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Even though this is primarily a horror series, there are still a few parts that may make you laugh, intentionally or otherwise.

  • The Narm that ensued when Noah began stabbing the bushes in Night Recording.
  • In Northern Trip, where Noah talks with the Everyman HYBRID crew, they come to the conclusion that Ted Turner must be the one behind everything.
  • Noah's phrase at the end of Device Findings.

 Noah: Maxwell out.

  • Also, practically anything on Noah's Formspring. His description of "You troll me, I troll you harder" is a basic indication of this.
  • His Cluster F Bombs are also quite amusing at times.
    • Shown to be inherited in Secret Parent Interview. Who talks to their kids like that?
  • In Halloween Hotel, he finds out he got a Double room, rather than a single. His reaction? "Thanks for reminding me I'm Forever Alone."
  • A few questions on Noah's formspring while it was hijacked by the Observer, such as:

 holdingtruth: WHY DO YOU NOT ANSWER ME??

OBSERVER: haveyoueverthoughtthatitisbecauseyouaskterriblequestions?

    • Normally, the Observer doesn't use spaces in his answers, but look what happens when an asker does that too:

 Asker: Ifyoursessionendshereandyouclaimthatyouusetohaveavesselandalsoyouexistedbeforewebeganandaslongasaspecifichistoricalevent




i am mocking you now

Asker: Whydoyoualwaystypelikethisandnot like this?

OBSERVER: donotmockme

  • Noah's most recent (as of 04/01/12) tweet. Just try to imagine this actually happening.
  • Noah's reaction to seeing Slender Man across the hall from him in Mary Asher Phone Call.

  Hey buddy, how you doin'? Here for my birthday, huh? Well I've got a gift for you, right here!
