them!

Grimlock: Me Grimlock say execute THEM!

  • Unicron's minute-long transformation. While Unicron's nature is well-known to us now, it certainly wasn't in 1986, and seeing him transform from a planet into a planet-sized robot on the big screen is an experience you won't forget.
    • He also shuts Megatron up before he can object to his summoning, showing how in control he is.


Unicron: Then it pleases me to be the first.

  • Springer's early one liner certainly ranks up there with anything from the movie. To quote "I got better things to do tonight than die!" as he starting hailing rockets on the Decepticons.
  • Grimlock leading the Dinobots to attack Unicron from behind, and giving the planet eater a literal ass-kicking. Also managing to do more damage than anyone other than Hot Rod/Rodimus to Unicron in the process!
    • His comment as he starts to do so is awesome in itself.

 Grimlock: (as he transforms) Me Grimlock kick butt!

  • THE ENTIRE. FRIGGIN. SOUNDTRACK. Particularly Unicron's Theme; you hear that theme and you know something bad's about to happen.