These things about Transformers vs. Visionaries are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.
- Broken Base: This series followed the controversial ending of First Strike and came out just as the beloved Transformers: Till All Are One was cancelled. Many saw it as just a way to plug another relatively obscure franchise by shoving Cybertronians in it. Nonetheless, the Visionaries fandom seemed to enjoy it.
- Fanon Discontinuity: Perhaps the most ignored piece of media in the Hasbro Comic Universe. Not only did many Transformers ignore it, as they did the rest of the HCU, but even some fans of the HCU ignored it for how spiteful the Prysmosians were and the death of Kup.
- It's Short, So It Sucks: A popular view on the series. It had lots of interesting ideas, contrasting themes, and reimaginings of old lore and all of it had to be crammed into a five issue miniseries that was being rushed through before Transformers: Unicron. For example, the ending of issue 2 has Wheeljack fear for a Cybertronian extinction but even before the halfway point of issue 3, he pulls some Sufficiently Analyzed Magic and goes right to building an Anti-Magic bomb.
- Just Here for Godzilla: While obviously some Transformers fans only showed up for the Autobots, and to see how Transformers: Unicron would be affected, some Visionaries fans came out of the woodwork to see the Spectral Knights and Darkling Lords once again.
- Never Live It Down: Some Transformers fans will vilify the entirety of the Visionaries franchise for killing Kup. Helps that the author hated that Executive Meddling forced her to kill off the Autobot.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Many fans of Visionaries made this complaint known in very little time, not liking how the new adaptation bordered on "In Name Only".
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Darkstorm, the Big Bad of the original show, died before the series even started.
- Unexpected Character: Quickswitch, a relatively obscure Autobot, shows up in issue 4, and is dead before it's over.
- Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Much of the Prysmosian race fell victim to this. They invaded Cybertron, were prepared to enact Hostile Terraforming, and acted outraged at the Cybertronians defending themselves and their planet. Doesn't help that they killed Kup, the one Cybertronian who had any compassion for them.
- It appears that Arzon came off as more wangsty to most readers instead of conflicted about his loyalties.
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