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The show in general[]
- Acceptable Targets: This show. TFWiki generally tries to be balanced but it even won't deny that Energon was a mess.
- Awesome Music: "Injured Heart", the track that plays during Inferno's death.
- Creator's Pet: As usual, the humans aren't all that popular, but appear pretty frequently. Kicker has earned a special hatred for being an all-around Jerkass.
Ironhide: "Kicker... you are awesome!" |
- Dork Age: Hoo boy...
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Misha Miramond is one of the few characters from this show who's genuinely well-liked... for obvious reasons.
- Demolishor retained this status from Transformers Armada prior to him being reprogrammed by Galvatron, thanks to his conflicting loyalties between both sides that he gained from living in an era without the war. Losing that is considered to be one of the worst mistakes the show made.
- Fanon Discontinuity: It's very common to find a fan who loved Armada and Cybertron but didn't watch Energon. Helps that the Energon Sun collapsing into the black hole that drove Cybertron's plot means that this series ultimately didn't amount to anything.
- Hilarious in Hindsight:
- Rodimus leads a crew off Cybertron to find some remnant of the Golden Age. For bonus points, the flashback sequence reuses the G1 character models of Sureshot, Ratchet, Red Alert, Cosmos and Gears, all of whom were part of the Lost Light crew in MTMTE. It also features Bumblebee and Ironhide following Rodimus, two 'bots who were among the most vocally opposed to Rodimus leaving Cybertron.
- Blackout turns into a military helicopter.
- Ho Yay: Snowcat and Demolishor, and Galvatron and Starscream - even more than usual.
"What is my name, Starscream?!" |
- Did we mention that line was said while Galvatron was slowly thrusting his long, hard sword through Starscream's robot soul?
- Also, they tried to cut out Mirage's crush on Galvatron in the dub, but couldn't completely.
Mirage: "But I've been so loyal! How could Galvatron not know how I feel about him?!" |
- It's the Same, Now It Sucks: The plot (Decepticons trying to rebuild Unicron, Autobots opposing this) is essentially wrapped up in episode 19. It was then repeated for the remainder of the show.
- Jerk Sue: Kicker Jones.
- Jerkass Woobie: Some of the Decepticons become this at the hands of Galvatron, especially Demolishor, Scorponok and Sixshot.
- Memetic Loser: Optimus Prime became a butt monkey for fat jokes, given his outer build.
- Never Live It Down: Humans are never the most popular characters in Transformers, especially after Beast Wars showed that they weren't necessary for a good show, but after Armada, the general fandom reaction was "They're okay, if they serve a purpose in the story." After Kicker, the fandom began decrying any human presence and the human race properly turned into The Scrappy. Even after some very warmly received human characters (like Sari, Jack, and Charlie Watson), the memory of Kicker still turns most fans against human characters.
- Rescued From the Scrappy Heap: Hot Shot and Rad get a lot better in comparison to their Armada counterparts.
- Sequelitis: Considered not only a step down from Armada, and not only the weakest entry in the Unicron Trilogy, but is often viewed as the worst Transformers show ever made. A title that didn't get any major competition until RiD 2015 and the Prime Wars trilogy. Energon was so bad that to some, Beast Machines was Vindicated by History.
- Snark Bait: The Transformers who turn into cars don't transform when they need to run on the ground but do when they're in space.
- Special Effects Failure: The outlines on the CG models were never rescaled in any shot. But then again, the CG sucks balls to begin with, so that's the least of our problems.
- The Scrappy: Kicker, Kicker, KICKER.
- Demolishor V2 for being In Name Only to the original Demolishor, fairly annoying and useless in his own right, and the culmination of one of the biggest wasted plots in the series.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: One of the main critiques of the series is that it had potentially very interesting character arcs (Kicker's hatred of the Transformers, Demolishor's uncertainty about the Decepticons, Rodimus butting heads with Optimus) that were quickly swept under the rug and amounted to nothing.
- Took the Bad Film Seriously: For all this show's flaws, Gary Chalk and David Kaye's voice acting can't be counted among them.
The toys[]
Toys released during its airing[]
Post-Energon toys[]
- Epileptic Trees: While the mold already has a possibility to be redecoed/retooled into Generation 1 Ratchet, at least a few believe that the Studio Series 86 Voyager Class Ironhide will also likely be made into a new iteration of Tow-Line himself, likely as a future post-Generations product.
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