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  • Dude, Not Funny: Any joke from them, and deliberately.
  • He Panned It, Now He Sucks: When Isaac Hayes left South Park after the Scientology episode, Trey Parker and Matt Stone were quick to point out that they had poked fun at several other religions and he never seemed to have a problem with it before.
    • Due to his stroke (which he had right before he quit the show), his willingness to poke fun of others before (he had even stated at much), and Scientology's internal policy of dealing with criticism or jokes directed toward it, some believe that it wasn't entirely Hayes's decision to quit the show. The episode in which his character Chef was Killed Off for Real also features Kyle pointing out at his funeral that they should not hate him for what he did, but rather, they should hate the "fruity little club" that made him that way.
  • Memetic Mutation: "Derp" has become a very popular word in rage comics, where it is usually used as a substitute for names.
  • True Art Is Offensive: They are "Equal opportunity offenders" after all.